Vitesse is an early-maturing potato variety with oval-shaped tubers, light yellow flesh, and a very attractive, smooth yellow skin. It has good resistance to viruses and common scab and is suitable for direct field sales.
Plant Characteristics
- Maturity: Very early
- Plant Growth: Medium height
- Flower Color: White Foliage
- Development: Rapid Soil
- Coverage: Good
- Inflorescences: Very few
Tuber Characteristics
- Shape: Oval
- Tuber Size: Large
- Skin Color: Yellow
- Eye Depth: Very shallow
- Flesh Color: Light yellow
- Black scurf: Very high resistance
- Nematodes: Resistant to A (Ro 1)
- Late blight (foliage): Low to moderate
- Late blight (tubers): Low to medium
- Common scab: Low to medium
- PVY: Very high resistance
- PLRV: Low to medium resistance
- PVA: Very high resistance
- PVX: Low to medium resistance
- Drought Tolerance: Low to medium
Yield and Quality
- Yield: Very high
- Texture: Firm
- Raw flesh discoloration: Very low
- Dry matter content: Medium