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Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Our potato varieties have something for everyone
Febrero 11, 2017

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Our potato varieties have something for everyone

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) annually releases 10-15 potato selections. To show these to the Canadian industry, AAFC will hold a Potato Release Open House on February 15, 2017, simultaneously in Fredericton, NB; Guelph, ON; and Lethbridge, AB.
It's potato planting time in North Florida
Febrero 09, 2017

It's potato planting time in North Florida

It’s potato planting time in North Florida. St. Johns County is one of the counties in Northern Florida well known for its potato production with the town of Hastings being the center of it.
Centroamérica recibe 70 clones de papa del CIP
Febrero 06, 2017

Centroamérica recibe 70 clones de papa del CIP

A finales del primer trimestre estarán llegando los primeros clones desarrollados por el Centro Internacional de la Papa
Cinco experiencias exitosas de producción de semilla de papa en los Andes
Febrero 01, 2017

Cinco experiencias exitosas de producción de semilla de papa en los Andes

El rendimiento del cultivo de la papa en los países andinos es bajo y una causa es la degeneración de la semilla. Para solucionar el problema se crearon los sistemas formales de certificación de semillas. Pero su implementación no ha entregado los resultados esperados. Se requieren por tanto cambios en los actuales sistemas de semilla.
NIFA Announces $1.85 million for Potato Breeding Research
Enero 18, 2017

NIFA Announces $1.85 million for Potato Breeding Research

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) today announced the availability of $1.85 million in funding for regional potato breeding research to support the development of superior-performing varieties that can be brought to market as soon as possible.
Argentina: La producción de semilla de papa fiscalizada alcanzó a 139 mil toneladas
Enero 16, 2017

Argentina: La producción de semilla de papa fiscalizada alcanzó a 139 mil toneladas

La superficie sembrada fue de 5.094 has y el rendimiento promedio de 27 t/ha. La producción corresponde a la campaña 2015/16.
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El cultivo de papa renace en zona del sur de Buenos Aires
Enero 03, 2017

El cultivo de papa renace en zona del sur de Buenos Aires

Con clima templado y 140 mil hectáreas bajo riego, esta producción se afianza en el Valle del río Colorado, en el sur de Buenos Aires. Especialistas del INTA caracterizan variedades y recomiendan su adopción en la rotación
Maine: Potato Variety Caribou Russet has had a slow start
Diciembre 18, 2016

Maine: Potato Variety Caribou Russet has had a slow start

It’s been more than a year since a new potato variety known as the Caribou Russet was unveiled. But so far, it’s been rather hard to find — getting a new potato onto store shelves isn’t as simple as it may seem.
McDonald's accepts additional potato varieties for its fries
Noviembre 29, 2016

McDonald's accepts two new potato varieties for its fries: Blazer Russet and Clearwater Russet

In September, McDonald's approved two relatively new potato varieties for the production of their french Fries. They only allow seven varieties now, four of which were developed by the Tri-State Program
NMSU researcher helps develop potatoes more nutritious potatoes
Noviembre 27, 2016

NMSU researcher helps develop more nutritious potatoes

Can the nutritional value of potatoes be improved? That is the question USDA research geneticist Kathy Haynes has been asking for nearly 30 years. Her quest for the answer has led her to breeding a more nutritious potato, similar to the papa criolla types found in South America.
Top Ten potato varieties grown in the United States (Fall Crop)
Noviembre 21, 2016

The top six potato varieties grown in the United States (Fall Crop)

Do you know the Top 6 potato varieties grown in the United States? We created an overview based on the USDA data for the 2016 fall potato crop.
Method developed to predict root mass of shrubs may be helpful for potato crop as well
Noviembre 10, 2016

Method developed to predict root mass of willow shrubs may be helpful for potato crop as well

Scientists at Cornell University have developed an electric capacitance measurement that is able to predict the root mass of shrubs and trees. What's more, they hint it may helpful for tubers and root crops as well
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Gobierno ecuatoriano entrega 90 toneladas de semilla de papa a productores
Noviembre 08, 2016

Gobierno ecuatoriano entrega 90 toneladas de semilla de papa a productores

El Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca (MAGAP), informó que la institución entregó 1.980 sacos de 45 kilos semilla de papa a 13 organizaciones agricultoras de la provincia de Pichincha. La inversión alcanza los 89.100 dólares.
Honduras importa casi tres mil toneladas de semilla de papa.
Noviembre 03, 2016

Honduras importa casi tres mil toneladas de semilla de papa

La meta de este proyecto es producir el 70% de semilla que necesita el productor nacional, a precios accesibles y disponibilidad durante todo el año.
Canada has secured market access for Alberta Seed Potatoes to Thailand
Noviembre 03, 2016

Canada has secured market access for Alberta Seed Potatoes to Thailand

Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Lawrence MacAulay announced monday that the Government of Canada has secured market access for Alberta seed potatoes to Thailand.
Venezuela cuenta con nuevo centro de almacenamiento y conservación de semilla de papa
Octubre 31, 2016

Venezuela cuenta con nuevo centro de almacenamiento y conservación de semilla de papa

El estado Trujillo, en la región andina del país, cuenta ya con el Centro de Almacenamiento y Conservación de Papa Luna Fría, ubicado en el municipio de Urdaneta.
World Potato Congress in Peru will be held in combination with the ALAP congress
Octubre 28, 2016

World Potato Congress in Peru will be held in combination with the ALAP congress

The 10th World Potato Congress will be held in Cusco Peru in combination with the 28th Congress of the Latin America Potato Association, ALAP from May 27-31, 2018
USDA clears Calyxt potato modified to withstand bruising
Octubre 26, 2016

USDA clears Calyxt potato modified to withstand bruising

A new potato variety that’s genetically modified to withstand bruising has been cleared for commercialization without undergoing USDA’s deregulatory process for biotech crops.


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