Tendencias Alimentarias

 New York City reintroduces calorie counts on menu boards
Enero 22, 2008

Calorie counts on Menu soon mandatory in New York City

Restaurant chains in New York will be forced to put calorie counts on their menus as part of a healthier eating campaign. The city's health board hopes the fat-filled truth about some dishes will shock diners into choosing alternatives. The new rule ...
Enero 22, 2008

Nueva York: intentan imponer conteo de calorías en menus

Una agencia municipal aprobó el martes un plan para obligar a cadenas de restaurantes de comida rápida a poner la cifra de calorías de sus alimentos en menús, con la esperanza de que eso fuerce a los neoyorquinos a comer de manera más saludable.
Enero 21, 2008

FAO sees record world food prices staying

Record food prices are unlikely to ease in the foreseeable future, as high grain demand and low stocks mean the world remains vulnerable to possible food shocks, a United Nations expert said on Monday. Efforts to increase wheat output may not be enough...
Enero 21, 2008

New trends in prepared-meal delivery offer healthy, gourmet options fit for any appetite.

What's for lunch? Whatever it is, for most people, it comes from a to-go box. The same goes for breakfast and dinner;a home-cooked meal is simply a rare luxury for many busy Americans. According to the Restaurant Association, 80 percent of people surv...
Enero 20, 2008

Making Quick Decisions Healthy: Simple Front Of Pack Logo Best To Help Consumers In Busy Shopping Environment

Unilever consumer scientists claim that simple front-of-pack logos will be most effective in helping consumers make the healthy choice in the supermarket. In the journal Appetite, the scientists report on the efficacy of eight front-of-pack nutrition l...
PPM Technologies
Enero 20, 2008

Control fryer or freezer feed with PPM Technologies Libra in line mass flow measurement

Fluctuations in mass flow can have serious consequences for the product quality in the freezing or frying process. In addition, not running a line optimally can result in increased downtime, as operators must stop the line to clean the conveying belt....
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Enero 18, 2008

Consumers Want More Info from Manufacturers: Survey

Consumers aren't getting the information they're looking for from product manufacturers, according to a new survey from Deloitte &Touche USA, LLP. Now more savvy than ever thanks to the rise of social networks and Internet sites, consumers are lear...
Enero 18, 2008

Cooks' union calls for diacetyl ban

A union for U.S. hotel, restaurant and kitchen workers has called on cooking oil manufacturers to stop using a toxic butter-flavoring additive called diacetyl."It could pose a serious health risk to commercial cooks and UNITE HERE is calling for f...
Enero 17, 2008

McDonald's drops report card advertisements

Remember the attention last month over McDonald's using the covers of Seminole County elementary school report cards to pitch Happy Meals to kids? The company defended the practice, saying it was simply giving rewards to students who got good grades by...
 Nestle on food trends
Enero 17, 2008

Presentation Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (Nestle): Creating a successful future

What better way to find out about the trends in the food industry than by looking what the leading food companies do?   This presentation from Nestle's Chairman and Chief Executive Peter Brabeck-Letmathe provides you with a glance of Nestle's future c...
Enero 17, 2008

McDonald's sees 2008 capital spending at $2 bln

McDonald's Corp's chief financial officer reiterated the company's forecast for capital spending of about $2 billion in 2008, split between new restaurants and renovation of existing ones.   Speaking at a conference on Wednesday hosted by Cowen and Co....
Enero 17, 2008

McDonald´s quiere reinventarse con una jugosa inyeccion de capital

McDonald´s Corp, la cadena estadounidense de comida rápida proyecta para el año 2008 invertir en capital una suma de de 2,000 millones de dólares, que se repartirán entre los nuevos restaurantes y la renovación de los locales ya existentes.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Enero 16, 2008

Popcorn-lover sues over lung disease caused by diacetyl

Wayne Watson, from Centennial, Colorado, is thought to be the only consumer of popcorn to have developed the rare lung condition bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn lung).   Watson's lungs have been damaged by the flavour chemical diacetyl in the artif...
Enero 16, 2008

Westchester trans fat ban now in effect

Westchester County’s ban on the use of cooking oils that contain trans-fat is now in effect for restaurants, school cafeterias and other licensed food service establishments. Starting January 15, 2007, Health Department inspectors will check for trans...
Enero 16, 2008

P&G may spin off Folgers coffee

Procter &Gamble Co. might spin off, instead of sell, its Folgers coffee business.   Media reports, cited unidentified sources, said the Cincinnati-based company, which has said it is exploring sales of slower-growing brands, was interested in a sp...
Enero 14, 2008

ConAgra signals shift in restructuring plan: three plants scheduled for shutdown will stay open

ConAgra Foods Inc. won't close three production plants that had been slated for shutdown in a multiyear reorganization effort, signaling a shift in emphasis from cutting costs to growing sales. "We've had good success with sales of new products, a...
Enero 14, 2008

Heinz researchers cook up new food items

The Heinz Global Innovation and Quality Center, which opened about two years ago, has significantly bolstered the research and development capabilities of Heinz, one of the world's largest food companies. Like other big food industry players, Heinz ha...
Enero 11, 2008

Boston moves towards trans fat ban

Following the lead of New York City and Brookline, health regulators in Boston last night took the first step toward banning artery-clogging trans fat from French fries, doughnuts, and other food sold in restaurants and corner stores. The Boston Publ...


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