Papas GM

Wageningen University
Noviembre 29, 2010

Aardappels met nieuw soorten zetmeelkorrels ontwikkeld door Wageningen University

Het is mogelijk om zetmeelaardappels zó te veredelen dat ze nieuwe soorten zetmeel maken, als nieuwe, betere groene grondstof voor nieuwe toepassingen, zoals in de bouw en in de papier-, lijm-, diervoeder- en voedingsmiddelenindustrie.
Septiembre 24, 2010

BASF indentifies cause of Amadea and Amflora starch potato mingling

BASF Plant Science has identified the root cause of the starch potato comingling in northern Sweden. During the course of company's regular internal quality assurance measures in August, BASF Plant Science discovered 47 Amadea plants in Amflora propaga...
Septiembre 21, 2010

EU battle over GM potato continues

Luxembourg has joined Hungary and Austria in their legal challenge over the authorisation of BASF’s genetically modified (GM) potato Amflora.
Septiembre 10, 2010

BASF Plant Science identifies case of low level comingling in Amflora fields in Sweden

BASF Plant Science identified extremely small quantities of Amadea potatoes in Amflora fields planted in Northern Sweden during the course of the regular in-house quality controls.
Septiembre 06, 2010

La CE confirma el cultivo ilegal de una patata transgénica en Suecia

La Comisión Europea (CE) ha confirmado hoy el cultivo de una variedad de patata genéticamente modificada no permitida por la UE en campos de Suecia y ha pedido explicaciones a la compañía responsable, la alemana BASF. El portavoz comunitario de Sanida...
 Amflora GMO starch potatoes
Septiembre 02, 2010

Amadea submission announced at harvest first Amflora starch potatoes

The German Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Rainer Brüderle, today helped to start the harvesting of the Amflora potatoes in Zepkow in the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Together with BASF’s Chairman Dr. Jürgen Hambrecht an...
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 Papa Amflora genéticamente modificada
Agosto 31, 2010

BASF ha solicitado a la CE autorización para una segunda patata transgénica

El grupo químico alemán BASF ha solicitado a la Comisión Europea (CE) autorización para una segunda patata manipulada genéticamente "Amadea", cinco meses después de haberla logrado para "Amflora"tras años de espera. Con motivo del...
Agosto 23, 2010

Científicos indios desarrollan papa rica en proteínas

Una variedad de papa enriquecida con proteína mediante ingeniería genética se está probando actualmente en la India con propósitos comerciales. Desarrollado por Asis Datta en el Centro Nacional para Investigación en el Genoma Vegetal de la Universidad...
Agosto 23, 2010

Indian Scientists develop protein rich potato

A genetically engineered, protein-enriched potato is being readied for commercial field-testing in India, scientists said.
 Amflora Starch Potato
Agosto 14, 2010

GMO - Tempting traits waiting in the wings

The latest genetically modified crops being trialled in Europe are open to public at the Uplingen Plant Science Garden in east Germany. Potatoes that fend off blight without the aid of pesticides, sugar beet capable of withstanding a dose of glyphosate...
Julio 06, 2010

Toelaten van ggo-gewassen niet langer EU-bevoegdheid?

De Europese Commissie werkt aan een voorstel om de toelating van ggo-gewassen niet langer op Europees niveau te beslechten. Het dossier zou half juli worden voorgesteld tijdens het Belgisch EU-voorzitterschap. Uittredend minister van Landbouw Sabine La...
 Amflora starch potato
Junio 22, 2010

EU to change approval system for GMO crops

The European Union is to radically overhaul its approval system for genetically modified (GM) crops from next month, opening the way to large-scale GM cultivation in Europe, draft proposals seen by Reuters on Friday showed. With most Europeans showing...
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 John Inness Center
Junio 06, 2010

Trial with GM potatoes resistant to late blight approved in United Kingdom

Defra has given scientists at The Sainsbury Laboratory (TSL) the go ahead to conduct a three-year trial on genetically modified (GM) potatoes.   Scientists at TSL - part of the John Innes Centre - are testing potatoes that have been genetically modifie...
Mayo 24, 2010

Amflora zal in Nederland nauwelijks worden geteeld

Minister Verburg van LNV verwacht niet dat de teelt van de genetisch gemodificeerde Amflora-fabrieksaardappel van BASF een grote vlucht zal nemen in Nederland. Amflora is namelijk onvoldoende resistent tegen de wratziekte en mag daarom niet in het Nede...
Abril 27, 2010

German Food Companies Say No to Genetically Modified Potatoes

According to the results of a survey released this month by the German branch of the environmental organization Greenpeace, a number of snacks and fast food giants including Burger King, McDonald's, German seafood chain Nordsee and chipmaker Lorenz Sna...
Abril 09, 2010

Trials with GM Potatoes resistant to PCN in United Kingdom approved

The government has given the green light to scientists to undertake a trial of genetically modified potatoes.Researchers will grow a trial crop of potatoes genetically modified to resist infection by potato cyst nematodes.DEFRA granted approval to scie...
 Amflora Starch Potato
Abril 06, 2010

What the approval of GM potato Amflora in Europe means to growers

Last month the EU Commission approved a second GM crop for cultivation in the EU. First plantings of Amflora, for seed production, are expected in Germany and the Czech Republic this spring. Other countries with a starch potato industry include Franc...
 Anton Haverkort
Marzo 11, 2010

Haverkort: 'Nog paar jaar voor Modena teelttoelating krijgt'

Het duurt nog een aantal jaren voor de Europese Commissie een teelttoelating geeft voor de genetisch veranderde aardappel Modena van Avebe. Ondanks dat BASF de eerste teelttoelating heeft gekregen voor de genaardappel Amflora. Dat zegt onderzoekscoö...


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