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Solynta "Hybrid Potatoes fromTrue Seeds" Technology named Dutch National Icon
november 18, 2014

Solynta 'Hybrid Potatoes from True Seeds' Technology named Dutch National Icon

In the presence of HRH King Willem Alexander, the Dutch Government through Minister Kamp honored Solynta as Dutch National Icon for its breakthrough discovery ”Hybrid Potatoes from True seeds'.
Will Simplot's Innate GMO Potato Take Off? McDonald's Has Spoken
november 18, 2014

Will Simplot's Innate GMO Potato Take Off? McDonald's Has Spoken

If the Innate GMO potato is going to take off, depends on Simplot winning over three major factions, Farmers, big buyers such as McDonald's and the Consumer
USDA approves Simplot's Innate GM potatoes
november 09, 2014

USDA approves Simplot's Innate GM potatoes

A potato genetically engineered to reduce the amounts of a potentially harmful ingredient in French fries and potato chips has been approved for commercial planting, the Department of Agriculture announced on Friday.
Agrico's new Potato Variety Constance
november 09, 2014

Agrico presents promising variety Constance at ‘Slovenian’ varieties show

Thursday 6 November saw the opening of Agrico’s annual presentation of varieties and seedlings at its propagation & research facility Agrico Research in the Dutch town of Bant.
Buscan en Colombia darle color a las papas
oktober 07, 2014

Buscan en Colombia darle color a las papas

Un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UN) mejoraron nuevos genotipos de papa con piel y carne de color con el objetivo de beneficiar tanto a la producción agrícola como a los consumidores.
Private potato breeder Andre Gagnon at work at his research facility in Quebec.
september 14, 2014

Canadian potato breeders want a bigger say

Canada's private potato breeders are calling for a bigger say in how new varieties are developed in Canada.
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Yupi, la marca colombiana de pasabocas, mejora la producción de papa con asesor de Israel
september 04, 2014

Yupi, la marca colombiana de pasabocas, mejora la producción de papa con asesor de Israel

Con agronómos locales, Avi Nachmias ha apoyado a los agricultores para sumar productividad.
Fresh Solutions Network Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potato Product Line Awarded
augustus 23, 2014

Fresh Solutions Network Side Delights Gourmet Petite Potato Product Line Awarded

Fresh Solutions Network has been named as a finalist for the 2014 PMA Impact Awards in Excellence in Packaging for their innovation and excellence in the Side Delights Gourmet Petite potato product line.
El CIP y HZPC apoyan a agricultores en preservar la variación genética de sus papas
augustus 07, 2014

El CIP y HZPC apoyan a agricultores en preservar la variación genética de sus papas

Las papas de colores (perupas) son la respuesta de HZPC a las demandas de grandes chefs y cocineros domésticos por una variedad en la presentación y el gusto de los tubérculos.
Simplot outlines Innate marketing strategy
augustus 03, 2014

Simplot outlines Innate marketing strategy

The J.R. Simplot Co. expects USDA approval for its genetically modified Innate potatoes within the next two months. Simplot Plant Sciences Director of Commercialization Kerwin Bradley outlined the strategy for marketing the potatoes at the Potato Association of America meeting in Spokane.
The Red Foo, Purple Bliss and Peruvian Gold varieties being grown at Yum Tasmania Gourmet Potatoes.
juli 30, 2014

Yum Tasmania Gourmet Potatoes add colour to any dish

Yum Tasmania Gourmet Potatoes are now being used by top chefs and home cooks across Australia and overseas to add colour to their dishes
In addition to the traditional russet potato, the Texas A&M Potato Breeding and Variety Development Program led by Dr. Creighton Miller is producing a variety of colored gourmet potatoes
juli 28, 2014

Agrilife Research Putting Designer Potatoes on the Menu to Boost Consumption

A decline in overall potato consumption has Texas A&M AgriLife Research breeders working on “designer” potatoes that meet the time constraints and unique tastes of a younger generation.
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Global Climate change indicators (NOAA)
juli 24, 2014

Neiker-Tecnalia is researching the potato genes that best adapt to climate change

The Basque Research institute Neiker-Tecnalia is currently looking for potato genes that best adapt to the anticipated climate change conditions, characterised by a reduction in rainfall and increased extremes of hot and cold temperatures.
Innate potatoes show less discoloration after cutting
juli 14, 2014

National Potato Council submits Comments in Support of Simplot's Innate Technology

As part of the second and final public environmental assessment comment period for the J.R. Simplot Company's petition to deregulate its biotech Innate™ 1.0 potatoes, the National Potato Council submitted comments to the Federal Register noting that the technology 'could effectively address key production and processing issues facing the potato industry.'
Herramientas para el manejo y análisis de datos de mejoramiento genético (papa)
juli 10, 2014

Herramientas para el manejo y análisis de datos de mejoramiento genético (papa)

Con ese título, la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), el programa de Raíces, Tubérculos y Banano del Consorcio del CGIAR, el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) y la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, están organizando un taller en la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia)
Bolivia lidera el camino para reconocer a los agricultores como custodios de la agrobiodiversidad
mei 29, 2014

Bolivia lidera el camino para reconocer a los agricultores como custodios de la agrobiodiversidad

Reconoció a los agricultores custodios de la agrobiodiversidad como contribuyentes claves para la conservación de la biodiversidad, la seguridad alimentaria y los ingresos, tanto en el presente como en el futuro, para sustentar y cuidar del planeta.
Bangladesh to introduce late blight resistant potato variety
mei 14, 2014

Bangladesh to introduce late blight resistant potato variety

The Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (Bari) and Peru-based International Potato Centre (CIP) will introduce a late blight resistant potato for use in next season: Bari Potato - 46
Agrico aardappelen
mei 02, 2014

Agrico presenteert gemiddelde indicatieprijs van 28,50 EURO per 100 kg voor alle geleverde maten

Aardappelcoöperatie Agrico maakte dit weekend aan haar leden een gemiddelde indicatieprijs van € 28,50 per 100 kg bekend voor pootgoed van oogst 2013.


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