Cultivo de Papas

Grimme unveils six new machines at its first farm days event
Junio 27, 2022

Grimme unveils six new machines at its first farm days event

Last week more than 2,700 farmers and growers from across Europe attended Grimme's first ever Farm Days event, with six machines taking centre stage at the Grimme farm in Cappeln Germany.
Inicio temprano de la cosecha de patatas con buenas cantidades y calidades en Alemania.
Junio 08, 2022

Inicio temprano de la cosecha de patatas con buenas cantidades y calidades en Alemania

La cosecha de patatas nuevas comienza relativamente pronto este año en muchas zonas de cultivo de Alemania. Las patatas tempranas se plantaron a mediados de febrero.
Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata
Febrero 09, 2022

Alemania: Por fin han llegado las esperadas subidas de precios para los productores de patata

Christian Fockenberg, uno de los dos directores generales de T. Stadtmann & Co, con sede en Bottrop, al describir la situación actual del mercado.
Enero 05, 2022

Europlant presenta un programa de patatas con baja utilización de insumos

Europlant presenta variedades de patata con una alta cantidad de nutrientes. Las variedades especiales de alto rendimiento y alta calidad para una producción con pocos insumos protegen el medio ambiente y ahorran costes.
Freya von Czettritz: Agritechnica 2022 will not take place.
Diciembre 21, 2021

Agritechnica 2022 will not take place

Unfortunately, due to the deteriorating pandemic situation in recent weeks and the resulting current official regulations, a situation has arisen which makes the trouble-free execution of AGRITECHNICA no longer possible.
After one and a half years without potato events, it was time to meet up again
Agosto 30, 2021

'After one and a half years without potato events, it was time to meet up again'

Thirty-four potato growers took the opportunity to discuss potatoes, exchange information about the potato market and simply make small talk again at a variety presentation at Europlant.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Albert Schirring, Strategy Lead Vegetables & Potato, Bayer AG
Marzo 24, 2021

World Potato Congress Webinar: 'Late Blight: 175 years of experience. What have we learned? An update.' by Albert Schirring

The World Potato Congress is very pleased to present its next webinar on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 with Albert Schirring, Strategy Lead Vegetables & Potato, Bayer AG.
Bosch and BASF establish joint venture for digital technologies in the agricultural sector
Noviembre 12, 2020

Bosch and BASF establish joint venture for digital technologies in the agricultural sector

Bosch and BASF Digital Farming have signed a 50:50 joint venture (JV) agreement to globally market and sell smart farming solutions from a single source in the future.
The Pre-Sprouting Crates From Bekuplast in Action: The Anrather Spargelhof in Willich Uses These Boxes.
Octubre 16, 2020

Pre-Sprouting Potatoes: bekuplast LLC Crates Allow A Uniform And Stable Sprouting Pattern

With regard to potatoes, pre-germination is crucial for good growth. Pre-sprouting enables growers to achieve higher yields and start harvesting up to 6-8 weeks before 'normal' potatoes. It is important that the potatoes are evenly exposed and ventilated.
The plant on the left is untreated and the fungi are clearly visible. The right plant was treated with the acid, the fungus could not cause any damage.
Septiembre 25, 2020

Researchers find new way to protect plants from fungal infection

Widespread fungal disease in plants can be controlled with a commercially available chemical that has been primarily used in medicine until now. This discovery was made by scientists from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the University of the State of Paraná in Brazil.
Restrain sprout suppressor approved in Germany
Julio 09, 2020

Restrain sprout suppressor approved in Germany

The German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL) has approved the ethylene-based sprout suppressor Restrain as a safe crop protection product with immediate effect. The approval applies to the treatment of potatoes (for both domestic consumption and starch production), onions, garlic, shallots, propagating material, and tomatoes.
World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar June 25, 2020 At 09:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time With Burkhard Kuhlmann Presenting: 'Mechanisation Levels For The Global Potato Industry'
Junio 12, 2020

World Potato Congress Inc. Webinar: 'Mechanisation Levels For The Global Potato Industry'

The World Potato Congress continues its webinar series with a presentation by Burkhard Kuhlmann of Grimme, entitled 'Mechanisation Levels for the Global Potato Industry'.
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Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany
Abril 15, 2020

Lively demand for Cypriot early potatoes in Germany

The sunny weather and the early start of the domestic asparagus season are particularly advantageous for potato imports. We are now hoping for a successful continuation of the campaign after Easter.
Alemania prohíbe la entrada al país de trabajadores temporeros para frenar el coronavirus
Marzo 30, 2020

Alemania prohíbe la entrada al país de trabajadores temporeros para frenar el coronavirus

El Ministerio del Interior alemán ha anunciado la prohibición de entrada al país a partir de las 17.00 horas de este miércoles de los trabajadores temporeros en el marco de los esfuerzos para frenar la propagación del coronavirus.
Agrico shows 'Next Generation' potato varieties at Fruit Logistica
Enero 30, 2020

Agrico shows 'Next Generation' potato varieties at Fruit Logistica

Agrico will be exhibiting at Fruit Logistica in Berlin from Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2020. At this leading international trade event, Agrico will demonstrate its contribution to sustainable potato cultivation for the ‘Next Generation’.
Dewulf shows potato harvesters, planters at Agritechnica 2019
Noviembre 03, 2019

Dewulf shows potato harvesters, planters at Agritechnica 2019

Dewulf, full-liner in machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops will show seven machines at its stand at Agritechnica 2019. They range from soil cultivation to planting and from harvesting to storage.
German potato prices set to spike due to drought
Agosto 19, 2019

German potato prices set to spike due to drought

Two summers in a row of drought are causing Germany’s potato supply to dwindle - and prices to rise.
Grimme Unveils The 16.1M Long Store Loader
Julio 11, 2019

Grimme Unveils The 16.1M Long Store Loader

Grimme has introduced the new SL 716 store loader, which is top of the range in its class. The machinery is 16.1m long and has a belt width of 65cm.


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