
España: proyecto para detección temprana de plagas
July 18, 2024

España: proyecto para detección temprana de plagas

En Castilla y León se pone en marcha un plan piloto para la detección temprana de enfermedades que puedan afectar cultivos.
The OptiClean project enhances the washing and polishing of root vegetables to reduce food waste by extending their shelf life, supported by Denmark's Green Development and Demonstration Programme.
June 24, 2024

OptiClean Research Initiative: Fighting Food Waste by optimizing the washing and cleaning of fresh root vegetables

The OptiClean initiative, supported by a DKK 5.5 million (USD 790,000) grant from Denmark's Green Development and Demonstration Programme (GUDP), aims to tackle the problem of half-rotten carrots in consumers’ vegetable drawers.
John Sedgwick, new Board Chair of the UK Potato Processors’ Association (PPA).
May 23, 2024

Leadership change at the UK Potato Processors Association: John Sedgwick takes helm as Chair

John Sedgwick, the UK Potato Supply Manager at Lamb Weston, has been officially named the new Board Chair of the UK Potato Processors’ Association (PPA).
Potato Crop Spraying
May 20, 2024

Scorched by foliar fertilization in the past… reasons to try again

The concept of foliar applied preparations is based on science, but when they were initially introduced in the late 1990’s many of the initial products had drawbacks, such as leaf scorch, low active volumes per application, poor uptake and even phytotoxicity.
Jeremy Barraclough, operations director of Biofresh Safestore
May 06, 2024

Biofresh Safestore to exhibit at SPot Store potato storage event

The UK's leading potato sprout control technology provider has confirmed it is exhibiting at SPot Store on 14th May.
Europatat warmly welcomes PAYR, the Finnish Potato Sector Association, as National Association, elevating to 21 the number of countries covered by its membership.
April 22, 2024

PAYR, the Finnish Potato Sector Association, joins Europatat!

Founded in 2015, PAYR brought together the previous smaller potato associations to form a co-operative group able to speak for the whole potato value chain in Finland. PAYR also promotes the potato sales and supports potato research.
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Europatat and other Stakeholders raise concerns over proposed plant reproductive material amendments
April 17, 2024

Europatat and other Stakeholders raise concerns over proposed plant reproductive material amendments

Europatat is raising concerns about the draft report on Plant Reproductive Material (PRM) which is set for a vote in the European Parliament’s Plenary during the week of 22 April.
VAVI is affiliated with the Potato Demonstration Day organization
April 15, 2024

VAVI is joining as one of the organizers of the Potato Demonstration Day

As of 2024, the Association for the Potato Processing Industry (VAVI) is joining the organization of Potato Demonstration Day (Aardappeldemodag).
FAO: el valor de la papa en el mundo
March 18, 2024

FAO: el valor de la papa en el mundo

La FAO ha destacado la importancia de la papa para la seguridad alimentaria mundial. A continuación una guia con algunas publicaciones de interés.
España: subvención para la investigación y promoción del cultivo de patatas
March 18, 2024

España: subvención para la investigación y promoción del cultivo de patatas

En España se aprobó una subvención de 80.000 euros para la investigación y la promoción del cultivo de patatas. Una apuesta gubernamental a uno de los cultivos que más ha visto crecer sus exportaciones en los últimos tiempos.
España: nueva logica de fertilización
February 14, 2024

España: nueva logica de fertilización

El pacto verde complejiza el cultivo de patatas en Europa debido a las restricciones en el uso de fertilizantes. España debe adaptarse para sobrevivir.
New frying line to make Belgian fries even tastier
February 06, 2024

New pilot frying line to make Belgian fries even tastier

Nothing as Belgian as a tasty packet of fries. But sustainably producing fries requires a lot of knowledge, development and collaboration with companies and researchers.
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Plant-parasitic nematodes on the rise: WUR launches major research project

Climate change and genetic selection have brought root-knot nematodes further north in Europe and made cyst nematodes more difficult to control.
Reduced nitrogen fertilization: Potato varieties react differently
January 08, 2024

Potato varieties react differently to reduced nitrogen fertilization: thesis

The German Potato Industry Association (DKHV) honored Christin Meyer's thesis on nitrogen fertilization of (starch) potatoes, research carried out at the University of Göttingen.
UNIKA/DKHV technical committees visit AgriSens DEMMIN 4.0 at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Courtesy: UNIKA/DKHV)
January 08, 2024

Practice meets science - UNIKA/DKHV technology committees visit the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

The Technology Commission of the UNIKA and the Technology Committee of the German Potato Trade Association served as discussion partners and sources of inspiration. V. (DKHV) was invited to the geoecology working group at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) in December.
Brotes de la patata granadina 'copo de nieve' (Cortesía: UGR)
December 26, 2023

España: rescatan variedad al borde de la desaparición

La universidad de Granada, España, rescata a una variedad llamada Copo de Nieve de su desaparición por haber sido abandonado su cultivo.
December 21, 2023

Europatat calls for information about ongoing projects to control the spread of wireworms

Europatat, the European Potato Association, is calling upon researchers and industry professionals to share information about ongoing research, and any other related activities which will help to control the spread of wireworms in potatoes.
Peter VanderZaag, President and CEO of World Potato Congress (WPC).
November 26, 2023

World Potato Congress Webinar: Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security

World Potato Congress Inc. is pleased to present the Webinar: "Declaration of Dublin and the World Potato Congress, Fostering Potato Partnerships for Food Security"


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