Papas GM

PoLoPo Scales to Field Cultivation of Protein-Producing Potato Plants
Enero 02, 2025

PoLoPo Scales to Field Cultivation of Protein-Producing Potato Plants

PoLoPo, a molecular farming pioneer, has announced it has moved beyond greenhouse scale and begun planting its genetically modified potatoes in fields, the first wide cultivation of plants derived from PoLoPo’s proprietary metabolic engineering techniques.
PoLoPo Adds Potato Protein (Patatin) to Product Lineup
Agosto 29, 2024

Breakthrough: Functional Patatin (Potato Protein) added to Commercial Product Lineup of PoloPo

PoLoPo, a molecular farming pioneer has announced it will begin supplying patatin, the native protein in potatoes, to commercial clients following regulatory approval.
Disease Resistant Potatoes & Fortified Bananas Gets Govt Approval
Abril 02, 2023

Indian government approves trials of GM Disease Resistant Potatoes & Fortified Bananas

After mustard, India will undertake trials of two other genetically modified (GM) food crops, bananas and potatoes, perhaps ushering in a new era of biotech-enhanced farming.
Agosto 16, 2021

Los científicos chinos 'reinventan' las patatas para resolver la crisis alimentaria mundial

Los científicos chinos han 'mejorado' papas híbridas utilizando tecnologías de edición del genoma, simplificando el proceso de reproducción y permitiendo la multiplicación utilizando TPS (por sus siglas en inglés).
China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma.
Julio 05, 2021

China produce primera generación de papas híbridas a través de diseño de genoma

Un equipo de investigación del Instituto de Genómica Agrícola de Shenzhen, dependiente de la Academia China de Ciencias Agrícolas, avanza en un plan de diseño del genoma para papas híbridas.
Goodbye to potato late blight
Enero 10, 2021

Bangladesh imports two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial

Bangladesh is importing two blight resistant (GM) potato lines developed at Michigan State University for a field trial. Success will save 20% yield loss and Tk100C in fungicide cost.
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Close-up of late blight infected potato leaves collected in Indonesia
Diciembre 15, 2020

Researchers map late blight strains in potato on Java, Indonesia

A new study published in Plant Pathology identifies for the first time the genotypes of P. infestans, causing late blight in the main potato-growing regions in Java, Indonesia.
Bangladeshi scientists seek regulatory approval for a GMO potato resistant to late blight
Febrero 07, 2016

Bangladeshi scientists seek regulatory approval for a GMO potato resistant to late blight

Scientists in Bangladesh (BARI) have successfully field-tested a genetically modified (GMO) potato resistant to late blight, one of the most devastating potato diseases. Once the regulatory trial is over in February, they will apply for release of the variety.
Agosto 28, 2013

CPRI develops potatoes resistant to cold-induced sweetening

The Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI) in Shimla, India's premier potato research institute, has evolved a new technology to prevent conversion of starch into glucose in low temperature conditions, like cold storages.
 French Fries
Diciembre 16, 2012

No GM potatoes used for French Fries in China, say world's largest French fry manufacturers

In a rare joint statement the world's three largest french fry manufacturers spell out that they do not use genetically modified potatoes to produce their french fries in China.
 Rosetta Green
Marzo 13, 2011

Rosetta Green's Candidate MicroRNA Gene for Drought Tolerance & Abiotic Stress Successful in Potato trial

The Israeli Biotech company Rosetta Green Ltd. recently listed at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE:RSTG), demonstrated improved tolerance and survival of RGN-131 potato plants to drought stress.
Marzo 01, 2011

GM Potato trial in Punjab causes controversy

A controversy on field trials/multiplication of GM potato at the Central Potato Research Station (CPRS), Jalandhar, has started with activists, farmers unions and medical experts demanding from the Punjab government for immediate ban on these.
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Agosto 23, 2010

Científicos indios desarrollan papa rica en proteínas

Una variedad de papa enriquecida con proteína mediante ingeniería genética se está probando actualmente en la India con propósitos comerciales. Desarrollado por Asis Datta en el Centro Nacional para Investigación en el Genoma Vegetal de la Universidad...
Agosto 23, 2010

Indian Scientists develop protein rich potato

A genetically engineered, protein-enriched potato is being readied for commercial field-testing in India, scientists said.
Febrero 09, 2010

Beijing's potato research, hope and concern

The Agricultural Ministry of China and the International Potato Center (CIP) last week signed an agreement to launch the new CIP-China Center for Asia and the Pacific (CCCAP) in Beijing. The center, located at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Scien...


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