
 Interpom | Primeurs 2010
december 06, 2010

Interpom | Primeurs 2010 ziet record aantal bezoekers

december 06, 2010

La principal proveedora de papa semilla de McDonald's en el Mercosur, construirá una planta para almacenar 360.000 bolsas

La empresa Cordens S.A, la primera en radicarse en la ampliación del Parque Industrial, es la principal proveedora de papa semilla de la firma que abastece a McDonald's en el Mercosur. En breve comenzará la construcción de la planta para procesar la pr...
Zimbabwe: Ban on potato imports from South Africa riles vendors
december 06, 2010

Zimbabwe: Ban on potato imports from South Africa riles vendors

Vegetable traders and vendors in Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) are fuming over the ban on South African potatoes
december 05, 2010

ADAS Syngenta Potato Conference highlights agronomy innovation

More than 250 potato growers, agronomists and industry advisors braved sub-zero temperatures to attend the first ADAS Syngenta Potato Conference
december 04, 2010

P.E.I. potatoes may help massive Russian need

rince Edward Island has just completed the successful harvest of an almost near bumper crop for 2010 and Russia is calling.
december 03, 2010

Belgapom roept op tot correct handelen en dialoog

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december 03, 2010

Global shortage boosts United States potato exports

Supply issues around the globe should help U.S. fresh potato exports remain strong and create opportunities for the industry.
december 03, 2010

Duitse aardappeltelers eisen meer flexibele contracten

De Duitse federatie voor telers van frites- en chipsaardappelen eist van de verwerkende industrie flexibeler contracten
 Globodera Rostochiensis (Courtesy nematode.net)
december 03, 2010

Belgie verscherpt certificeringsvoorwaarden voor consumptieaardappelen bestemd voor rusland

Na verschillende intercepties van Belgische consumptieaardappelen besmet door Globodera rostochiensis, door de Russische fytosanitaire autoriteiten en op hun uitdrukkelijk verzoek, heeft het Agenschap zijn fytosanitaire controles aan uitvoer aangescherpt.
december 01, 2010

Johma Signature concentreert zich op salade activiteiten, verkoopt Johma Sandwiches BV

Convenience Foods Europe B.V. (CFE) heeft overeenstemming bereikt met Johma Signature over de overname van Johma's dochteronderneming Johma Sandwiches B.V.
 United States Potato Board
december 01, 2010

Strong interest in USPB International Chef Seminar

This past month the U.S. Potato Board held its third annual International Chef Seminar. It was conducted in Singapore for chefs from Singapore and Malaysia.
november 30, 2010

Potato Agronomist Jeff Stark receives innovation award

Potato agronomist Jeff Stark was one of three plant breeders who were honored with Innovation Awards from the University of Idaho Technology Transfer Office.
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Chris Voigt completes a diet of 60 days exclusively on potatoes
november 30, 2010

Chris Voigt ends his 20 potato-a-day diet more than 20 pounds lighter

The head of the Washington State Potato Commission ended a self-imposed diet of potatoes-only that he said allowed him to shed more than 20 pounds in two months.
 Amanda Albers
november 30, 2010

Idaho Potato Commission hires Amanda Albers as first International Marketing Manager

Following six years of unprecedented growth of Idaho® potatoes into international markets, the Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) has hired Amanda Albers as its first International Marketing Manager
Wageningen University
november 29, 2010

Aardappels met nieuw soorten zetmeelkorrels ontwikkeld door Wageningen University

Het is mogelijk om zetmeelaardappels zó te veredelen dat ze nieuwe soorten zetmeel maken, als nieuwe, betere groene grondstof voor nieuwe toepassingen, zoals in de bouw en in de papier-, lijm-, diervoeder- en voedingsmiddelenindustrie.
 20 potatoes a day
november 29, 2010

Chris Voigt's Potato diet almost over

The Potato Man proudly lined up a bunch of them on a counter in his family's kitchen: a really nice assortment of russets that, in the next days, would end up in his belly.
 Potato Council
november 29, 2010

Potato prices rise as exports pick up

Potato exports to Eastern Europe are picking up, which, together with lower yields and increasing domestic demand, are creating a tighter feel to the market.
 Idaho Potato Commission
november 28, 2010

Spudman interviews Frank Muir

In their series of interviews with key people in the US potato industry, Spudman interviewed Frank Muir.


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