Tendencias Alimentarias

 Interpom 2012
Noviembre 09, 2012

Interpom | Primeurs 2012 sold out

The 16th edition of INTERPOM PRIMEURS will be held from Sunday 25 to Tuesday 27 November 2012 in Kortrijk Xpo (Belgium). With the new record number of 255 exhibitors and the entire filling of the exhibition complex at Kortrijk Xpo, INTERPOM PRIMEURS ...
McDonald's Global Comparable Sales Decrease 1.8% in October
Noviembre 08, 2012

McDonald's Global Comparable Sales Decrease 1.8% in October

McDonald's Corporation today announced that global comparable sales decreased 1.8% in October. Performance by segment was as follows: U.S. down 2.2% Europe down 2.2% Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa down 2.4% "The McDonald's System remains f...
Belgapom potato price now over TEN times the price last year
Noviembre 08, 2012

Belgapom potato price now over TEN times the price last year

The Belgapom price for potatoes for processing (Bintje) established weekly in Belgium last friday hit its highest level of this year. The price was over ten times the price last year. "The Belgapom quotation is the most frequently used price obs...
 World Food Price Index october 2012
Noviembre 08, 2012

The FAO Food Price Index fell in October

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 213 points in October 2012, down 2 points (1 percent) from September. The decline is largely due to reduced international prices of cereals and oils/fats which more than offset increases in sugar and dairy prices while...
Every meal high in saturated fats is bad for your arteries
Noviembre 07, 2012

Every meal high in saturated fats is bad for your arteries

A single meal high in saturated fat is detrimental to the health of the arteries, while no damage occurs after consuming a Mediterranean meal rich in good fats such as mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acids, according to researchers at the University of ...
 Potato Corner
Noviembre 07, 2012

Filippino firm Potato Corner planning big expansion in the US

Filippino-owned flavored French fries retailer Potato Corner is planning to expand in the US from the current 13 to as many as 1,000 stores in the next five to seven years.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Noviembre 07, 2012

No GM Food labeling in California: Proposition 37 voted down

California voters have decided they can live without labels on genetically modified food. This means the state will not be at odds with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s policy of not labelling GM foods, which goes back more than two decade...
 fastfood to the extreme
Noviembre 06, 2012

Ban on 'junk food' near schools in India?

The All India Food Processors Association (AIFPA) Wednesday approached the Delhi High Court, pleading that the court should hear them before passing any final order on a petition that seeks ban on carbonated beverages and junk food in school and colleg...
 Las seis etapas para la toma de información en el proyecto sobre RTBs
Noviembre 06, 2012

Establecimiento de prioridades de investigación para raíces, tubérculos y plátanos: Suma tu voz!

El Programa de Investigación del CGIAR sobre raíces, tubérculos y plátanos (RTBs, por sus siglas en inglés) viene evaluando las prioridades de investigación que se espera produzcan los mayores impactos sobre el bienestar, la pobreza, la seguridad alime...
 Entrega de premio al proyecto INCOPA/Papa Andina
Noviembre 06, 2012

El CIP con sus proyectos INCOPA y Papa Andina ganó el “Concurso de Casos Exitosos de Innovaciones para la Agricultura 2012”

El Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (FONTAGRO) y el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA) premiaron a las tres iniciativas ganadoras del Concurso de Casos Exitosos de Innovación en Agricultura Familiar, patrocinado...
Noviembre 06, 2012

No shortage of potato seed in Britain despite challenging season

Potato seed supplies are unlikely to be interrupted this year despite the problematic conditions experienced by growers. That is according to Potato Council head of seed and export, Rob Burns.
Noviembre 06, 2012

USDA makes first purchase of dehydrated granules for a US global feeding program

On October 24, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the purchase of 240 metric tons of dehydrated potato granules and 320 metric tons of dehydrated potato flakes under the McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition Pro...
Contenido Patrocinado

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Noviembre 05, 2012

EKKO acquires Formit Foodprocessing

Ekko Holding ApS (EKKO), based in Vejle Denmark, has acquired 100 percent of the shares in Oy FORMIT Foodprocessing Ab (FORMIT), based in Finland on Oktober 10, 2012.
Noviembre 04, 2012

TOMRA's Stefan Ranstrand speaks at TEDxOslo about the Resource Revolution

Stefan Ranstrand, President and CEO of TOMRA (Odenberg, BEST) spoke at this year’s TEDxOslo conference about the Resource Revolution, and how we need to take action to solve the challenges ahead.
McCain Foods
Noviembre 04, 2012

Quest for the perfect potato pays off for McCain Foods in India

India’s love affair with the french fry is so intense that the Canadian potato giant is injecting another $69 million on top of its current $37 million investment into greatly increasing output at its plant in Mehsana, which only opened five years ago.
Noviembre 03, 2012

Beyond Sustainability: Resilience

For decades, people who concern themselves with the world’s “wicked problems” — interconnected issues like environmental degradation, poverty, food security and climate change — have marched together under the banner of “sustainability”: the idea that ...
 Banana tree
Noviembre 03, 2012

Investigadores sostienen que los plátanos podrían reemplazar al cultivo de la papa debido al calentamiento global

El cambio climático puede variar la temperatura, cambiar los paisajes y, al parecer, también la dieta de las personas. Un grupo de expertos del Comité de Seguridad Alimentaria Mundial investigo el impacto del cambio climático de los 22 commodities m...
 Presidente del grupo CCU presentando sus productos
Noviembre 01, 2012

La filial de alimentos listos para comer de CCU busca ser un actor relevante en Chile

Fue en 2004 cuando CCU -grupo ligado a la familia Luksic y la holandesa Heineken- ingresó al negocio de los snacks con la compra de la empresa Calaf. Hoy, Foods Alimentos CCU -filial de la compañía que tiene como caballito de batalla la cerveza Cristal...


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