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Tecno Alimentaria Valenciana (TAV)

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Grupo TAV is a specialized company with over 25 years of experience in developing and implementing customized lines for snacks.

Leveraging extensive knowledge of the sector's needs, they incorporate the latest technologies for the application of salts, flavors, and liquids, along with advanced conveying, accumulation, and elevation systems.

Utilizing their proprietary GoSync® and Flavors Technologies®, the company demonstrates versatility in adapting their production lines to various products and specific customer requirements. With a focus on innovative design techniques, Grupo TAV offers tailor-made solutions that prioritize both quality and production efficiency.

  • Service and Warranty: The company boasts a highly qualified technical service team, offering technical support and remote assistance. A one-year warranty covers manufacturing defects from start-up. Comprehensive training is provided to authorized personnel responsible for machine operation.
  • Compliance and Certification: All machines are certified with the CE marking, ensuring adherence to industry standards. Online issue resolution is common, with the company emphasizing efficient customer support.
  • Training Philosophy: Training is conducted by departments to equip authorized operators with specific access configured according to their roles (maintenance, production, and quality). The company's philosophy centers on providing necessary tools for customer automation.
  • Industry 4.0 Integration: Leveraging Industry 4.0 technology, Grupo TAV's equipment is interconnected and accessible remotely from any location and device. The benefits include enhanced traceability, with each operator having unique access, ensuring logged changes and access for accountability.
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