Trends in landbouw en voedsel

John Keeling, National Potato Council executive vice president and CEO
februari 05, 2014

National Potato Council responds to passing of the 2014 Farm Bill

John Keeling, National Potato Council executive vice president and CEO responds to the passing of the 2014 Farm Bill in US Congress
Urschel DiversaCut Sprint
februari 05, 2014

Urschel is making the cut at Fruit Logistica 2014

Cutting Technology specialist Urschel Laboratories will present its DiversaCut Sprint® Dicer, the TranSlicer® 2510 Cutter, the Model CC Slicer, and the Comitrol® Model 1700 at the the Fruit Logistica Messe Berlin event between the 5th and 7th February.
Graph representing Per Capita food losses and waste at consumption and pre-consumption stages
februari 05, 2014

DuPont highlights Food Chain Collaboration at Fruit Logistica

At the 2014 Fruit Logistica event, being held in Berlin from 5-7 February, DuPont Food Chain Manager for the EMEA region, Mr Luigi Coffano, highlighted the challenges faced by a world population that is growing by 150,000 people every day.
Dr. Christian Göke , CEO of Messe Berlin GmbH, commented: “FRUIT LOGISTICA is one of a kind"
februari 05, 2014

Fruit Logistica 2014 open for business

Some 58,000 trade visitors from more than 120 countries are expected to visit over 2,600 exhibitors from 84 countries at the Fruit Logistica in Berlin.
Listas las semillas para producir papas congeladas en Ecuador y abastecer a cadenas de comida rápida
februari 04, 2014

Listas las semillas para producir papas congeladas en Ecuador y abastecer a cadenas de comida rápida

Procede de tres variedades aptas para producir papas prefritas congeladas y su producido deberá surtir a las cadenas de comida rápida en los próximos seis meses.
Agricultural engineer David Fleisher studies water-stressed potato plants in a soil-plant-atmosphere research chamber that controls carbon dioxide and irrigation levels. Results from the study reveal how climate change affects potato plant growth.
februari 03, 2014

Potatoes Show Promise for Meeting Climate Change Challenges

New research shows that potatoes—often cultivated as a rainfed crop with little or no irrigation—are still the go-to tuber when times get tough.
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La posibilidad de obtener rendimientos más altos de papas como resultado del cambio climático
februari 03, 2014

La posibilidad de rendimientos más altos de papas como resultado del cambio climático

Resultados de estudios adelantados por científicos del Servicio de Investigación Agrícola (ARS) sugieren que las plantas de papa podrían producir rendimientos más altos ante el cambio climático.
Agrico to celebrate sustainable choices during Fruit Logistica in Berlin
februari 03, 2014

Agrico to celebrate sustainable choices during Fruit Logistica in Berlin

From Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2014 Agrico will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica in Berlin. During this major international trade show, Agrico will be presenting its extensive range of seed and table potatoes.
GreenVale’s ‘Pretty Perfect Potatoes’ make their TV Debut
februari 03, 2014

GreenVale’s ‘Pretty Perfect Potatoes’ make their TV Debut

UK's leading potato supplier Greenvale is ramping up support for its fresh potato brand with a £1.5m TV advertising campaign, which goes on air from Monday 3 February.
La FAO lanza nuevas normas para los bancos de germoplasma
februari 02, 2014

La FAO lanza nuevas normas para los bancos de germoplasma

Esta nueva publicación pretende mejorar la conservación de los cultivos alimentarios, muchos de los cuales son cruciales para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional a nivel mundial.
Cómo se adaptan los sistemas de semilla de papa del Perú al cambio climático
februari 01, 2014

Cómo se adaptan los sistemas de semilla de papa del Perú al cambio climático

Resumen del trabajo 'Adaptación al cambio climático en los sistemas de semilla de la papa: Dos estudios de caso en los Andes Centrales del Perú' que fue premiado en el III Concurso de Investigación para la Adaptación al Cambio Climático en el Perú (2013)
Hain Celestial wants to score with healthy snacks during the big game
februari 01, 2014

Hain Celestial wants to score with healthy snacks during the big game

It is estimated that Americans will consume 20.8 million pounds of potato chips and 20.8 million pounds of tortilla chips during the big game, and as fans huddle around the chip bowl, they should be looking for healthier options.
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Cómo ven el cambio climático los productores bolivianos, nepaleses e indios y qué están haciendo para enfrentarlo?
januari 31, 2014

Cómo ven el cambio climático los productores bolivianos, nepaleses e indios y qué están haciendo para enfrentarlo?

Para conocer esa información, Biodiversity International realizó 2.394 encuestas en Bolivia, India y Nepal. Se ofrece a continuación la presentación de los resultados (inglés) y la traducción al español de algunos de sus apartes.
Super Bowl becomes a Potato matter of importance
januari 29, 2014

Super Bowl Potato Bet will benefit Food Banks

Washington State Potato Commission (WSPC) and the Colorado Potato Administrative Committee (CPAC) have made a 'friendly' wager on the outcome of the Superbowl matchup between the Seahawks and Broncos.
Pringles Issues Allergy Alert and Voluntary Recall of One Hour’s Worth of Production of Original Crisps Due to Undeclared Milk
januari 28, 2014

Pringles Issues Recall of One Hour’s Worth of Production of Original Crisps Due to Undeclared Milk

Pringles is recalling a small quantity of 5.68‐ounce cans of its Original crisps in the United States
New gluten-free Snyder's of Hanover Pretzel Sticks
januari 28, 2014

New Gluten-free Pretzel varieties from Snyder's of Hanover

Snyder’s of Hanover has launched two new, boldly-flavored gluten-free pretzel varieties, providing tasteful, innovative options for those in search of gluten-free snacks.
Understanding the threat of late blight under climate change, from Ecuador to Nepal
januari 27, 2014

Understanding the threat of late blight under climate change, from Ecuador to Nepal

Shankar Kaji Shakya, a graduate student and research fellow from the University of Florida (UF), recently visited the office of the International Potato Center (CIP) in Quito, Ecuador to discuss the characteristics of late blight in the Andes with CIP scientists.
Carl Hoverson, Hoverson Farms, Larimore, ND
januari 27, 2014

North Dakota’s Carl Hoverson Presented with NPC’s 2013 Environmental Stewardship Award

Carl Hoverson of Hoverson Farms in Larimore, N.D., was named the recipient of the prestigious 2013 Environmental Stewardship Award presented at the National Potato Council’s (NPC) 2014 Annual Meeting, held January 10-11, 2014, in San Antonio, Texas.


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