Trends in landbouw en voedsel

Farmers fear losing up to 1,000 tonnes of potatoes stuck in saturated fields.
november 28, 2019

Farmers in Jersey fear losing up to 1,000 tonnes of potatoes stuck in saturated fields.

Farmers in Jersey fear losing up to 1,000 tonnes of potatoes which are stuck in the ground after the relentless wet weather turned the Island’s fields into unworkable ‘bogs’.
Pepsico launches Lay's BIO onto the Spanish market, its first organic potato chips
november 28, 2019

Pepsico launches Lay's BIO onto the Spanish market, its first organic potato chips

PepsiCo is launching its first 100% organic potato chips: Lay’s BIO. The new product has the European certification that guarantees the organic cultivation of its ingredients, as well as the absence of additives.
Making The Future Of Food Sustainable
november 25, 2019

Making The Future Of Food Sustainable

Nicolai Prytz, sustainability and strategy director at TOMRA, has looked at how businesses, consumers and policymakers can help make the future of food sustainable.
november 21, 2019

Climate FieldView Partnership with CLAAS Brings Bayer Data Science to More Farms

CLAAS announced a global partnership with The Climate Corporation, Bayer’s digital farming arm, and its industry-leading FieldView™ digital farming platform.
SoilEssentials now reseller 7Sense wireless irrigation sensor and their temperature & humidity sensor system
november 21, 2019

SoilEssentials now reseller of the wireless irrigation sensor and the T & RH monitoring system of 7Sense

The Scottish precision farming pioneers SoilEssentials announces collaboration with Norwegian company 7Sense, to be the UK’s reseller of their smart, wireless temperature & humidity sensor monitoring system and their reliable, waterproof irrigation sensor
Tom Brooijmans New Business Manager at Novidonr
november 20, 2019

Tom Brooijmans New Business Manager at Novidon

Earlier this year, Tom Brooijmans started working as New Business Manager at Novidon. In this new role Tom will work on new business development projects and new innovative products.
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Apply for 2020 'Next Generation' training for potato professionals at BP2019
november 14, 2019

Apply for 2020 'Next Generation' training for potato professionals at BP2019

BP2019 marks the start of the sign up for the next batch of up-and-coming potato professionals to take part in the 2020 Next Generation training programme.
Cargill opens a Culinary Experience Hub in Vilvoorde to help customers respond to evolving consumer demand
november 14, 2019

Cargill opens a Culinary Experience Hub in Vilvoorde to help customers respond to evolving consumer demand

Investment in Vilvoorde will give customers the opportunity to create new recipes and ingredients with Cargill’s R&D experts in Vilvoorde, Belgium.
Tolsma-Grisnich has a new dealership in Spain
november 12, 2019

Tolsma-Grisnich has a new dealership in Spain

As of August 1, 2019 Tolsma-Grisnich, with residence in Emmeloord, the Netherlands has started a cooperation with José Bernad Refrigeration, with residence in Albacete, Spain, to explore the Spanish Agrofood market.
november 06, 2019

IPM: 'We voelen een verplichting om rassen te produceren die milieuvriendelijk te telen zijn.'

Colm McDonnell, IPM, Deinum: 'We voelen een verplichting om rassen te produceren die milieuvriendelijk te telen zijn.'
november 06, 2019

HZPC research: 'Door merkergestuurde klassieke veredeling gaat er de komende tien tot vijftien jaar veel in het rassenpakket veranderen.'

Robert Graveland, HZPC research, Metslawier: 'Door merkergestuurde klassieke veredeling gaat er de komende tien tot vijftien jaar veel in het rassenpakket veranderen.'
november 06, 2019

The Potato Company: 'Wat je uiteindelijk wilt vinden, is een praktische aardappel met een eenvoudige gebruikershandleiding.'

Jos Bus, The Potato Company, Emmeloord: 'Wat je uiteindelijk wilt vinden, is een praktische aardappel met een eenvoudige gebruikershandleiding.'
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november 06, 2019

Royal-ZAP/Semagri: 'Het een kwestie van ergens beginnen en wachten op een toevalstreffer.'

Lammert Buwalda, Royal-ZAP/Semagri, Wieringerwerf: 'Het een kwestie van ergens beginnen en wachten op een toevalstreffer.'
november 06, 2019

De Nijs: 'We zoeken sterke, robuuste, droogte- en hitteresistente rassen.'

Jan-Paul Bandsma, De Nijs, Warmenhuizen: 'We zoeken sterke, robuuste, droogte- en hitteresistente rassen.'
november 06, 2019

Europlant Holland: 'We ervaren een vraag naar robuuste stressbestendige rassen met nematodenresistentie.'

Jörg Renatus, Europlant Holland, Heerenveen: 'We ervaren een vraag naar robuuste stressbestendige rassen met nematodenresistentie.'
november 06, 2019

Caithness Potatoes Nederland: 'Nieuwe fritesrassen moeten minstens in één eigenschap uitblinken, maar tevens op twee benen lopen.'

Jan-Eric Geersing, Caithness Potatoes Nederland, Emmeloord: 'Nieuwe fritesrassen moeten minstens in één eigenschap uitblinken, maar tevens op twee benen lopen.'
Givaudan Flavors exec flags wellness, affordability and digitalization as key concepts for the Middle East and Africa
november 06, 2019

Givaudan Flavors exec flags wellness, affordability and digitalization as key concepts for the Middle East and Africa

Health and wellness have been top of mind for many European and US consumers for some years, but now, this is also becoming a key theme in the Middle East and Africa.
november 05, 2019

Germicopa: 'Bezorg ons geelvlezige frites-rassen met een brede nematoden-resistentie.'

Harry van de Vijver, Germicopa, Quimper (F): 'Bezorg ons geelvlezige fritesrassen met een brede nematodenresistentie.'


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