News on The Potato Supply Chain

Dicamba drift a new danger for potato growers
May 07, 2017

Dicamba drift a new danger for potato growers

Soybean producers are gearing up to plant soybeans that are tolerant to both glyphosate and dicamba herbicides. Potato growers should be aware that both glyphosate and dicamba drift can cause irreparable damage in neighbouring potato crops
Idaho Universities receive Grant to investigate Humigator in Potato Storage
May 07, 2017

Idaho Universities receive Grant to investigate Humigator in Potato Storage

A partnership between Idaho State University and Boise State University has been awarded an Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) grant to research the application of the Humigator in potato storage.
C. Meijer's Jazzy baby potatoes see strong growth
May 06, 2017

C. Meijer's Jazzy baby potatoes see strong growth

The Jazzy baby potato from C. Meijer does not need to be peeled. This variety, introduced seven years ago by the Dutch breeder, just needs to be washed. Jazzy baby potatoes can also be served after only ten minutes of cooking.
McCain Foods USA plans USD 200 million expansion of Burley Idaho French Fry plant
May 04, 2017

McCain Foods USA plans USD 200 million expansion of Burley Idaho French Fry plant

McCain Foods USA has announced it will invest more than USD 200 million into expanding its Burley, Idaho potato processing plant, creating 180 jobs and increasing potato production throughout the state.
Japan's potato chip shortage reaching crisis point
May 04, 2017

Japan's potato chip shortage reaching crisis point

Japan's potato chip shortage is rapidly developing into a crisis, with consumers rushing to stock up on what little is left in supermarkets and manufacturers struggling to find fresh supplies.
España: Galicia empieza a recoger la papa en las zonas infestadas por la polilla guatemalteca
May 03, 2017

España: Galicia empieza a recoger la papa en las zonas infestadas por la polilla guatemalteca

La conselleira de Medio Rural, Ángeles Vázquez, ha comunicado que en los primeros cuatro ayuntamientos en los que se ha empezado a retirar la patata por la plaga de la polilla guatemalteca se han recogido "cerca de 17.000 kilos de patata", y ha pedido la "solidaridad" de los afectados para "facilitar" la recogida.
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Opportunities for potato farming in Nigeria
May 03, 2017

Opportunities for potato farming in Nigeria

Potato farming in Nigeria has the potential to generate billions of Naira (millions of USD) annually. Nigeria produces about 1.5 million tons of potato per year and has a per capita consumption of about 7kg per year. However, many farmers struggle to sell to formal commercial buyers, mainly due to poor product quality and lack of organization.
East Point Potatoes Expands Potato Packing Operations
May 03, 2017

East Point Potatoes Expands Potato Packing Operations

East Point Potato 2009 Inc. is scaling up its operations in rural Prince Edward Island, Canada with the help of a CAD 500,000 federal loan.
New Chief Minister UP promises Potato Processing unit will come to Agra soon
May 03, 2017

New Chief Minister UP promises Potato Processing unit will come to Agra soon

According to reporting in the India Times, the state government of Uttar Pradesh (India) will soon begin the works of setting up a potato processing unit in the Agra district.
Potatoes in the Mediterranean at low risk for infection by Zebra Chip disease.
May 03, 2017

Potatoes in the Mediterranean at low risk for infection by Zebra Chip disease

Despite the fact that the bacteria responsible for zebra chip disease occur in the Mediterranean and cause damage in leek and onions, the risk for transfer to potatoes is low, because of the feeding preferences of the transmitting psyllids in this area.
La papa americana ya viene llegando a Cuba (¿al mercado negro?)
May 02, 2017

La papa americana ya viene llegando a Cuba (¿al mercado negro?)

Una delegación de cultivadores estadounidenses que visitó la isla dice que Cuba quiere probar semillas americanas de papa para revertir la declinación de su producción ¿Llegarán al campo?
West Australian potato farmers prepare to leave industry because of psyllid outbreak
May 02, 2017

West Australian potato farmers prepare to leave industry because of psyllid outbreak

Alan Parker looked out onto the farm business he had spent his entire life establishing. The West Australian seed potato grower will know in the next six weeks whether his lifelong career will continue.
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The potential of hybrid potato cultivars in East Africa
May 02, 2017

The potential of hybrid potato cultivars in East Africa

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform - a knowledge platforms focused on food security initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs - supported a fact-finding mission in East Africa to explore the potential of the usage of hybrid true potato seeds (TPS) for this region
Dutch agronomists help farmers in Myanmar boost their potato yield
April 28, 2017

Dutch agronomists help farmers in Myanmar boost their potato yield

Agricultural specialists from the Netherlands are helping potato farmers in Shan State, Myanmar. But not everyone is on board.
Colombia: Equipo que aplica plaguicidas a cultivos de papa recibe patente
April 27, 2017

Colombia: Equipo que aplica plaguicidas a cultivos de papa recibe patente

La invención, desarrollada por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (U.N.), aplica plaguicidas convencionales y biológicos por debajo del suelo para controlar el gusano blanco y la polilla guatemalteca, dos de las plagas más comunes en estos cultivos.
West Australia moves from Potato Psyllid Eradication to Control
April 27, 2017

West Australia moves from Potato Psyllid Eradication to Control

Potato Psyllids, a destructive plant pest found for the first time in Australia in February cannot be eradicated, so the industry will seek to manage it, rather than destroy it, according to The Department of Food and Agriculture of West Australia.
Los productores chilenos ahora pueden comprar y vender papa por internet
April 26, 2017

Los productores chilenos ahora pueden comprar y vender papa por internet es un sitio abierto y gratuito, que busca apoyar y aumentar la competitividad del sector papa, y que lleva a productores sin distinciones, a formar parte de una comunidad seria y en contacto potencial no sólo con la cadena comercial nacional, sino también internacional.
Ten million investment announced for potato processing plant in Kenya
April 26, 2017

Ten million investment announced for potato processing plant in Kenya

Switzerland-based New Ventures, through its food and beverage subsidiary Kingdom Foods has announced plans to set up a potato processing factory in Kenya, to be located in Elgeyo-Marakwet.


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