The Food Channel has released our 2011 Trends Forecast – the Top Ten Trends we see for the coming year, and the top ten foods to watch.
Farming. Diet and exercise. Venturing out into new tastes and flavors. Finding our food identity in the kitchen, in the halls of government, and in technology. We value things that are, if not exactly close to us, are at least close to the little guy. The new food simplicity is about putting value on the independent grower, on the person who is striving to make a difference—one farm, one person, one business at a time. In 2011, the consumer is all about buying from a business that is dedicated to creating a quality product, dedicated to doing the right thing, regardless of the size of the business or the number of products they produce.
In that spirit, we have taken a look into the future and seen that it is local, it is individual, and it is valuable. Take a look at what we see.