Scientists develop 'super spud' in a bid to prevent stunting
juli 03, 2019

Scientists develop 'super spud' in a bid to prevent stunting

Scientists are creating a “super potato”, fortified with iron and zinc, in a bid to tackle malnutrition in developing countries.
Tasteful Selections is ready to fuel your next adventure in their new campaign, Adventure in a Small Bite
juli 02, 2019

Tasteful Selections is ready to fuel your next adventure in their new campaign, Adventure in a Small Bite

New, exciting recipes and prizes to appeal to the most adventurous foodie
CIP Trustee Elected Head Of Un Agriculture Agency
juli 02, 2019

CIP Trustee Elected Head Of Un Agriculture Agency

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) announced on 23 June 2019 that Qu Dongyu has been elected its new Director-General.
Big Potatoes: The History of Potatoes in Poland
juli 01, 2019

Big Potatoes: The History of Potatoes in Poland

Potatoes are quite popular in Poland. The potato has found its way into the hearts, minds, and onto the plates of Poles everywhere.
Origins of the European potato
juni 27, 2019

Origins of the European potato

Plants collected by Darwin have helped reveal the ancestry of European potatoes.
La patata europea se ha adaptado para sobrevivir a los días fríos y cortos.
juni 26, 2019

La patata europea se ha adaptado para sobrevivir a los días fríos y cortos.

Científicos del CSIC participan en un estudio internacional sobre el origen y evolución de estas variedades, con ayuda de las colecciones históricas de los herbarios
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Potato growers to learn about managing pests and diseases at Potato Industry R&D Forum
juni 25, 2019

Australian Potato growers to learn about managing pests and diseases at Potato Industry R&D Forum

Australian potato growers keen to learn about the latest research for managing key pests and diseases on potato farms have an opportunity to listen to leading experts at a Potato Industry Research and Development (R&D) Forum in Melbourne this week.
Agricultural tech revolution: Eyes in sky precise for potatoes.
juni 21, 2019

Agricultural tech revolution: Eyes in sky precise for potatoes.

Recently, drones have been given what might just be their most important ever role: being deployed to protect Scottish potatoes.
Pleno agrario: aprueban promoción y protección de la papa y sus productores
juni 19, 2019

Pleno agrario: aprueban promoción y protección de la papa y sus productores

El pleno del Congreso aprobó la ley de promoción y protección del cultivo de la papa y de sus productores durante la sesión plenaria en torno al sector agrario.
Patat Inc.
juni 18, 2019

Patat Inc.: De aardappel is niet uit het nieuws te branden.

De aardappel is niet uit het nieuws te branden. Deze week bleek dat Belgische telers in Noord-Frankrijk neerstrijken omdat het Belgische areaal bijna uitgeput is.
Freshfel Europe analyses promotion & trade opportunities for fresh produce at Annual Event in London
juni 14, 2019

Freshfel Europe analyses promotion & trade opportunities for fresh produce at Annual Event in London

On 5 June 2019 leading fresh produce stakeholders from across Europe gathered at Freshfel Europe’s 2019 Annual Event to analyse the driving forces for opportunities in the current unpredictable business environment for the fresh produce sector.
Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa
juni 12, 2019

Transfieren más de S/ 2 millones para mejorar cadena productiva de la papa

El Instituto Tecnológico de la Producción (ITP) red CITE del Ministerio de la Producción (Produce), transferirá más de dos millones de soles al CITEpapa para mejorar la competitividad de la cadena productiva del tubérculo y otros cultivos andinos.
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1700 Familias peruanas se benefician con proyecto promovido por Naciones Unidas y el Centro Internacional de la Papa
juni 12, 2019

1700 Familias peruanas se benefician con proyecto promovido por Naciones Unidas y el Centro Internacional de la Papa

Durante el evento de presentación de los resultados el Centro Internacional de la Papa recibió el Premio a la mejor donación de FIDA en la categoría 'Gestión del conocimiento'.
juni 05, 2019

25% of Chinese potatoes were improved with varieties from Peru

China is the largest producer and consumer of potatoes in the world
Planting report: Wet spring delays showing up in the numbers
juni 03, 2019

United States Potato Planting progress: wet spring delays showing up in the numbers

Updates from the United States Department of Agriculture - National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS) on the progress of (potato) planting throughout the United States. An overview.
Potato Farmers Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year
mei 31, 2019

Potato Farmers in Bangladesh suffer as a result of the huge surplus this year

This year, the potato harvest in Bangladesh was about 150% of what the domestic need is. As a result prices have crashed and despite the high yields, farmers suffer as the can not sell their product.
La papa es el sector más importante en la agricultura del país (Cortesía: Expreso)
mei 31, 2019

La producción de papa peruana sigue en ascenso

El Centro de Innovación Productiva y Transferencia Tecnológica de la papa y otros Cultivos Andinos informó que el sector papero ha reportado crecimiento por quinto año consecutivo.
Crop and Market Report June 18, 2019
mei 30, 2019

Crop and Market Report June 18, 2019

Report from the UPGC Board of Directors Meeting
held in conjunction with the Crop Transition Conference in Minneapolis


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