Contract farming of potatoes best practice in Egypt
juni 14, 2016

Contract farming of potatoes best practice in Egypt

Sonac, an Egyptian potato grower, packer and exporter based in Alexandria is about to finish its potato season. However, according to Export Manager Dalia Gamal, the current situation of the potato sector isn’t as good as it should be.
Nominations Open For 2017 Potatoes USA Board Members
juni 14, 2016

Nominations Open For 2017 Potatoes USA Board Members

Potatoes USA announced earlier this month that nominations are now open for new Board Members for the 2017-2020 term.
Potato parasite’s `toolkit’ revealed
juni 14, 2016

Potato parasite’s `toolkit’ revealed

An international group of researchers has detailed the genome sequence and inner workings of the yellow Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN), providing new insights into how it can be stopped.
Island Potato Soap
juni 14, 2016

PEI Potato Soap could be an international hit, Island craftsman hopes

Prince Edward Island craftsman Pieter Ijsselstein is seeing quickly growing interest in his latest product: Handcrafted Potato Soap
Kangaroo Island (South Australia) potato producer wins industry award
juni 12, 2016

Kangaroo Island (South Australia) potato producer wins industry award

Kangaroo Island (South Australia) potato producer Peter Cooper has been named the 2016 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia and Ruralco Industry Award winner.
The environmental benefits of potato breeding
juni 12, 2016

The environmental benefits of potato breeding

On World Environment Day (June 5), potato breeding company HZPC highlighted the benefits of breeding on yield, carbon footprint and water use.
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Large contract in China for APH group partners Miedema and Omnivent with Inner Mongolia Linkage Potato Co
juni 12, 2016

Large contract in China for APH group partners Miedema and Omnivent with Inner Mongolia Linkage Potato Co

In May 2016 APH Group signed a large contract with Inner Mongolia Linkage Potato Co., Ltd for the delivery of a Miedema potato handling and transport system and an Omnivent climate control system.
[VIDEO] Perú: Clausuran proyecto que benefició a 1500 productores de papa
juni 10, 2016

[Video] Perú: Clausuran proyecto que benefició a 1500 productores de papa

El proyecto “Producción competitiva de papa en los distritos de la Encañada, Huasmin y Sorochuco”, se inició hace cinco años con el propósito de revalorar, rescatar, promocionar y difundir las bondades de las papas cajamarquinas. Acaba de clausurarse oficialmente.
USD4.5m invested in potato farming in Zambia
juni 10, 2016

USD4.5m invested in potato farming in Zambia

Social impact investor and project developer AGDEVCO has invested in a US$4.5 million partnership with Saise Farming Enterprises Limited (SFEL) to produce potato seed for smallholder farmers in Northern Province of Zambia.
The potato disease that changed the world
juni 10, 2016

The potato disease that changed the world

Potato blight changed Europe and America, and led to widespread deaths and mass emigration. And we’re not rid of it yet. But where did it come from?
Perú vende a Bolivia cada vez más papa
juni 09, 2016

Perú vende a Bolivia cada vez más papa

La Asociación de Exportadores del Perú informó que Bolivia es el principal mercado para la producción de papa. Ingenieros agrónomos bolivianos dicen que hay déficit de producción cebollas y tomates.
Potato Processing Plant Rwanda not buying potatoes, say Nyabihu farmers
juni 09, 2016

Potato Processing Plant Rwanda not buying potatoes, say Nyabihu farmers

Potato farmers in Nyabihu district in Rwanda are at crossroads after a factory recently built in their region has failed to buy all their potatoes.
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PJ Lee & Sons pleased with new storage for processing potatoes destined for chip shops
juni 09, 2016

PJ Lee & Sons pleased with new storage for processing potatoes destined for chip shops

PJ Lee and Sons please with potato store built by Thurlow Nunn Standen LTD and the fitted Omnivent suction and blowing ventilation system and OmniCuro automated control systems.
Irish Meade Potato Company damaged by fire
juni 06, 2016

Meade Potato Company (Ireland) damaged by fire

A fire has caused significant damage at the Meade Potato Company in Lobinstown, Navan, Co. Meath in Ireland
[Video] Argentina: La papa en el Bicentenario
juni 05, 2016

[Video] Argentina: La papa en el Bicentenario

Alimentos y Regiones, un programa de televisión muy popular en el país, acaba de producir un video con estadísticas muy interesantes del cultivo.

juni 04, 2016

[Video] Provincia china alivia la pobreza gracias a la papa

Reportaje de la agencia china de noticias CCTV que muestra cómo el gobierno de la provincia de Xiji estimula el cultivo de la papa como una estrategia para aliviar la pobreza de sus habitantes.
Chile: INIA y SAG formarán líderes en producción de semilla de papa
juni 04, 2016

Chile: INIA y SAG formarán líderes en producción de semilla de papa

Históricamente Cañete ha estado vinculada a la producción de papas de gran calidad, logrando ejemplares de características organolépticas incomparables y reconocidas a nivel nacional por los propios consumidores. Conservar estas propiedades de origen, es el objetivo de un convenio firmado entre el INIA y el SAG, a través del cual se dará vida al “Taller de formación de líderes en producción de semillas de papas”, actividad de ochos sesiones y una gira técnica que se desarrollarán hasta diciembre del presente año.
University of Idaho leads major research effort to reduce the threat of nematodes
juni 03, 2016

University of Idaho leads major research effort to reduce the threat of nematodes

The University of Idaho is leading a $3.2 million project to combat microscopic worms (nematodes) that threaten potato production.


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