Agrana potato starch campaign completed: 40,200 tonnes of potato starch produced

Agrana potato starch campaign completed: 40,200 tonnes of potato starch produced

Agrana potato starch campaign completed: 40,200 tonnes of potato starch produced

Enero 26, 2010

During the potato starch campaign at the AGRANA plant in Gmünd, Lower Austria, between 26 August and 15 December 2009, a total of 187,400 tonnes of starch potatoes were processed (prior year: 198,532 tonnes), of which 5,100 tonnes were organic potatoes, with a starch content of around 18.5%, to produce 40,200 tonnes of starch (prior year: 42,400 tonnes).

In addition, the autumn deliveries also included 8,000 tonnes of food industry potatoes and 3,100 tonnes of organic food industry potatoes for processing into shelf-stable potato products such as potato flakes.

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