Tendencias Alimentarias

The McCain Polish factory in Strzelin to operate with 100% green electricity : A landmark in McCain’s sustainable transition and renewable electricity journey
Junio 10, 2022

McCain Strzelin Potato Processing Plant in Poland to operate with 100 percent green electricity

On UN World Environment Day (June 5th) and McCain Sustainability Week (June 6-10), the Canadian potato processor reached a key milestone in its Planet Friendly Food Journey
Junio 08, 2022

FAO: Duplicar la producción mundial de papa en 10 años es posible

En su discurso de presentación ante el Congreso Mundial de la Papa en Irlanda, el Sr. QU Dongyu, Director General de la FAO, hace referencia a las semillas, el rendimiento y la reducción de la pobreza.
Junio 08, 2022

Europatat elige a Tigran Richter como su nuevo presidente y aprueba una nueva Estrategia para 2022-2025

Europatat, la Asociación Europea del Comercio de la Patata, ha celebrado en Dublín (Irlanda) su primera Asamblea General presencial desde el estallido de la pandemia del Covid-19.
The 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland Industry Award Winners
Junio 07, 2022

The 11th World Potato Congress, Dublin, Ireland Industry Award Winners

The World Potato Congress Industry Awards were presented during the 11th World Potato Congress in Dublin, Ireland. Awards were presented to Dr. John J. Burke, Paul C. Struik, Antoon Wallays and Richard W. Okray
Junio 03, 2022

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO cae por segundo mes consecutivo en mayo

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO se situó en mayo de 2022 en un promedio de 157,4 puntos, es decir, 0,9 puntos (un 0,6 %) menos que en abril, lo que representa la segunda disminución mensual consecutiva.
How the humble potato is already helping end world hunger.
Junio 02, 2022

How the humble potato is already helping end world hunger

Consumed by more than a billion people worldwide, including many of the world’s poorest, potato has long been one of the most important crops to avert hunger.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Minister McConalogue opens the 11th World Potato Congress
Mayo 31, 2022

Minister McConalogue opens the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland

The Irish Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, officially opened the 11th World Potato Congress at the RDS in Dublin.
TOMRA FOOD publishes a new e-book to help processors and packers turn data from sorting machines into greater profitability
Mayo 24, 2022

TOMRA Food e-book to help processors and packers turn data from sorting machines into greater profitability

TOMRA Food has published a new eBook to help food processors and packers enhance efficiencies and profitability by using information gathered by sorting machines. The easy-to-read, 21-page booklet, titled 'When Sorters Become Data Generating Machines'
World Potato Congress 2022: Team behind HarvestEye continue to showcase crop insights innovation
Mayo 24, 2022

World Potato Congress 2022: Team behind HarvestEye continue to showcase crop insights innovation

Harvesteye - a machine-learning driven crop insights tool - is heading to the World Potato Congress at the end of May, as it continues to showcase on the global agricultural stage the actionable insights it places in the hands of growers.
Market Analysis: The impact of Russias war on the potato industry of Ukraine
Mayo 21, 2022

Market Analysis: The impact of Russias war on the potato industry of Ukraine

February 24, 2022 was a turning point for both Ukraine and the rest of the world, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine has undoubtedly turned the normal world order on its head.
New brand identity for Fruit Logistica and Asia fruit Logistica
Mayo 19, 2022

New brand identity for Fruit Logistica and Asia Fruit Logistica

The leading trade shows for the global fresh produce business and for Asia’s fresh produce business are presenting a modern new logo and introducing a joint corporate design in 2022.
Mayo 17, 2022

HZPC: Las nuevas generaciones de variedades de patata prometen una mayor seguridad alimentaria

La nueva generación de variedades de patata se comporta cada vez mejor en condiciones meteorológicas extremas, como la sequía, según el reciente informe de sostenibilidad del obtentor de patatas HZPC..
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Mayo 16, 2022

ADAPT desarrolla patatas tolerantes al estrés

¿Cómo responden las diferentes papas al estrés por calor, sequía y anegamiento? Científicos respaldados por la UE están investigando los cambios que hacen que las papas sean resistentes o susceptibles.
Mayo 06, 2022

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO retrocedió ligeramente en abril respecto del récord histórico registrado en marzo

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO* se situó en abril de 2022 en un promedio de 158,5 puntos, lo que representa un descenso de 1,2 puntos (un 0,8 por ciento) respecto del récord histórico alcanzado en marzo.
Seed potato company HZPC keeps profit expectations intact
Mayo 05, 2022

Seed potato company HZPC keeps profit expectations intact

Despite the fact that the conflict in Ukraine is affecting HZPC's sales, seed potato company HZPC is keeping its profit forecast intact after three quarters in the 2021-2022 financial year.
Marel to acquire Wenger, a global leader in processing solutions for pet food, plant-based proteins, and aqua feed
Abril 29, 2022

Marel to acquire Wenger, a global leader in processing solutions for pet food, plant-based proteins, and aqua feed

Marel is pleased to announce an agreement to acquire Wenger Manufacturing LLC, a global leader in processing solutions focused on pet food, plant-based proteins, and aqua feed.
Edison releases a global biopesticides market report – Feeding the World: Biological Products for Sustainable Crop Protection
Abril 29, 2022

RNA interference-based biopesticides market research report published

Edison Investment Research, a London-based investment research and advisory company releases a report on RNA interference-based biopesticides: Feeding the World: Biological Products for Sustainable Crop Protection
WPC 2022: The Changing World of the Potato.
Abril 25, 2022

World Potato Congress 2022: The Changing World of the Potato

The Congress Programme Committee, is delighted to announce that the Congress Programme is now available to view online.


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