Tendencias Alimentarias

Potato company Tasteful Selections Installs Intelligent Microgrid as they move towards net zero carbon
Abril 06, 2021

Potato company Tasteful Selections Installs Intelligent Microgrid as they move towards net zero carbon

California based potato company Tasteful Selection install the first microgrid in the Central Valley, delivering sustainability and energy resilience with islanding and outage ride-through capability.
HZPC: 'Ready to grow in North America'
Abril 06, 2021

HZPC: 'Ready to grow in North America'

Potatoes in the United States and Canada are a commodity. When selecting varieties, the color of the skin tends to be the primary consideration. As the new managing director of HZPC Americas Corp, Jeff Scramlin sees opportunities to increase market share by highlighting the distinguishing characteristics.
En Boyacá, Colombia florecieron 17 variedades de papa ancestral
Abril 06, 2021

En Boyacá, Colombia florecieron 17 variedades de papa ancestral

De parcelas en Ventaquemada y Chiscas, germinan 17 variedades de papa ancestral, que estuvieron a punto de desaparecer y perderse en el olvido.
Udapa crece en el mercado Español de la patata debido a la pandemia
Abril 05, 2021

Udapa crece en el mercado Español de la patata debido a la pandemia

La pandemia ha hecho crecer el mercado de udapa, entre las cinco mejores firmas de patatas, ya que el consumidor valora más ahora los productos del país, una ola a la que se sube la cooperativa alavesa con nuevos retos para este 2021.
Abril 05, 2021

El consumo casero de platos preparados con base de patata crece en España en más de un 10%

La patata se ha convertido en una guarnición clave en la dieta de los españoles por derecho propio: desde las tradicionales patatas bravas hasta los conocidos ñoquis italianos o el korokke japonés, la popularidad de este tubérculo no conoce límites, y su consumo crece año tras año.
Jaren Raybould of Saint Anthony, Idaho, Potatoes USA Chairman 2021-2022
Abril 05, 2021

Potatoes USA Elects 2021 -2022 Leadership

Potatoes USA, the marketing and promotion board for the U.S. potato industry, elected new leadership during the Annual Meeting on March 11, 2021. The newly elected Chairman and Executive Committee will lead the Board through 2021-2022.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
AHDB appoints Tim Rycroft as CEO
Abril 02, 2021

AHDB appoints Tim Rycroft as CEO

Tim, currently Chief Operating Officer of the Food and Drink Federation (FDF), will take up his position at the Stoneleigh-based levy board on 31 August 2021, replacing Jane King. During the intervening period, the interim AHDB CEO will be Ken Boyns, AHDB Chief Finance, and Operations Officer.
Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started
Abril 02, 2021

Preparations for PotatoEurope 2021 trial fields in Lelystad have started

The PotatoEurope organization has started preparing the potato trial fields at the event location near the central Dutch city of Lelystad.
 World Potato Congress Webinar: 'Integrated Pest Management in Potato Production'
Marzo 31, 2021

World Potato Congress Webinar: 'Integrated Pest Management in Potato Production'

The World Potato Congress is extremely pleased to present its next webinar on Tuesday, April 6, 2021/Wednesday, April 7, 2021, with Dr. Paul Horne, Entomologist, and owner and Director of IPM Technologies Pty Ltd., Hurstbridge, Victoria, Australia.
PMA and United Fresh to Create New Global Trade Association
Marzo 31, 2021

PMA and United Fresh to Create New Global Trade Association for the fresh produce industry

The Boards of Directors of the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) and United Fresh Produce Association (United Fresh) have reached an Agreement in Principle to create a new global trade association combining their resources and expertise.
Marzo 30, 2021

Las superficies de patatas ecológicas en Alta Francia están en aumento pese a un mercado limitado

Con el cierre del sector de la restauración y el consiguiente descenso de la actividad de la industria, la patata ecológica, al igual que la tradicional, ha sufrido la crisis de la COVID-19.
Una bacteria para mejorar el rendimiento de la planta de papa
Marzo 29, 2021

Una bacteria para mejorar el rendimiento de la planta de papa

Investigadoras del CONICET describieron por primera vez la cepa de una bacteria que podría convertirse en un biofertilizante, en un estimulador del crecimiento vegetal y también en un biocontrolador amigable con el medio ambiente.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Patatas Meléndez aprueba un plan para asegurar la 'igualdad real y efectiva' de sus trabajadoras
Marzo 29, 2021

Patatas Meléndez aprueba un plan para asegurar la 'igualdad real y efectiva' de sus trabajadoras

Patatas Meléndez, la empresa vallisoletana líder en el sector de la patata fresca, pone en marcha el I Plan de Igualdad con el objetivo de alcanzar la equiparación real y efectiva entre hombres y mujeres en todos los niveles de la empresa.
La palabra patata y lo que nos cuenta sobre nuestra historia
Marzo 29, 2021

La palabra patata y lo que nos cuenta sobre nuestra historia

Evidentemente, la patata es una excusa, aunque una poco inocente. Por muy insignificante que nos pueda parecer, la patata ocupa un lugar significativo en el mundo culinario y es, además, un alimento de gran importancia histórica.
Voting Report on AHDB Potato ballot is with Ministers
Marzo 27, 2021

Voting Report on AHDB Potato ballot is with Ministers. A majority voted against continuation of a levy.

A ballot to decide the future of the AHDB Potato levy has concluded and the voting report has been passed to Ministers for a decision on what happens next.
Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform
Marzo 27, 2021

Agrico's Next Generation potato varieties now available on its online platform

Last November Agrico built an online news platform to support its buyers and growers with important knowledge and information. Agrico now also shares the latest insights and successes of its Next Generation potato varieties on this online platform
Potato machinery manufacturer Double L acquired by Idaho Investors, creating opportunities for growth
Marzo 26, 2021

Potato machinery manufacturer Double L acquired by Idaho Investors, creating opportunities for growth

Double L, a prominent manufacturer of farm equipment in the Intermountain West, announced today it has reached a definitive agreement to be acquired by a group of Idaho investors, creating opportunities for growth.
How flavored mashed potato manufacturer Idahoan Foods drives consumer loyalty with new households
Marzo 25, 2021

How flavored mashed potato manufacturer Idahoan Foods drives consumer loyalty with new households

Idahoan Foods saw sales of its dehydrated mashed potato products rise during the pandemic as consumers cooked more meals at home.


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