Tendencias Alimentarias

Starch Europe Welcomes Lantmännen-Reppe and Viresol as members
Julio 01, 2019

Starch Europe Welcomes Lantmännen-Reppe and Viresol as members

Starch Europe Welcomes Lantmännen-Reppe and Viresol as members.
Scottish potato hub to tackle industry challenges
Junio 27, 2019

Scottish potato hub to tackle industry challenges

The seeds have been sown for the creation of a world-leading potato hub in Scotland, designed to give those working in the £200 million-plus industry instant access to expert advice.
Junio 21, 2019

Revolución técnica agrícola: Ojos en cielo para examinar las papas.

Recientemente, a los drones se les ha dado lo que podría ser su rol más importante: ser desplegados para proteger las papas escocesas.
Avebe challenges students Design the factory of the future and win a year's tuition fees!
Junio 20, 2019

Avebe challenges students Design the factory of the future and win a year's tuition fees!

This year Avebe is celebrating its hundredth anniversary! That means looking back, but also ahead.
Kettle Foods deepens its Norfolk roots with £2.7m potato processing investment
Junio 19, 2019

Kettle Foods deepens its Norfolk roots with £2.7m potato processing investment

A well-known Norwich crisps brand has embedded its roots in Norfolk for decades to come by investing £2.7m in a new potato processing building - unlocking the factory's future growth potential.
Junio 18, 2019

French fries Inc.: The potato cannot be burned from the news.

The potato cannot be burned from the news. This week it turned out that Belgian growers are settling in northern France because the Belgian area is almost exhausted.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Europatat Congress 2019 A unique and successful event for the sector!
Junio 14, 2019

Europatat Congress 2019 A unique and successful event for the sector!

On 13 June, the European potato community has gathered in Oslo, Norway, for the Europatat Congress 2019. Under the slogan “The timeless potato: A dynamic and innovative food”.
Junio 11, 2019

Aumenta la superficie de cultivo de papa en el noroeste de Europa

Sobre la base de una estimación provisional de los NEPG (cultivadores de papas del noroeste de Europa), el área en los 5 países más grandes de papas aumentó a 609,000 ha de papas de consumo, lo que representa un aumento del 2.4%.
The FAO Food Price Index continues its rise in May
Junio 11, 2019

The FAO Food Price Index continues its rise in May

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) continued to rise for the fifth consecutive month, averaging 172.4 points in May 2019, up 1.2 percent (2.1 points) from April but still 1.9 percent below its level in the corresponding month last year.
Junio 03, 2019

Solo faltan dos años para el 11º Congreso Mundial de la Patata en Irlanda

Irlanda y el Congreso Mundial de la Patata son completamente sinónimos. Debido a la historia y la tradición, la relación de Irlanda con la papa es única. A finales del siglo XVI, la papa se abrió camino desde el Perú hasta Irlanda.
Luc Deroulers, de Eurocelp, presenta una innovación en el sector de la patata
Mayo 29, 2019

Un algoritmo que reconoce las enfermedades de las patatas

Tras numerosos años de investigación, los equipos de Eurocelp han desarrollado un algoritmo capaz de detectar, de forma continua, las enfermedades de la patata.
Crisp maker Kettle could be sold after US food giant owner Campbell hired advisers to assess the future of the snack brand (Courtesy: Steve Parsons / Press Association)
Mayo 20, 2019

Kettle Chips owner Campbell Soup eyes sale of the UK branch of this premium snack maker

Premium Potato chip maker Kettle Chips could be sold after its US owner Campbell hired advisers to assess the future of the snack brand.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Mayo 17, 2019

El consorcio italiano de la patata trabaja cada vez más unido

El segmento de la papa de Emilia Romagna finalmente está funcionando como un sistema, ya que el Consorzio Patata Italiana di Qualità l'Op regional Agripat y el Consorzio Patata di Bologna Dop organizaron un stand colectivo en la feria de Macfrut.
Mayo 15, 2019

Investigación de vanguardia: las papas pueden crecer a altas temperaturas

Si hay algo que no le gusta a las plantas de papa, es el calor. Si la temperatura es muy alta, las plantas de papa producen un número significativamente menor de tubérculos o, a veces, ninguno. Los bioquímicos de la FAU ahora han descubierto la razón.
Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varietals. (Courtesy: Cultivate Michigan)
Mayo 10, 2019

Blending potato varieties on the rise

Since the humble precursor to modern potato first domesticated in Peru 10,000 years ago, the tuber has branched off into thousands of different varieties.
Not surprisingly, potatoes from Hungary are running out. (Courtesy: Infostart)
Mayo 10, 2019

Hungarian stores have run out of domestic potatoes

Hungary hasn't been self-sufficient in the potato market for a long time, but the price of potatoes in February was still extraordinary.
The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) rose in April 2019 to around 170 points
Mayo 09, 2019

The FAO Food Price Index rose in April 2019

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) rose in April 2019 to around 170 points, 1.5 percent (2.5 points) higher than in March and marking its highest value since June 2018.
The potato late blight pathogen. (Courtesy: Jens Gronbech Hasen / EuroBlight)
Mayo 07, 2019

Potato Blight Trends in Europe: EuroBlight 2018 Results

EuroBlight is continuously examining the ongoing evolution of the European population of the potato late blight pathogen and now reports on the 2018 results. Approximately 1000 samples were genotyped from 22 countries.


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