Making Quick Decisions Healthy: Simple Front Of Pack Logo Best To Help Consumers In Busy Shopping Environment

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  • Making Quick Decisions Healthy: Simple Front Of Pack Logo Best To Help Consumers In Busy Shopping Environment
Enero 20, 2008
Unilever consumer scientists claim that simple front-of-pack logos will be most effective in helping consumers make the healthy choice in the supermarket. In the journal Appetite, the scientists report on the efficacy of eight front-of-pack nutrition labels involving 2406 men and women from the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. While many measures of consumer friendliness and usage intention were similar for simple and more complex front-of-pack labels, it took the study participants significantly less time to evaluate the simple labels. Consumers often spend very little time to decide what to buy in a supermarket;the scientists therefore argue that this shorter process time for the simple front-of-pack logos will best facilitate a consumer making the healthy choice in a snap decision.
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