Tendencias Alimentarias

México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas.
Junio 22, 2022

México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas

Como parte de las acciones para mejorar las condiciones de producción y productividad en el campo tlaxcalteca, la Secretaría de Impulso Agropecuario (SIA) y el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (Inifap) dieron inicio con la siembra de papa mejorada genéticamente y de calidad industrial.
Yara y El Parque Papas firmaron el primer convenio sobre fertilizantes verdes en Argentina.
Junio 20, 2022

Yara y El Parque Papas firmaron el primer convenio sobre fertilizantes verdes en Argentina

La compañía noruega y la papera sellaron el primer acuerdo de este tipo en el país y el segundo del mundo. Se trata de un hito en el camino de la producción sostenible.
Burts Snacks installs multi-line Scott Automation Multi-line palletization system
Junio 20, 2022

Burts Snacks installs Multi-line Scott Automation palletization system

Premium Snacks manufacturer, Burts Snacks Ltd, have just completed one of their single largest investments, with the installation of a complete end of line pack handling
Junio 19, 2022

Menos patatas nuevas, pero mayores ventas de patatas de almacenamiento en Europa

Al comienzo de la temporada de las patatas nuevas, la Asociación de Productores de Patatas del Palatinado invitó a Christoph Hambloch, director general de la Federación Alemana de Asociaciones de Productores de Patata y desde hace dos décadas analista de mercado para el sector de la patata de la consultora alemana AMI.
NDSU develops potato variety now approved for McDonalds World Famous Fries
Junio 19, 2022

Potato variety 'Dakota Russet' now approved for McDonald's World Famous Fries

The most recent potato variety to join the list of approved McDonald’s potato varieties is the Dakota Russet, developed at North Dakota State University by Asunta Thompson
Near infrared spectral analysis for mobile applications for on-site food freshness testing
Junio 19, 2022

Is Infrared spectral analysis (NIR) coming to your smartphone?

In the potato industry several analytical applications based on Near Infra Red (NIR) are used to characterize products. A German research institute sees applications even at home and is therefore working towards an NIR sensor small enough to fit your phone.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Multiple high-quality genomes assembled from 24 wild and 20 cultivated potato varieties
Junio 18, 2022

Multiple high-quality genomes assembled from 24 wild and 20 cultivated potato varieties

An international research team featuring the James Hutton Institute has shed further light on the evolution and biology of potatoes as a genetically complex global food crop.
Israeli SaaS company, AgroScout, is now going global
Junio 17, 2022

AgroScout, a provider of crop monitoring solutions, is now going global

AgroScout, the agriculture and supply chain procurement solution provider, which has empowered various growers and food production clients with its cutting-edge crop monitoring and analytics
New Europatat Strategy 2022-2025
Junio 17, 2022

Potato association Europatat announces Strategy 2022-2025

On 30 May 2022, the Europatat membership gathered in Dublin approved a new vision and mission for Europatat, as well as the key fields of action and priorities for the next three years (2022-2025)
Dewulf going full ISOBUS for the 2023 planting season
Junio 16, 2022

Dewulf going full ISOBUS for the 2023 potato planting season

As supplier of a complete range of agricultural machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, Dewulf will be introducing full ISOBUS on nearly all CP and Structural potato planters from autumn 2022.
New nutrient profiling tools confirm starchy vegetables deliver comparable nutritional value as non-starchy vegetables and whole fruit
Junio 16, 2022

Study: starchy vegetables deliver comparable nutritional value as non-starchy vegetables and whole fruit

A new study recently published in Frontiers in Nutrition has challenged the tendency in nutrition research to separate starchy vegetables from their non-starchy counterparts
Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage
Junio 15, 2022

Joint industry project in the United Kingdom to tackle wireworm damage

Following an upward trend in wireworm damage in root vegetable and cereal crops throughout the UK, industry leaders have joined forces to co-fund a Fera-led R&D project to find an end-to-end solution
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Legacy of former Europatat’s President Gilles Fontaine
Junio 15, 2022

The legacy of former Europatat President Gilles Fontaine

June has marked the end of Europatat’s Presidency for Mr Gilles Fontaine, who joined Europatat’s Board in 2014 as Treasurer and became President in 2018.
Nutrition 2022: New processing technique could make potatoes healthier
Junio 15, 2022

Nutrition 2022: New processing technique could make potatoes healthier

Researchers announced early tests of a new potato processing technique designed to make our bodies digest potato starch more slowly. Laboratory demonstrations show that the approach blocks certain digestive enzymes
Chile: Sistema de control de heladas en el cultivo de papas.
Junio 14, 2022

Chile: Sistema de control de heladas en el cultivo de papas

El presente informativo entrega las bases técnicas para el establecimiento de un sistema de control de heladas, a través de riego por aspersión para el cultivo de papas.
Saving Time on Potato Plant Tissue Testing with Picketa.
Junio 14, 2022

Saving Time on Potato Plant Tissue Testing with Picketa

Time is paramount when testing potato crops before spraying and fertilizer applications, which is what Picketa’s new product is all about. For their final engineering project, four University of New Brunswick students decided to help potato growers.
Potato may emerge as the knight with shining armour having potential to ensure global food security in todays fragile agri-food system: Indian Perspective
Junio 14, 2022

A hero role for potatoes in global food security? An Indian perspective

The global agri-food system has been struggling with a series of disruptions caused by various events including drastic climate variabilities, the global pandemic of Covid-19 outburst, and the recent among them is Russia-Ukraine war.
Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study
Junio 14, 2022

Potato Protein as Good as Animal Protein: Study

While many plant proteins are deficient in one or more essential amino acids necessary for optimal muscle growth and repair, a new randomized controlled study published in shows that plant-derived proteins can still induce strong anabolic responses.


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