
april 15, 2011

AVEBE en BASF versterken research samenwerking GM aardappelen

BASF Plant Science verkrijgt de genetisch gemodificeerde amylopectine zetmeelaardappel Modena in eigendom.
 Neiker Tecnalia
april 04, 2011

Producing high quality potato starches with new genetic tools

Neiker-Tecnalia (the Basque Institute of Agricultural Research and Development) is realising a project for obtaining high quality starch in potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum) using new molecular and genetic tools.
maart 31, 2011

Avebe launches specialty starch ETENIA™ 457 to enhance creaminess of yoghurt

AVEBE has launched ETENIA™ 457, a potato based specialty starch which provides excellent creaminess and texturising properties in fat-free, low and high fat yoghurts.
maart 29, 2011

Buscan obtener almidón de alta calidad con nuevas herramientas que mejoran genéticamente la patata

El Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario Neiker-Tecnalia ha desarrollado un proyecto para obtener almidón de alta calidad en tubérculos de patata (Solanum tuberosum) utilizando nuevas herramientas moleculares y genéticas. El almidón de ...
maart 18, 2011

Geen alternatief voor de zetmeelaardappel

Of de teelt van zetmeelaardappelen geld in het laatje brengt zonder ondersteuning vanuit Europa moet in 2012 gaan blijken.
 AVEBE Potato Starch Campaign
maart 06, 2011

AVEBE produces 20% less potato starch this campaign

Potato Starch manufacturer AVEBE’s production campaign of 2010-2011 is almost finished.  The expected overall production of potato starch is about 20% less than last year.
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 AVEBE potato starch campaign
februari 28, 2011

Oogst 2010: AVEBE produceert 20% minder zetmeel

De aanvoer van zetmeelaardappelen bij AVEBE zit in haar laatste fase.
Avebe Etenia specialty starch
februari 01, 2011

Avebe's ETENIA™ NT makes clean label confectionery possible

Avebe announces the introduction of ETENIA™ NT is a new potato based specialty starch for confectionery.
januari 31, 2011

BASF Plant Science set to cultivate Amflora potatoes in Germany and Sweden in 2011

BASF Plant Science has concluded its Amflora cultivation plans for the 2011 season. Amflora, the genetically enhanced potato for use in the starch industry, will this year be cultivated on two hectares of land in Üplingen (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany).
januari 31, 2011

Clean label pea and potato starches developed by Emsland

Emsland Group has developed a new range of clean label potato and pea starches that can be used in a range of food applications in place of modified starch.
januari 14, 2011

Beheersing van vrijlevende aaltjes

In dit project hebben PPO en HLB onderzoek uitgevoerd om de schade door trichodoriden zoveel mogelijk te beperken.
 bjarne larsen
januari 06, 2011

Not enough Potato Starch in 2011: KMC

For all potato starch producers 2011 will be a year in which it will prove impossible to meet the total demand from the customers. Also KMC’s customers will experience the consequences of the extreme weather, but everything possible will be done to m...
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december 27, 2010

Overzicht zetmeelaardappelrassen

PPO-agv voert al jaren onderzoek uit aan zetmeelaardappelrassen op de locaties 't Kompas en Kooijenburg.
december 15, 2010

AVEBE y BASF desarrollarán papas con buen contenido de almidón y resistentes al tizón tardío

La compañía productora de almidón AVEBE y la compañía de biotecnología BASF han anunciado hoy una alianza para la investigación y el desarrollo de la biotecnología vegetal. AVEBE y BASF combinan sus conocimientos en biotecnología y mejoramiento de la p...
december 15, 2010

AVEBE en BASF Plant Science ontwikkelen Phytophthora resistente Amylopectine zetmeelaardappel

De aardappelzetmeel producent AVEBE en het plantenbiotechnologie bedrijf BASF Plant Science hebben vandaag een Research & Development samenwerking aangekondigd op het gebied van plantenbiotechnologie.
december 15, 2010

AVEBE and BASF Plant Science to develop Phytophthora resistant Amylopectin starch potato

The potato starch manufacturer AVEBE and the plant biotechnology company BASF Plant Science announced today a research and development alliance in plant biotechnology.
 Eliane waxy potato starch
december 07, 2010

Strong interest in Avebe's Eliane waxy starch from Eastern Europe

Avebe says Eastern Europe is the principal market for its new Eliane potato starch-based fat reducer for mayonnaise, but insists that cost hikes and accelerating 'health and wellness trends' could change that.
Wageningen University identifies tools to modify potato starch granules
december 07, 2010

Wageningen University identifies tools to modify potato starch granules

It is possible to breed potatoes in such a way that they produce new types of starch for use as a new and improved plant-based raw material in the construction, paper, glue, fodder and food industries.


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