Salud y Nutrición

FAO: Los contenedores marítimos propagan plagas y enfermedades
Agosto 17, 2016

FAO: Los contenedores marítimos propagan plagas y enfermedades

Los vertidos de petróleo atraen la atención de la opinión pública y generan preocupación, pero los "vertidos biológicos" suponen una amenaza mayor a largo plazo y no tienen tanta repercusión.
Acrylamide in Food; Scientific Opinion provided by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Junio 07, 2015

Acrylamide in Food; Scientific Opinion provided by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published its Scientific Opinion on Acrylamide in Food
European Snacks Association (ESA)
Julio 03, 2014

Snack companies Amica Chips and ICA Foods limit advertising to kids

Amica Chips and ICA Foods, two major savoury snack companies on the Italian market with a growing international presence, have joined the responsible advertising pledge of the European Snacks Association (ESA).
 FAO Food price index August 2012
Septiembre 06, 2012

No increase in world food prices in August

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 213 points in August 2012, unchanged from the previous month. Although still high, the Index value is 25 points below the peak (238 points) reached in February 2011 and 18 points less than in August last year. Internat...
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