Nieuws over Nieuwe aardappelrassen uit Nederland

The new and former CEO of the Royal HZPC Group: Hans Huistra and Gerard Backx
september 02, 2024

Hans Huistra takes over as new CEO of Royal HZPC Group as Gerard Backx steps back

As of today, potato breeder Royal HZPC Group welcomes Hans Huistra as its new CEO. Colleagues from all of Royal HZPC Group's global locations (HZPC, STET and ZOS) had the opportunity to gain a first impression of Hans Huistra in a broadcasted meeting.
Potato Glory Introduces the New Potato Variety: Sifra
maart 09, 2024

Potato Glory Introduces the New Potato Variety: Sifra

Welcome to Potato Glory SPUDLight series! These vare HZPC's favourite potato varieties, and they can't wait to share them with you.
november 16, 2023

50 jaar Agrico: met hart en ziel betrokken bij de volgende generatie

Op 9 en 10 november hield Agrico haar jaarlijkse Rassen- en Zaailingenshow bij Agrico Research in Bant. Dit jaar stond in het teken van het 50-jarig jubileum.
Solynta's Latest Hybrid Potato Variety Shows Remarkable Late Bligh Resistance in Field Trial
augustus 22, 2023

Solynta's Latest Hybrid Potato Variety Shows Remarkable Late Bligh Resistance in Field Trial

Solynta's potato variety was the only one to survive the high late blight pressure in the field among three other commercial varieties planted alongside.
125 years of HZPC awarded with Royal predicate
februari 28, 2023

125 years of HZPC awarded with Royal predicate

On occasion HZPC's 125th anniversary on February 27, 2023, Drs. A. A. M. Brok, Commissioner of the King of the Province of Friesland presented potato breeder HZPC with the certificate for the predicate Royal.
7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range
november 19, 2022

In the Netherlands, 7 supermarkets sign up for 100% robust potatoes in an organic range

In the Netherlands, 31 parties in the table potato chain sign a covenant in which they commit to switch completely to organic robust potato varieties, including 7 supermarkets.
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Agrico presented nine new varieties at the variety show
november 13, 2022

Agrico presents nine new potato varieties at its variety show

On 10 and 11 November, Agrico held its annual variety and seedling show at Agrico Research in Bant. During the show no fewer than nine new varieties were presented.
Nomination Jean-Pierre Bienfait as member of Supervisory Board
mei 21, 2022

Jean-Pierre Bienfait nominated as member of HZPC's Supervisory Board

During the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) of HZPC Holding B.V. Jean-Pierre Bienfait was appointed as new member of the Supervisory Board. Jean-Pierre fills the vacancy of Meerten Ubbens.
HZPC: New generation of potato varieties promising for more food security
april 22, 2022

HZPC: New generation of potato varieties promising for more food security

The new generation of potato varieties is performing better and better under extreme climate conditions such as drought, according to the recent sustainability report of potato breeder HZPC
Eric Vos, gerente de exportación de patatas de siembra en Agrico.
februari 09, 2022

Agrico: 'La calidad debe ser buena, pero los rendimientos siguen siendo más importantes'

La empresa holandesa Agrico es un actor global en el campo de las variedades de patatas de siembra y de consumo. El desarrollo de variedades innovadoras que se adapten a varios climas y mercados constituye una parte esencial de la empresa.
Potato Days Live wants to inspire the sector to make sustainable choices
oktober 21, 2021

Potato Days Live wants to inspire the sector to make sustainable choices

The potato sector has the ability to significantly contribute to a sustainable food supply worldwide. HZPC will therefore broadcast an inspiring programme on 3 November during Potato Days 2021 Live.
april 15, 2021

Royal Avebe en Solynta gaan samen zetmeelaardappelrassen hybride veredelen

Averis Seeds B.V., een 100% dochter van Royal Avebe, gaat samen met het hybride aardappelveredelingsbedrijf Solynta werken aan het hybride veredelen van zetmeelaardappelrassen.
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Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform
maart 27, 2021

Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform

Last November Agrico built an online news platform to support its buyers and growers with important knowledge and information. Agrico now also shares the latest insights and successes of its Next Generation potato varieties on this online platform
januari 04, 2021

HZPC 'Van Poten Naar Zaaien'

Dit jaar verwacht HZPC het eerste prototype van een hybride aardappelras in handen te hebben. Deze aardappelen worden gezaaid in plaats van gepoot en dat biedt perspectief voor de voedselzekerheid van gebieden die slecht te bereiken zijn.
HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result
oktober 06, 2020

HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result

The 2019/2020 financial year has been eventful in many respects for seed potato supplier HZPC. Despite the consequences of COVID-19, the company has had an operationally successful season. The coming season, however, may well be more of a challenge.
Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live
september 28, 2020

Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live

For potato cooperative Agrico 2020/2021 is the season of its digital transformation. The first major milestone in this process is the new website that was launched last week.
HZPC certificate price down 10% to € 145.80 on last stock trading day
november 19, 2019

HZPC certificate price down 10% to € 145.80 on recent stock trading day

The value of the shares in HZPC Holding B.V., the world market leader in potato breeding, has been fixed at €145.80 during the recent stock trading day. This means the value of the certificate has once again decreased by the maximum (10%) that is allowed.
Agrico shows its professionalism during the variety exhibition
november 14, 2019

Dutch cooperative Agrico highlights 'professionalism' during their show of new potato varieties

On 7 and 8 November, Agrico held its annual variety show at its research station in Bant. During this show, the cooperative presented its new, innovative varieties and inspired visitors to work together to maximise professionalism in the chain.


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