Productos de Patata Deshidratada

 Farm Frites French Fries
Enero 29, 2010

Aardappelverwerkende Industrie verwacht moeilijk jaar

De moeilijke marktomstandigheden en de economische crisis hebben de aardappelverwerkende industrie in Noordwest-Europa vele tientallen miljoenen euro gekost. Verwacht wordt dat ook 2010 een moeilijk jaar blijft voor de aardappelverwerkers. “Onze marges...
Agrana potato starch campaign completed: 40,200 tonnes of potato starch produced
Enero 26, 2010

Agrana potato starch campaign completed: 40,200 tonnes of potato starch produced

During the potato starch campaign at the AGRANA plant in Gmünd, Lower Austria, between 26 August and 15 December 2009, a total of 187,400 tonnes of starch potatoes were processed (prior year: 198,532 tonnes), of which 5,100 tonnes were organic potatoes...
Enero 11, 2010

Mintel: UK consumers dig potatoes again

Potatoes have been attacked for their less than exciting image, ignored by low carb dieters and ostracised from the five a day allowance, but new research from Mintel finds that the fortunes of the humble spud have turned, as today, potatoes are eaten ...
Diciembre 09, 2009

Alemania cultiva papa que solo tiene amilopectina;útil en alimentación e industria del papel, adhesivos y textil

El principal fabricante alemán de almidón de patata, Emsland Group, ha anunciado que está procesando patatas TILLING, las cuales contienen exclusivamente amilopectina. Las patatas normales contienen un almidón formado por amilopectina y amilosa. La pat...
 Amflora GMO starch potato
Noviembre 02, 2009

German government endorses growing of GM starch potato Amflora

The new German government has endorsed the growing of genetically modified Amflora starch potatoes in its policy on the use of plant biotechonology. A report on the website,, says the new coalition government will promote a policy of ...
 Food and Drink Federation (FDF)
Octubre 20, 2009

UK Food and drink exports buck the trend

Exports of food and non-alcoholic drinks bucked the recessionary trend and were up 10.2% to £4.82bn in the first six months of the year, according to new research commissioned by the Food and Drink Federation (FDF)[1]. Exports of all UK goods were dow...
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Michael Jensen to succeed Uffe Andreasen as CEO of KMC
Septiembre 22, 2009

Michael Jensen to succeed Uffe Andreasen as CEO of KMC

KMC has appointed a new CEO, Michael Jensen, to succeed current CEO, Uffe Andreasen who announced his plans to retire the post earlier this year. Michael Jensen takes over the position starting September 21, 2009
 Starch manufacturer KMC
Septiembre 02, 2009

KMC to unveil exciting new product at FIE 2009: glazemaker

With FIE 2009 in Frankfurt just around the corner KMC is all geared up to show what is new and exciting within our comprehensive range of starch products and functional ingredients. The newest star on the horizon is GlazeMaker - a functional starch ble...
Starch-based flocculation agents of Emsland Group can replace synthetic polymers
Junio 02, 2009

Starch-based flocculation agents of Emsland Group can replace synthetic polymers

In cooperation with scientists of the University of Hamburg and the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR) Emsland Group conduct successful attempts, where starch-based flocculation agents could replace synthetic polymers for the use in the Hamburge...
Mayo 07, 2009

Duurzame Energie voor aardappelverwerker Aviko Rixona

Classens Bio-Energy gaat met een wervelbedvergasser energie uit biomassa leveren aan aardappelverwerker Rixona. Het idee was goed voor een prijs bij de NV Regio innovatietender €ureka! 2008.De wokkels bij uw glas bier en de aardappelpuree die u uit een...
Marzo 26, 2009

Pizza-making machine has chefs in a spin

A vending machine that bakes fresh pizza in minutes for a few euros has got Italian chefs in a whirl before it hits the streets in the coming weeks. The bright-red "Let's Pizza"machine uses infra-red rays and technology developed at the Uni...
Marzo 17, 2009

Cosun Financial Results;Aviko margins under pressure

Cosun achieved net turnover for 2008 of € 1,689 million (2007: € 1,713 million). Loss of turnover following the sale of Unifine Sauces &Spices was largely compensated for by higher turnover at a number of other Cosun business groups. Operating prof...
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 AKV Langholt
Marzo 13, 2009

AKV Langholt awarded for cooperation between employees and management

The Danish Potato Starch Manufacturer AKV Langholt has received an award for the best cooperation between employees and management.AKV Langholt was selected from over 2000 companies because of the progress made, according to the "Cooperaration Boa...
Enero 30, 2009

Nederlandse Frites fabrikanten houden contract aardappelprijs voor 2009 gelijk

Aviko houdt de contractprijs voor fritesaardappelen dit jaar gelijk. Aviko doet dit, ook al zijn de kosten voor het aardappelverwerkend bedrijf gestegen. Dat zegt directeur Grondstoffen Dick Zelhorst van Aviko in een interview met het Agrarisch Dagblad...
Diciembre 09, 2008

Starch industry demands swift approval of genetically optimized potatoes

The leading European potato starch companies AVEBE, Emsland-Stärke, and Lyckeby Industrial demand the use of innovative technologies in agriculture. According to the starch producers, genetically optimized starch potatoes like Amflora from BASF Plant S...
Diciembre 01, 2008

Potato Starch Manufacturer KMC has much to celebrate, but 'Now is not the time to rest'

KMC’s annual meeting was held on November 28, 2008 and Chairman Martin Arvad was pleased to report of a year in which KMC not only celebrated its 75 year anniversary, but also of a year that presented one of the best results in KMC’s history.In Denmark...
Noviembre 13, 2008

Henrik Skoett new head of environmental team at KMC

KMC is proud to announce the addition of Henrik Skoett, MSc in biochemistry as head of the environmental team. Henrik brings 12 years of experience and service in public wastewater management with him.KMC is committed to maintain a healthy world enviro...
 VAVI: Vereniging voor de Aardappelverwerkende Industrie
Octubre 31, 2008

Telers en industrie maken nieuwe afspraken in aardappelcontracten

De akkerbouwers en de aardappelverwerkende industrie zijn het eens geworden over enkele aanpassingen in de contracten voor de aardappelteelt. Zo zijn nieuwe afspraken gemaakt in het geval een partij wordt afgekeurd en komt er een keuzemogelijkheid voor...


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