Papas GM

Solynta's Potato Hybrids Double Kenyan Farmers' Yields Without Fungicides
Octubre 08, 2024

Potato Revolution in Kenya: Record Yields Without Fungicides

Solynta's potato varieties with high resistances against Late Blight provide Kenyan farmers with good yields, as demonstrated in a comparative field test during an extensive spray/no spray trial in Limuru, Kenya.
PoLoPo Adds Potato Protein (Patatin) to Product Lineup
Agosto 29, 2024

Breakthrough: Functional Patatin (Potato Protein) added to Commercial Product Lineup of PoloPo

PoLoPo, a molecular farming pioneer has announced it will begin supplying patatin, the native protein in potatoes, to commercial clients following regulatory approval.
Nigeria’s GM Potato project concludes first-year trial, shows 300% yield advantage
Noviembre 23, 2023

Nigeria’s GM Potato project concludes first-year trial, shows 300% yield advantage

The Genetically Modified (GM) Potato Project ongoing in Nigeria has concluded its first-year multi-locational confined trial in three locations
McGill University Professor Martina Stromvik and her team have created a potato super pangenome to identify genetic traits that can help produce the next super spud.
Agosto 29, 2023

Mapping genetic variation of the potato: McGill researchers create super pangenome

Scientists have assembled the genome sequences of nearly 300 varieties of potatoes and its wild relatives to develop more nutritious, disease-free, and weather-proof crop.
Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease
Abril 25, 2023

Breakthrough in fight against devastating potato disease

Potato is the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat in terms of human consumption. But potato world production is threatened by potato late blight
El INTA lidera el mejoramiento genético del cultivo de papa
Abril 19, 2023

Argentina: El INTA lidera el mejoramiento genético del cultivo de papa

La Argentina es un centro de diversidad genética de papa. Crecen naturalmente numerosas especies silvestres y nativas que crean un gran acervo genético para la búsqueda de fuentes de tolerancias a diversos factores que le son adversos a la papa cultivada.
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Disease Resistant Potatoes & Fortified Bananas Gets Govt Approval
Abril 02, 2023

Indian government approves trials of GM Disease Resistant Potatoes & Fortified Bananas

After mustard, India will undertake trials of two other genetically modified (GM) food crops, bananas and potatoes, perhaps ushering in a new era of biotech-enhanced farming.
Celebration as Nigeria harvests first batch of biotech-potatoes
Diciembre 20, 2022

Nigeria harvests first batch of biotech-potatoes

Elder Isaiah Buwah is growing potatoes for forty years in the Plateau State, North Central Nigeria. Having seen the impact from late blight first hand, he truly enjoyed the harvest of the first batch of - resistant - biotech potatoes.
Noviembre 28, 2022

El USDA aprueba el cultivo de una variedad transgénica de patata

El Departamento de Agricultura de EE. UU. (USDA) está publicando dos respuestas en virtud de las reglamentaciones de biotecnología revisadas en 7 CFR parte 340.
Farmers upbeat about new potato variety
Julio 26, 2022

Potato farmers in Rwanda upbeat about new variety

Potato farmers have welcomed the government’s on-going trials on the use of agricultural biotechnology in producing a new Irish potato variety resistant to the devastating late blight disease.
México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas.
Junio 22, 2022

México: Impulsan SIA e Inifap la producción de papa en Tlaxcala con semillas mejoradas

Como parte de las acciones para mejorar las condiciones de producción y productividad en el campo tlaxcalteca, la Secretaría de Impulso Agropecuario (SIA) y el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (Inifap) dieron inicio con la siembra de papa mejorada genéticamente y de calidad industrial.
Texas A&M AgriLife researchers use CRISPR technology to modify starches in potatoes
Mayo 28, 2022

Texas A&M AgriLife researchers use CRISPR technology to modify starches in potatoes

Humble potatoes are a rich source not only of dietary carbohydrates for humans, but also of starches for numerous industrial applications. Texas A&M AgriLife scientists are learning how to alter the ratio of potatoes’
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INIA implementará uso de drones y cámaras termales para ayudar a generar nuevas variedades de papa de alto rendimiento y mejor adaptadas al cambio climático.
Enero 19, 2022

INIA implementará uso de drones y cámaras termales para ayudar a generar nuevas variedades de papa de alto rendimiento y mejor adaptadas al cambio climático

Los trabajos, que aportarán al Programa de Mejoramiento Genético de Papa del INIA, serán desarrollados por la investigadora de INIA Remehue, Ana María Méndez.
Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía.
Diciembre 08, 2021

Investigadores argentinos desarrollan plantas de papa que resisten la sequía

Investigadores argentinos desarrollaron a través de modificaciones genéticas plantas de papa tolerantes a condiciones de sequía y con hasta 17% más de rendimiento que las de la variedad que actualmente se siembra en Argentina.
United States Government invests USD 2.6 Million in Potato Variety Research
Noviembre 10, 2021

United States Government invests USD 2.6 Million in Potato Variety Research

The USDA's National Institute of Food & Agriculture (NIFA) recently awarded four Potato Research grants  totaling USD 2.6 million  as part of their Special Research Grants program.
Biochemistry offers path to help reduce huge losses in potato industry
Agosto 26, 2021

Unraveling the wound-healing process in potatoes

Losses in the United States' number one vegetable crop, potatoes, aren't only due to pests or drought, they’re due to damage in the handling and storage of potatoes as well. Understanding the wound-healing process in potatoes may help reduce these losses.
Potato LEAF Awards 2021-22 Scholarship to Thilani Jayakody Outstanding Michigan State Graduate Student Receives Award for Potato Research
Agosto 23, 2021

Potato LEAF Awards 2021-22 Scholarship to Thilani Jayakody for her Potato Research

The Potato Leadership, Education and Advancement Foundation (Potato LEAF) is pleased to announce Thilani Jayakody, as the recipient of its 2021-22 Academic Scholarship.
Agosto 16, 2021

Los científicos chinos 'reinventan' las patatas para resolver la crisis alimentaria mundial

Los científicos chinos han 'mejorado' papas híbridas utilizando tecnologías de edición del genoma, simplificando el proceso de reproducción y permitiendo la multiplicación utilizando TPS (por sus siglas en inglés).


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