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Danespo A/S


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Company Description

DANESPO A/S is the leading company in the field of breeding and producing quality seed and ware potatoes in Northern Europe.

Danespo exports to more than 40 countries worldwide and specialises in sales to professional potato growers. 80% of the seed potatoes are exported to North Africa, the Middle East and the European countries whereas the ware potatoes are sold to the home market and the other Scandiavian countries under the brand of Danespo food.

Danespo has subsidiaries in Germany, Holland and France.

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News for this Company

Danespo Holland: 'No one is really 100 percent happy with the potato variety that they grow or process.'
October 28, 2019

Danespo Holland: 'No one is really 100 percent happy with the potato variety that they grow or process.'

Peter van Eerdt, Danespo Holland, Berltsum: 'No one is really 100 percent happy with the potato variety that they grow or process.'
Potato breeder Danespo inaugurates its new Potato Center in Denmark
January 29, 2019

Potato breeder Danespo inaugurates its new Potato Center in Denmark

On Tuesday 22 January 2019, exactly a year after the construction of the new potato center officially started, Danish potato breeder Danespo inaugurated its new head office and breeding station
Late blight resistant potato variety Sarpo Mira gaining popularity in Bangladesh
February 15, 2017

Late blight resistant potato variety Sarpo Mira gaining popularity in Bangladesh

The potato variety Sarpo Mira, highly resistant to late blight, is getting popular among farmers in the main potato-growing areas of Bangladesh, according to both farmers and officials.
Germicopa parent Florimond Desprez acquires 49% stake in Danespo
February 04, 2016

Germicopa parent Florimond Desprez acquires 49% stake in Danespo

The owner of Germicopa, Florimond Desprez has acquired 49% of the shares in Danespo from DLG, thus entering into an equal partnership with DLF who owns another 49% of the shares. The remaining 2% are owned by growers and employees.

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