Tendencias Alimentarias

John Sedgwick, new Board Chair of the UK Potato Processors’ Association (PPA).
Mayo 23, 2024

Leadership change at the UK Potato Processors Association: John Sedgwick takes helm as Chair

John Sedgwick, the UK Potato Supply Manager at Lamb Weston, has been officially named the new Board Chair of the UK Potato Processors’ Association (PPA).
PepsiCo's photovoltaic panels in Romania
Mayo 23, 2024

PepsiCo invests USD 2m in photovoltaic panels at Romanian sites

PepsiCo has completed a new green energy initiative by installing photovoltaic panels at three sites in Romania: Dragomirești, Popești-Leordeni and Covasna.
El IoT en la agricultura es una tendencia que ha llegado para quedarse, porque con su capacidad de ahorrar recursos, cada vez es más posible realizar un camino más sustentable para el agro.
Mayo 22, 2024

Tech: internet de las cosas para el cultivo de papa

El internet de las cosas (iot, por sus siglas en ingles) es una tendencia, también en la agricultura, que ha llegado para quedarse. Con su capacidad de ahorrar recursos, la sustentabilidad esta al alcance de la mano.
Perú: abuso de insecticidas resulta contraproducente
Mayo 21, 2024

Perú: abuso de insecticidas resulta contraproducente

En Huánuco, Perú, una de las regiones productoras por excelencia, el uso de pesticidas se ha vuelto un problema.
Justin Spannuth, VP and Chief Operations Officer of Unique Snacks
Mayo 20, 2024

SNAC International Inducts 2024-2025 Officers and Directors at Highly Attended SNX Event

SNAC International Business Members unanimously approved a new slate of officers to serve on the Executive Committee, as well as a new class of Directors-at-Large to serve on the Association’s Board of Directors. 
Potato Crop Spraying
Mayo 20, 2024

Scorched by foliar fertilization in the past… reasons to try again

The concept of foliar applied preparations is based on science, but when they were initially introduced in the late 1990’s many of the initial products had drawbacks, such as leaf scorch, low active volumes per application, poor uptake and even phytotoxicity.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
SunChips Harvest Cheddar and Munchies
Mayo 20, 2024

Frito Lay Canada recalls Sunchips ® harvest cheddar and munchies ® original snack mix out of an abundance of caution due to possible health risk

Frito Lay Canada has announced that out of an abundance of caution it is voluntarily recalling SunChips Harvest Cheddar Flavour Multigrain Snacks and Munchies Original Snack Mix.
Washington State Potato growers
Mayo 19, 2024

Sustainable Farming Thrives in Washington State

Washington State's potato farmers are leading the charge in sustainable agriculture. They harness the state's rich resources to produce high-quality crops while preserving the environment for future generations.
(LF) Johan Ichoh, Stephan van Kuik (CEO Lamb Weston), Abed Ichoh (Founder ILG Food Group), Tibor Warga, Roel Sweris, and Jurgen Meilink.
Mayo 19, 2024

Lamb Weston and ILG Food Group are now also partners for the Swedish foodservice market

Lamb Weston and ILG Food Group are intensifying their collaboration to better serve the Swedish Mediterranean foodservice market.
'Harvesting diversity, feeding hope' is the theme of International Day of Potato 2024
Mayo 15, 2024

Día Internacional de la Papa 2024 el 30 de mayo: 'Cosechando Diversidad, Alimentando Esperanza'

La FAO publica una "guía para participar" en la que insta a los gobiernos y agencias a proporcionar un entorno propicio.
Consecha de patatas. (Cortesía: Consecha de patatas)
Mayo 15, 2024

Mundo: cambio climático y cultivo de patatas

Nuevos estudios evalúan el impacto del calentamiento global y otros fenómenos climáticos sobre la producción de alimentos.
Seeds of Transformation: Empowering Rwanda's Farmers through Innovative Potato Varieties and Sustainable Agricultural Practices
Mayo 13, 2024

Cultivating Innovation: Transforming Rwanda’s potato industry with new varieties

The lack of quality seed for improved varieties has been attributed to the limited capacity of seed multipliers to produce enough to meet farmer’s demands.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Potato Plant
Mayo 13, 2024

Calcium Can Protect Potato Plants from Bacterial Wilt

Scientists have discovered that calcium plays a significant role in enhancing the resistance of potato plants to bacterial wilt. This disease causes worldwide losses of potatoes costing USD 19 billion per year.
CIP: Nuevo Centro regional en la India es casi un hecho
Mayo 13, 2024

CIP: Nuevo Centro regional en la India es casi un hecho

El proyecto de 20 millones de dólares ha pasado por negociaciones y ha avanzado en la Agenda de 100 Días del Ministerio de Agricultura.
HyFun Foods Unveils New Brand Identity and Announces Ambitious Expansion Plans
Mayo 13, 2024

Potato Processor HyFun Foods announces Ambitious Expansion Plans

Hyfun, manufacturer of frozen potato products - such as french fries - based in India announces plans for THREE new processing plants. The new investment will focus on the Indian market. Currently, 70% of Hyfun's revenue comes from exports.
Potato Sustainability Alliance Releases 2023 North American Potato Sustainability Assessment Report
Mayo 12, 2024

Potato Sustainability Alliance Releases 2023 North American Potato Sustainability Assessment Report

The Potato Sustainability Alliance (PSA) announced the release of its 2023 North American Potato Sustainability Assessment Report, communicating sustainability results gathered from 420 growers representing 589,120 potato acres across the U.S. and Canada. 
Mayo 08, 2024

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO sube ligeramente en abril, debido principalmente al aumento de los precios mundiales de la carne

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO* se situó en abril de 2024 en 119,1 puntos, es decir, 0,3 puntos (un 0,3 %) por encima de su nivel revisado de marzo, ya que el aumento del índice de precios de la carne y los incrementos más modestos de los índices de precios de los aceites vegetales y los cereales compensaron con cierta holgura los descensos de los índices del azúcar y los productos lácteos.
Una vista panorámica de las inundaciones en Rio Grande do Sul
Mayo 08, 2024

Brasil: históricas inundaciones en el sur tienen al país en alerta

Los estados del sur de Brasil están bajo agua. La catástrofe humana es total, y los precios de la papa en los principales mercados aumentan.


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