Salud y Nutrición

España: Fin de la campaña de la patata en .
Julio 27, 2021

España: Fin de la campaña de la patata en Mallorca

Sa Pobla cuenta todavía con 45 payeses profesionales en activo. Sin duda, la patata es el cultivo mayoritario y el motor de la economía local, especialmente debido a la exportación de este tubérculo a lugares como Gran Bretaña, receptor por excelencia del tubérculo mallorquín.
Venezuela: La papa que se consume en su mayoría viene de Colombia.
Julio 20, 2021

Venezuela: La papa que se consume en su mayoría viene de Colombia

Camiones tras camiones, cargados de papa, cruzan la frontera colombo-venezolana para surtir el mercado nacional, ya que la producción de ese tubérculo en Venezuela bajó considerablemente.
Researchers Identify Gene for Self-Compatibility in Potato
Julio 06, 2021

Researchers Identify Gene for Self-Compatibility in Potato

New discovery will lead to faster and more focused potato breeding
China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma.
Julio 05, 2021

China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma

Un equipo de investigación del Instituto de Genómica Agrícola de Shenzhen, dependiente de la Academia China de Ciencias Agrícolas, avanza en un plan de diseño del genoma para papas híbridas.
PepsiCo se compromete a incremetar su inversión en patatas en Colombia incluso en pandemia.
Junio 29, 2021

PepsiCo se compromete a incremetar su inversión en patatas en Colombia incluso en pandemia

Aunque muchas empresas han sentido el impacto económico de la covid, a PepsiCo Foods esta situación le permitió reinventarse, mantener sus ventas y realizar una inversión sin precedentes en Colombia.
Zimbabwe: Matabeleland South Potato Producer Laments Lockdown Induced Losses
Junio 24, 2021

Zimbabwe: Matabeleland South Potato Producer Laments Lockdown Induced Losses

The prolonged Covid-19 lockdown has brought more harm to potato production that any other crop being produced in Zimbabwe at the Agricultural Rural Development Authority (ARDA) Trek Antelope Estate in Maphisa, Matabeleland South.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Re-educating Nigerian Potato growers: from farming as a culture to farming as a business
Junio 23, 2021

Re-educating Nigerian Potato growers: from farming as a culture to farming as a business

The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) has commenced training for Irish potato farmers in Kano. The training which began on Monday, June 21, will end on Friday, June 25, 2021.
Side Delights® recipes: Crab Filled Potato Bites.
Junio 23, 2021

Side Delights Potatoes: menu tips for the Return of the in-person Party

Side Delights is providing menu tips for event planners as party planning begins and consumers celebrate the return of the roaring twenties.
French fries on a baking tray in the oven
Junio 23, 2021

Potato nutrients can help reduce sodium retention, may help reduce risk of hypertension

New study finds that individuals with higher cardiometabolic risk may benefit from adding more dietary potassium, via potatoes, to a typical American diet
Impact of sustainability agenda of potato processor McCain Foods in India
Junio 21, 2021

Impact of sustainability agenda McCain Foods in India

In line with the Global Sustainability Strategy and Commitments, McCain released its Global Sustainability Report with a focus on India, for the first time, to track progress across its sustainability pillars for the year 2020.
FAO Conference, 42nd Session - Closing of the Conference.
Junio 21, 2021

FAO Conference endorses new Strategic Framework to drive agri-food systems transformation

Members of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today endorsed the new Strategic Framework that will drive the Organization's efforts to transform agri-food systems and address hunger, poverty, and inequality over the next decade.
Junio 21, 2021

Europatat Congress 2021: A successful virtual event for the potato sector!

El 10 de junio la comunidad europea de la patata se reunió virtualmente para el Congreso Europatat 2021. Bajo el lema 'Mantente
conectado - nuevas estrategias para el sector de la patata '
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EE.UU., Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de la patata peruana.
Junio 15, 2021

EE.UU., Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de la patata peruana

Estados Unidos, Europa y Bolivia son los principales destinos de las exportaciones de patata peruana, que este año se espera que alcancen las 18.000 toneladas, a pesar del impacto de la pandemia de la covid-19.
Northern Ireland: £2 million Covid support scheme announced for potato growers
Junio 08, 2021

Northern Ireland: £2 million Covid support scheme announced for potato growers

Northern Ireland Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots has announced more information on the £2 million financial support package for potato growers.
FPS Food Process Solutions Celebrates World Food Safety Day with a Call to Action to Raise Better Awareness in Hygienic Standards
Junio 07, 2021

FPS Food Process Solutions Celebrates World Food Safety Day with a Call to Action to Raise Better Awareness in Hygienic Standards

FPS Food Process Solutions celebrates its 11th anniversary by calling for better awareness of hygienic standards in the food processing industry on World Food Safety Day.
La demanda de Princesa Amandine no ha dejado de crecer en España.
Junio 01, 2021

La demanda de Princesa Amandine no ha dejado de crecer en España

El auge que ha tenido la marca en 2020 ha sido clave para la compañía, la crisis del COVID-19 ha favorecido el consumo en el hogar de la patata. Con la previsión de duplicar la superficie de cultivo, Princesa Amandine (Ibérica de Patatas, El Zamorano, Udapa, Campotec) se convierte en un nuevo operador del mercado español.
United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC): Planting Update May 27, 2021
Mayo 28, 2021

UPGC: Potato Planting Update Canada, May 27, 2021

The United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) provide an update on the potato planting in Canada (May 27, 2021). Seeding in Western Canada is winding up, while growers in the Atlantic region are in full planting mode.
Mayo 26, 2021

Reconnecting the potato chain: Interpom 2021 is a go!

We can now confirm that INTERPOM will go ahead! From 28 to 30 November 2021, the global potato sector will be able to gather in Kortrijk Xpo, as it used to do in the past.


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