Tendencias Alimentarias

10 Breakthrough Technologies Can Help Feed the World Without Destroying It
Agosto 13, 2019

10 Breakthrough Technologies Can Help Feed the World Without Destroying It

Researchers are developing lower-emissions rice varieties, feed additives and other technological innovations to create a more sustainable food system.
PepsiCo Targets African Growth With Offer To Acquire Pioneer Foods
Julio 22, 2019

PepsiCo Targets African Growth With Offer To Acquire Pioneer Foods

PepsiCo, Inc. (NASDAQ: PEP) ("PepsiCo") today announced that it has entered into an agreement to acquire all the outstanding shares of Pioneer Foods Group Ltd.
Mayo 29, 2019

Los Agricultores Etíopes ayudan a los investigadores a seleccionar las variedades de papa que el mercado demanda

La papa es importante para la seguridad alimentaria y un cultivo comercial en Etiopía con un alto potencial para mejorar los medios de vida de los pequeños agricultores, que representan el 83% de la población total y el 95% de las tierras agrícolas.
Abril 24, 2019

Las papas previenen la crisis alimentaria en Etiopía y restauran la 'dignidad y esperanza'

La papa irlandesa ha evitado otra gran crisis alimentaria humanitaria en una de las partes más pobres y remotas de Etiopía, según la organización de ayuda Concern Worldwide.
McCain Foods South Africa can't claim they are 'SA's NO.1 Chip'
Febrero 28, 2019

McCain Foods South Africa can't claim they are 'SA's NO.1 Chip'

McCain Foods South Africa claims in this advert that it produces the country's 'number one' chip. However, the Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) told them to remove the ads with immediate effect because the claim is simply not true.
Cómo combatir las 200 enfermedades causadas por alimentos nocivos
Febrero 15, 2019

Cómo combatir las 200 enfermedades causadas por alimentos nocivos

La inocuidad alimentaria se perfila como un desafío internacional para evitar 420.000 muertes y 600 millones de casos de enfermedades al año en el mundo.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Febrero 07, 2019

Las organizaciones de papas buscan aprovechar las papas para abordar la desnutrición en África

Las organizaciones de papas pidieron el lunes esfuerzos deliberados para aumentar la producción de papas y batatas para sistemas alimentarios nutritivos sostenibles en África.
Las papas son un éxito agrícola en Kenia
Mayo 18, 2018

Las papas son un éxito agrícola en Kenia

Los agricultores de las regiones productoras de papa en Kenia están aprendiendo a cosechar éxitos gracias a un programa financiado por USAID: Desarrollo Acelerado de la Cadena de Valor para Alimentar el Futuro (AVCD por sus siglas en inglés).
Struggling Potato Growers in Kenya turn to Contract Farming
Enero 14, 2018

Struggling Potato Growers in Kenya turn to Contract Farming

To deal with climate pressures, potato growers in Kenya are turning to contract farming to earn more money and get better seed.
Nigerian firm Blackpace acquires potato chip manufacturer Ndiyo in Rwanda
Noviembre 12, 2017

Nigerian firm Blackpace acquires potato chip manufacturer Ndiyo in Rwanda

BlackPace Africa Group has bought Ndiyo Business Group, a major producer of salted potato chips in Rwanda.
International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa
Octubre 16, 2017

International Potato Center (CIP) and Blackpace Group to cooperate in advancing potato production in Africa

The International Potato Center (CIP) and BlackPace Africa Group (BPA) executed a Technical and Scientific agreement to advance potato production in Africa, with focus on Rwanda.
AfDB: Africa remains world’s second-fastest growing region
Mayo 29, 2017

AfDB: Africa remains world’s second-fastest growing region

In 2016, Africa as a whole maintained its position as the world’s second-fastest growing economies behind South Asia, according to data released during the Financial Presentation at the African Development Bank Group’s Annual Meetings
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Potato supplier HZPC and its distributor Wesgrow charged by South African Competition Commission
Abril 10, 2017

Potato supplier HZPC and its distributor Wesgrow Seed Potatoes are charged by the South African Competition Commission

South Africa’s competition watchdog (Competition Commission South Africa) has charged the Dutch seed potato breeder HZPC Holland B.V. and its exclusive South African distributor Wesgrow Potatoes for anti-competitve conduct for the exclusive supply of the variety Mondial.
Farmers in Tanzania benefit from more resilient potato varieties
Marzo 17, 2017

Farmers in Tanzania benefit from more resilient potato varieties

Situated in the Northeast of Tanzania, the district of Lushoto is part of the so called highlands of Tanzania where potatoes are traditionally grown. Due to heat and lack of resilient potato varieties, farmers would often lose all the crop.
Nigerians consume french fries worth USD 200 million each year
Septiembre 08, 2016

Nigerians consume french fries worth USD 200 million each year

Michael Agbogo, co-founder of Vicampro, disclosed that Nigerians consume about 120 tonnes of French fries daily, even as the whole of West Africa region lacks real food processors. According to him, 'Nigeria imports about $200 million worth of French fries annually'...
Agricultural production (potato) in Angola's coastal Cuanza Sul province
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Cuanza Sul - Condé region in Angola to Increase Potato Production

The administrative authorities of the Condé municipality, in the coastal Cuanza Sul province, are working to acquire potato seeds in order to increase the potato production in the region.
Potato and Onion Producers Association of Namibia elects new board
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Potato and Onion Producers Association of Namibia elects new board

Members of the Namibian Potato and Onion Producers Association (Popa) recently met at Tsumeb to elect a new board.
Franch Fry manufacturer Lambert's Bay Foods acquired by Famous Brands
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French Fry Manufacturer Lambert's Bay Foods acquired by Famous Brands

In South Africa, Famous Brands has acquired 100% of the business of Lamberts Bay Foods, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Oceana Group Limited (Oceana) manufacturing frozen french fries.


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