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Participants from Bhutan and Nepal engage in hands-on training on Rooted Apical Cuttings (RAC) technology during a CIP-led workshop in Bangalore, India, aimed at enhancing potato seed production.
Noviembre 26, 2024

CIP: mejorando el cultivo de papa en Nepal y Bután

El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) está liderando una iniciativa para mejorar la capacidad de producción de papa mediante la capacitación de científicos de Nepal y Bután en tecnologías innovadoras de producción de semillas y aseguramiento de la calidad.
Nepal's Potato Industry Seeks Innovation and Growth Amid Challenges
Julio 30, 2024

The Potato Industry of Nepal Seeks Innovation and Growth Amid Challenges

Despite challenges, the potato Industry in Nepal is undergoing significant developments. Among them: the opening of the first large scale French fry production facility in the country.
Mukunda Ranjit recognized as the scientist who saved the potato for Nepal
Febrero 14, 2019

Mukunda Ranjit recognized as the scientist who saved the potato for Nepal

In Nepal, Mukunda Ranjit is recognized by the Kantipur Foundation as Kantipur Icon 2018 in the category Science and Technology for his work to make potatoes virus-free, pioneering this initiative in South Asia.


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