The Elinor potato variety is a medium-early maturing variety, ideal for the European and North African consumption markets, particularly for home frying and fresh market use. It offers high yield and large, uniform tubers that are attractive for both retail and home cooking.
Variety Characteristics
- Category: Fresh Market
- Usage: Consumption and home frying
- Maturity: Medium early
- Yield: High
- Foliage: Nice and covering
- Tuber size: Large
- Tuber shape: Long-oval
- Number of tubers: 10-15
- Skin colour: Yellow, smooth
- Flesh colour: Light yellow
- Cooking type: AB
- Dry matter content: Medium
- Dormancy period: Medium
- Nematodes: Susceptible
- Wart disease: Susceptible
- Foliage blight: Medium resistance
- Tuber blight: Medium resistance
- Common scab: High resistance
- Virus Y: High resistance