News on The Potato Supply Chain from Norway

The healthiest crisps on the planet
June 26, 2023

Norwegian research for the best potato for potato chips

Researchers in Norway investigated the best way to avoid the formation of acrylamide when producing potato chips. They focused in particular on identifying the most suitable potatoes to use.
Firma de convenio con Yara para el uso de fertilizantes verdes
January 30, 2023

Firma de convenio con Yara para el uso de fertilizantes verdes

El Parque Papas firmó con la empresa Noruega Yara, líder mundial en producción de fertilizantes minerales, un acuerdo comercial para el suministro de fertilizantes verdes.
Yara calls for urgent action to reduce Europe’s food dependency on Russia
October 10, 2022

Yara calls for urgent action to reduce Europe’s food dependency on Russia

Yara calls on the European Union and national governments to act urgently and decisively to ensure Europe reduces, and not strengthens, its dependency on Russia for food and fertilizers.
Yara and Kyushu Electric Power explore Clean Ammonia collaboration in Japan
September 27, 2021

Yara and Kyushu Electric Power explore Clean Ammonia collaboration in Japan

Yara International ASA, a leading global ammonia player and Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc (Kyushu), a Japan-based power generation company, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding
Yara acquires Finnish Ecolan to expand its organic fertilizer business
September 01, 2021

Yara acquires Finnish Ecolan to expand its organic fertilizer business

Yara Suomi Oy announced today the acquisition of Ecolan Oy, a Finnish producer of recycled fertilizers. This is Yara’s first acquisition in the organic fertilizer segment.
The company Hegra is launched at Herøya, Porsgrunn, with former Statnett CEO, Auke Lont as Chairman.
August 17, 2021

Chemical fertilizer with a zero carbon footprint one step closer with the launch of HEGRA

The company HEGRA is launched at Herøya, Porsgrunn, with former Statnett CEO, Auke Lont as Chairman.The company aims to electrify and decarbonize the ammonia plant at Herøya.
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Norway expects larger potato harvest this year
September 25, 2020

Norway expects larger potato harvest this year

Test digs in week 35 is cause for optimism among Norwegian potato farmers. Forecasts estimate the national potato harvest to be 15% higher than last year. And 11% higher than the 2002-2019 average.
Europatat Congress 2019 A unique and successful event for the sector!
June 14, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 A unique and successful event for the sector!

On 13 June, the European potato community has gathered in Oslo, Norway, for the Europatat Congress 2019. Under the slogan “The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food”.
Congress 2019 The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food. (Courtesy: Europatat)
May 13, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 - Main speakers confirmed!

The Europatat 2019 Congress, co-organised by the Norwegian Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (NFGF) and Europatat, will take place in Oslo (Norway) from 12 to 14 June 2019. Under the slogan 'The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food'
Registrations now open for Europatat Congress in Oslo
January 31, 2019

Registrations now open for Europatat Congress in Oslo

The Norwegian Association of Fruit and Vegetable Wholesalers (NFGF) and Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, are pleased to announce the opening of registrations for the upcoming annual Europatat Congress that will take place in Oslo, Norway.
El “arca de Noé” supera el millón de semillas
February 26, 2018

El “arca de Noé” supera el millón de semillas

El almacén que guarda las semillas más preciadas del mundo cumple diez años y bate un nuevo récord. Esta bóveda subterránea está situada en las Islas Svalbard, en pleno círculo polar ártico.
Doomsday? Svalbard Seed Vault flooded, threatened by Climate Change
May 19, 2017

Doomsday? Svalbard Seed Vault flooded, threatened by Climate Change

Recent flooding of the global seed vault in Svalbard caused a stir, since it was designed to last forever. Luckily all seeds (including several thousand potato seeds) are OK, but already adaptations to the vault may be needed to deal with climate change.
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The potato disease that changed the world
June 10, 2016

The potato disease that changed the world

Potato blight changed Europe and America, and led to widespread deaths and mass emigration. And we’re not rid of it yet. But where did it come from?
Potato Seeds deposited in the Svalbard Arctic seed vault in a ceremony last week
August 30, 2015

Potato Seeds deposited in Svalbard Arctic Seed Vault in an International Ceremony

Last thursday, the head of the United Nations agriculture agency, together with scientists and delegations from Peru, Costa Rica and Norway witnessed a ceremony during which potato seeds were deposited in the Svalbart Arctic seed vault.
Impression of the Jaeren Region - Norway's Food Basket
June 18, 2015

Potato trouble in Norway

In Norway, farmers in the Jæren region, south of Stavanger, fear that their potato harvest is in danger, following unusually heavy rainfall this spring.
Norway: excess table potatoes processed into starch
March 09, 2015

Norway: excess table potatoes processed into starch

The Potato harvest in Norway in 2014 was large. The large surplus of potatoes for consumption now will be partly processed into starch.
 Zeracryl principle
December 16, 2012

Acrylamide in French fries reduced up to 90% with Zeracryl® lactic acid bacteria

The Norwegian company Zeracryl AS has developed a patented process to reduce acrylamide levels in French fries between 50 – 90 per cent depending on selected solution.
September 19, 2012

Potato Yields in Norway lower

In Norway potato yields for 2012 are expected to be lower. The predictions are based on the potato yields from 90 different fields in the 7 most important potato districts in Norway and include a range of varieties. The potato yield predictions for 20...


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