The best design is rewarded with one year’s tuition fees for each winning entrant.
Avebe challenges students Design the factory of the future and win a year's tuition fees!

This year Avebe is celebrating its hundredth anniversary! That means looking
back, but also ahead. For example, what does the factory of the future look like? Avebe invites
students from higher and scientific education to come up with ideas about this. The best design will
win a year's tuition fees.
Avebe's factories were set up more than 100 years ago for the production of potato starch, and the production
of high-quality protein was added later. This biorefinery process is by definition a process that uses a relatively
large amount of energy, water and sometimes also chemicals. Effective, but perhaps not always efficient with
a view to the future.
Avebe asks students to come up with innovative ideas, based on a greenfield principle: what if you were
allowed to completely rebuild a factory? Which techniques and which sequence would you apply to maximise
the value of the ingredients from the potato, with minimal use of energy, water and chemicals?
Registration is now open on and closes on September 9th. The call
for proposals is open until 30 October. An expert jury will then evaluate all the ideas.