Trends in landbouw en voedsel

 Imagen: cortesía de Plant & Food Research
november 12, 2013

El mapa genético de la papa ya es una realidad

Un grupo internacional de investigadores de 14 países, que incluye a especialistas del INTA, integraron la secuencia del genoma con un mapa genético. Permitirá identificar los genes del rendimiento y de la calidad.
 Food Technology Noord-Oost Nederland (FTNON)
november 11, 2013

FTNON announces change in ownership

As of the 8th of November 2013, Leo te Brake, director/owner sold his shares in FTNON to Active Capital Company B.V. (ACC).
november 11, 2013

PepsiCo says to invest $5.5 bln in India by 2020

PepsiCo Inc, the maker of Pepsi-Cola, Frito-Lay snacks and Tropicana juice, plans to invest $5.5 billion in India by 2020 to expand its presence in the country, it said on Monday.
Gobierno colombiano lanza una campaña para estimular el consumo de papa
november 11, 2013

Gobierno colombiano lanza una campaña para estimular el consumo de papa

De esta forma se espera ayudar a los campesinos cultivadores del tubérculo, agobiados por el bajo precio del producto.
 Caratula de documento sobre PYVV
november 08, 2013

Desarrollan en Colombia una herramienta sencilla para el diagnóstico del virus de amarillamiento de nervaduras de papa (PYVV)

La Universidad Nacional de Colombia ha desarrollado una metodología sencilla y eficiente denominada inmunoimpresión (IMI), a través de la cual la detección viral se realiza con un anticuerpo específico de reconocimiento.
november 06, 2013

Gallup: US obesity rate climbing in 2013 for almost all demographic groups

The adult obesity rate in the United States so far in 2013 is 27.2%, up from 26.2% in 2012, and is on pace to surpass all annual average obesity rates since Gallup-Healthways began tracking in 2008.
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november 06, 2013

FDA takes step to further reduce trans fats in processed foods

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced its preliminary determination that partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), the primary dietary source of artificial trans fat in processed foods, are not “generally recognized as safe” for use in food.
 La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA
november 06, 2013

La FDA toma medidas para reducir aun más las grasas trans en los alimentos procesados

La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los EUA anunció su determinación preliminar de que la fuente principal de grasas trans artificiales en los alimentos procesados, ya no sea “generalmente considerada segura” para su uso en los alimentos.
november 05, 2013

New show dates for PROCESS EXPO and Dairy Show 2015 announced

The Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA) and the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) will continue the co-location of the PROCESS EXPO and the International Dairy Show. Next exhibition will take place Sept 15-18, 2015 in Chicago.
 Sonic natural cut french fries
november 05, 2013

SONIC Gives Fries a Makeover - Introduces New, Natural-Cut Fries

SONIC® Drive-In announced the launch of its new Natural-Cut Fries. Made from whole russet potatoes, the new natural-cut, ‘skin-on' fry offers guests a higher quality fry with a crispy crunch to delight the senses.
 Tolsma grisnich group kisima farm project
november 04, 2013

Tolsma-Grisnich Group constructs modern seed potato storage in Kenya

The recently published LEI/WUR report ‘The value chain for seed and ware potatoes in Kenya’ emphasises the importance of conditioned storage for the continuous availability of certified seed potatoes.
november 03, 2013

TOMRA highlighting breadth of food sorting capabilities at Process Expo 2013

TOMRA Sorting Solutions is highlighting the breadth of its market-leading sensor-based food systems at this year’s Process Expo, taking place until November 6 at McCormick Place in Chicago.
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 Sara Corey
november 03, 2013

Maine Potato Board names Sara Corey 2013 Young Farmer of the Year

The Maine Potato Board has announced that Sara Corey of Monticello has been selected as the 2013 Young Farmer of the Year. Sara, 23, is the first woman to be chosen for this recognition and is also the youngest recipient of the honor.
Togo burger packaging design
november 03, 2013

Interesting new fast food packaging design

One frosty night last February, designer Seul Bi Kim was walking home from McDonald’s with one hand frozen from holding her oversized soda and the and the other clutching a burger and fries that were getting soggier by the second.
november 03, 2013

Study finds restaurant industry takes one step forward, one step back in menu nutrition

Although a number of chain restaurants have announced healthy menu changes over the years, the overall calorie and sodium levels in main entrees offered by top U.S. chain restaurants assessed from 2010 to 2011 have remained the same, shows a study.
Idaho Potato Commission Appoints Three New Commissioners
november 02, 2013

Idaho Potato Commission Appoints Three New Commissioners

The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) announced the appointment of three new Commissioners who will each serve a three-year term: Peggy Grover, from BenchMark Potato in Rexburg, Ritchey Toevs, a grower residing in Aberdeen and Tommy Brown from Lamb Weston.
 Lays Wavy original potato chips dipped in Milk Chocolate
oktober 31, 2013

Lay's CHOCOLATE-COVERED potato chip to be announced tomorrow

The world's largest snack maker is widening its own market by mixing sweet with salty in its snacks -- and is rolling out chocolate-covered Lay's Wavy chips for the holidays.
 McCain Foods South Africa Foodservice website
oktober 30, 2013

McCain Foods South Africa launches new website to serve the Food Service industry

In response to the need in the South African foodservice industry for a source of online business information that is convenient, credible, reliable and on-trend, McCain Foods (SA) Foodservice Division has launched a brand new website.


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