
Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry
april 29, 2015

Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry

A small field on an island off the Netherlands' northern coast promises one answer to the problem of how to feed the world's ever-growing population: potatoes and other crops that grow in saltwater.
Dutch prime minister visits Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro)
april 18, 2015

Dutch prime minister visits Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro)

As part of a working visit to Limburg on Wednesday, 8 April, Prime Minister Mark Rutte visited four internationally operating SME’s, including Hotraco Group (Mooij-Agro), and was full of praise for the innovative companies.
Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants
april 16, 2015

Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants

Fresh-food specialist for the hotel and restaurant industry Rungis and HZPC are bringing the ancient potato varieties from the Andes back on to the plate in Dutch restaurants.
Samen werken aan een duurzame aardappelteelt: Simon Jensma, Technisch Adviseur bij Bayer CropScience geeft advies op maat aan een Nederlandse aardappelteler
april 13, 2015

Bayer CropScience en Farm Frites implementeren samen duurzame maatregelen in Europese aardappelteelt

Bayer CropScience en Farm Frites zijn onlangs in een Food Chain Partnership gestapt, met als doel duurzame landbouwmethoden te implementeren in de aardappelteelt in België en Nederland.
Working together for sustainable potato cultivation: Simon Jensma, Technical Advisor at Bayer CropScience, provides tailored advice to a Dutch potato grower.
april 13, 2015

Bayer CropScience and Farm Frites jointly implement sustainable practices in European potato cultivation

Bayer CropScience and Farm Frites recently started a Food Chain Partnership initiative designed to implement sustainable agricultural practices in potato cultivation in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Oerlemans Foods doubles Potato Processing Capacity
april 06, 2015

Oerlemans Foods doubles Potato Processing Capacity

Oerlemans Foods, a Dutch producer of frozen potato and vegetable products is concentrating the processing of potatoes in Broekhuizenvorst and doubles its potato processing capacity.
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Científicos hallan escudo para el tizón de la papa
maart 31, 2015

Científicos hallan escudo para el tizón de la papa

Científicos encontraron un gen para ayudar a proteger las papas de una plaga que desató una devastadora hambruna en Irlanda en el siglo XIX.
New resistance gene against potato late blight identified
maart 30, 2015

New resistance gene against potato late blight identified

In this week 'Nature Plants', scientists from Wageningen University and The Sainsbury Laboratory report the identification of a resistance gene that enhances resistance against potato late blight from a South American wild relative of cultivated potatoes.
Gemiddelde uitbetalingsprijs AVEBE hoger dan vorig jaar
maart 24, 2015

Gemiddelde uitbetalingsprijs AVEBE hoger dan vorig jaar

AVEBE betaalt gemiddeld 71 euro per ton aardappelen over de oogst van 2014. Dit is inclusief de prestatiecomponenten voor zetmeelgehalte, kwaliteit, levertijdstip en geleverd volume.
Tolsma-Grisnich acquires rights of Samro clod and stone separators
maart 17, 2015

Tolsma-Grisnich acquires rights of Samro clod and stone separators

Tolsma-Grisnich recently acquired the rights for Samro clod and stone separators. The Swiss company has a long and successful history in this market. With this takeover, Tolsma-Grisnich is securing an important extension of their product range.
Potato Starch Manufacturer AVEBE completes campaign
maart 13, 2015

Potato Starch Manufacturer AVEBE completes campaign

This season's potato processing operation at starch manufacturer AVEBE has reached its conclusion. The final potatoes for the 2014-2015 campaign have been delivered in Ter Apelkanaal.
Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium
februari 05, 2015

Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium

Een nieuwe, revolutionaire methode om nieuwe aardappelrassen te kweken kan een flinke impuls geven aan fotosynthese-onderzoek. Daarom treedt Solynta, de ontwikkelaar van de kweekmethode, toe tot BioSolar Cells
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2015, International Year of Soils
februari 01, 2015

International Year of Soils sprouts numerous activities in Wageningen

The soil expertise found at Wageningen enjoys international recognition. So it is only fitting that numerous activities in 2015, the International Year of Soils, are to take place in Wageningen.
Het aardappelras Carolus
januari 25, 2015

Agrico-ras Carolus smaakmaker tijdens Biobeurs

Vorige week nam Agrico deel aan de vernieuwde Biobeurs die plaats vond in het IJsselhallencomplex te Zwolle. Tijdens deze beurs zette Agrico haar bijzonder resistente en zeer smaakvolle biologische aardappelras Carolus in de spotlight
Potato Cooperative Agrico presents its members excellent results
december 16, 2014

Potato Cooperative Agrico presents its members excellent results

Potato cooperative Agrico reported that its 2013/2014 financial year was a good potato year, in which Agrico made good payments to its members for both seed and table potatoes.
Agrico presenteert uitstekende resultaten aan haar leden
december 15, 2014

Agrico presenteert uitstekende resultaten aan haar leden

Vorige week werd tijdens de ledenraad van Agrico de jaarrekening voor 2013-2014 vastgesteld. Dit aansluitend aan de centrale ledenvergadering, die als voortvloeisel van het nieuwe bestuursmodel voor het eerst in deze vorm is gehouden.
Solynta "Hybrid Potatoes fromTrue Seeds" Technology named Dutch National Icon
november 18, 2014

Solynta 'Hybrid Potatoes from True Seeds' Technology named Dutch National Icon

In the presence of HRH King Willem Alexander, the Dutch Government through Minister Kamp honored Solynta as Dutch National Icon for its breakthrough discovery ”Hybrid Potatoes from True seeds'.
HZPC-certificaat passeert de 100-eurogrens
november 17, 2014

HZPC-certificaat passeert de 100-eurogrens

De koers van de HZPC-certificaten is voor de 10e maal met de maximale 10 procent gestegen. En voor het eerst passeerde de certificaatprijs de 100 eurogrens


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