Tendencias Alimentarias

La patata nueva de España llega a los supermercados con Patatas Meléndez
Mayo 19, 2020

La patata nueva de España llega a los supermercados con Patatas Meléndez

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, lanza su campaña de patata nueva nacional. Así, se adelanta con la patata temprana y la pone a disposición de los consumidores en toda su red de distribución retail (supermercados y su propia tienda online).
Bühler Virtual World continues for all of May
Mayo 19, 2020

Bühler Virtual World continues for all of May

Due to the positive response and over-subscription of virtual meetings, Bühler has decided to keep the Bühler Virtual World open at least until the end of May. Over the three days, more than 12,000 people from 132 countries visited the digital platform, around 500 private meetings are ongoing.
Rain decimates Tasmanian potato crop; processors fear European spuds will be dumped on Aussie market
Mayo 18, 2020

Rain decimates Tasmanian potato crop; processors fear European spuds will be dumped on Aussie market

Tasmanian potato growers, who produce the bulk of Australia’s French fries, are having a disastrous harvest. Months of wet weather is making it impossible to get onto paddocks in parts of the state.
Medio centenar de productores y vendedores dan salida a la patata de Palencia
Mayo 18, 2020

Medio centenar de productores y vendedores dan salida a la patata de Palencia

Un total de 25 tiendas y 20 agricultores se han sumado a la campaña de la Diputación de Palencia para fomentar el consumo de patata de la provincia y apoyar a vendedores y cultivadores para dar salida a este producto que no se ha podido comercializar debido a la covid-19.
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties
Mayo 14, 2020

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) studies wild potatoes for new pest-free potato varieties

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is to study wild potato varieties for resistance to a wide range of potato-diseases and plagues. This broad approach should yield breeding material that can be used to develop disease-free potato varieties.
McCain confirms Carberry layoffs
Mayo 13, 2020

McCain confirms Carberry layoffs

McCain Foods confirmed that layoffs have occurred at its Carberry potato processing plant in an email sent by the company to the Sun on Wednesday.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Potato Industry Welcomes USD 50 Million USDA Purchase for Potatoes
Mayo 13, 2020

Potato Industry Welcomes USD 50 Million USDA Purchase for Potatoes

The National Potato Council has welcomed USDA’s announcement of a $50 million surplus potato purchase to support the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A packaging machinery company has reported its best-ever first quarter.
Mayo 13, 2020

Best Ever First Quarter for GIC

GIC, which designs and manufactures vertical form fill and seal machines, has seen orders more than double year on year.
COVID-19 Pandemic Halts Global Trade of Potatoes and Cereals Creating a Food Security Challenge
Mayo 13, 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic Halts Global Trade of Potatoes and Cereals Creating a Food Security Challenge

COVID-19 has shaken the whole world-impacting society and the global economy similar to the effect of a world war.
In April the FAO Food Price Index fell for the third consecutive month
Mayo 13, 2020

In April the FAO Food Price Index fell for the third consecutive month

The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) averaged 165.5 points in April 2020, down 5.7 points (3.4 percent) from March and the lowest since January 2019.
PepsiCo Launches New Direct-to-Consumer Offerings to Deliver Food & Beverage Products and Meet Increased Demand Amid Pandemic
Mayo 13, 2020

PepsiCo Launches New Direct-to-Consumer Offerings to Deliver Food & Beverage Products and Meet Increased Demand Amid Pandemic

As consumers increasingly turn online for their food and beverage needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, PepsiCo, Inc. announced the launch of PantryShop.com and Snacks.com, two direct-to-consumer websites where shoppers can order an assortment of PepsiCo's brands.
Bühler creates the Bühler Virtual World to support food industry resilience during challenging times
Mayo 12, 2020

Bühler creates the Bühler Virtual World to support food industry resilience during challenging times

In just six weeks, Bühler transformed its physical interpack program into a fully digital experience. It has certainly been a very steep learning curve for the company, but one that will give Bühler’s partners and customers access to new services.
Contenido Patrocinado

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In french fry heartland, spring turns bitter as coronavirus cuts into global demand
Mayo 12, 2020

In french fry heartland, spring turns bitter as coronavirus cuts into global demand

This year, this is a season when dreams die. Due to an epic potato glut that imploded his market, he has decided to do what was once unthinkable — destroy part of his crop rather than sink more dollars into cultivation.
Utz Is in Merger Talks With Investment Company Collier Creek
Mayo 12, 2020

Snack Manufacturer Utz Is in Merger Talks With Investment Company Collier Creek

Potato chip-maker Utz Quality Foods is in talks to be acquired by Collier Creek Holdings, a company started by former Blackstone Group Inc. executives, according to people familiar with the matter.
Mayo 11, 2020

NEPG estima en un 5% la reducción de la superficie de patata en los países que la componen

La fuerte bajada de la demanda de producto en los restaurantes, bares y hoteles que habrían caído en un 50/60% y el descenso de la demanda de la exportación está provocando que la industria mundial de procesamiento de patata ha reducido su capacidad y necesidad de materia prima. Probablemente no se procesen más de 2 millones de toneladas solo en los países productores de patata que agrupa NEPG en el continente: Francia, Bélgica, Alemania y Holanda.
Haith Group and Grimme UK & Ireland Announce Strategic Partnership
Mayo 01, 2020

Haith Group and Grimme UK & Ireland Announce Strategic Partnership

Two of the most respected and well-known agricultural machinery manufacturers have announced a strategic collaboration for the UK and Ireland.
The Future of UK Potato Storage Research
Mayo 01, 2020

The Future of UK Potato Storage Research

AHDB’s announcement that it is consulting on the future of the Sutton Bridge Crop Research Station, and on potato storage research more broadly, should worry every potato grower in this country.
P.E.I. announces CAD 4.7M to tackle potato surplus related to COVID-19 market conditions
Mayo 01, 2020

P.E.I. announces CAD 4.7M to tackle potato surplus related to COVID-19 market conditions

'This will help to ensure no product is lost so that farmers are in a good position for the 2020 growing season'


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