Papas Fritas y Especialidades de Papa

The Crispy Veggie Snacks have arrived: The hot potato snacks from the Frostkrone Food Group
Junio 22, 2023

The Crispy Veggie Snacks have arrived: The hot potato snacks from the Frostkrone Food Group

Listen up all you potato fans: here come five trendy snacks, which really bring out the luscious taste of potatoes. These new guys are called the Crispy Veggie Snacks and their crunchy golden brown coating envelops a filling of delicious potato mousse.
Lamb Weston opens new Innovation Center in Bergen op Zoom (the Netherlands)
Junio 12, 2023

Potato Processor Lamb Weston opens a new Innovation Center in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands

Lamb Weston EMEA opened its new Innovation Center in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands, on June 8, 2023 in the presence of employees, suppliers and the mayor of the city.
US Potato Prices Expected to Ease but Maintain Elevated Levels: Rabobank Report
Junio 06, 2023

US Potato Prices Expected to Ease but Stay Elevated according to Rabobank Report

The Rabobank report on the US Potato Industry anticipates good prices for the remainder of the 2022/23 marketing year, particularly as the year comes to an end before the new crop harvest begins.
Alexa, Open McCain
Mayo 25, 2023

Need a recipe for your Fries/Chips in the UK? Try: 'Alexa, Open McCain'

McCain Foods, world’s largest manufacturer of frozen potato products and a global leader in prepared appetisers and snacks, has partnered with Say It Now to launch their first Actionable Audio Ad campaign in Q2 of 2023.
Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Deadline to Harvest the Crop Not Pragmatic
Mayo 16, 2023

Dutch Potato Farmers Find October 1 Harvest Deadline on Sandy Soils Problematic

The government of the Netherlands wants farmers growing potatoes on sandy soil to harvest potatoes by October 1 and grow intermediary plants that catch nitrogen in the soil so nitrates can not leach out and contaminate groundwater.
Trabajadores seleccionan las patatas después de su lavado.
Mayo 09, 2023

Pafritas se nutre de patata de diferentes zonas

Aunque la patata que se produce en La Rioja tiene como destino principal el uso industrial y muy poca llega hasta el mercado de fresco, la empresa riojana Pafritas no puede acudir a los campos riojanos para abastecerse porque no hay producción suficiente, y especialmente, no la hay de forma continuada a lo largo del año.
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Alain Dufait appointed as new Managing Director of Lutosa
Abril 23, 2023

Alain Dufait appointed as new Managing Director of Lutosa

Alain Dufait became the new Managing Director of Lutosa the 1st of April. He succeeds Alain Duranleau, that held this role over the past 5 years.
Chip chip hooray for the Coronation!
Febrero 25, 2023

Potato Processor Lamb Weston offers UK restaurants recipe suggestions to celebrate the King’s coronation

As the United Kingdom is starting to make plans to get together at restaurants, bars and street parties to celebrate the King’s coronation on May 6th, Lamb Weston is helping restaurant operators with some coronation inspiration!
Royal Cosun: Significant upturn of results in turbulent 2022 Dirk de Lugt, Chairman of the Board of Royal Cosun
Febrero 14, 2023

Royal Cosun: Significant upturn of results in turbulent 2022 Dirk de Lugt, Chairman of the Board of Royal Cosun

At Aviko, sales in frozen and chilled potato products grew strongly, partly due to the recovering foodservice market. The new Aviko factory in Poperinge in Belgium, which opened last year, and Aviko’s operations in China are contributing to this growth.
GEA’s tunnel vision offers sustainable freezing solutions for French fries
Enero 29, 2023

GEA’s tunnel vision offers sustainable freezing solutions for French fries

Global sales of French fries are being driven by the rising number of online food delivery service companies. According to projections published by Fact.MR, French fries are forecast to register a whopping 5.8% value CAGR over the next 10 years.
The next generation of fries have arrived… and they are REALLY Crunchy!
Enero 18, 2023

The next generation of fries have arrived… and they are REALLY Crunchy!

Lamb Weston has launched its latest potato innovation in the United Kingdom: REALLY Crunchy Fries! These ground-breaking coated fries promise an unbeatable long-lasting crunch sensation and are also very sustainable.
Sustainable Potato Enjoyment: Lamb Weston / Meijer’s progress report on 2030 Sustainability Agenda
Enero 18, 2023

Sustainable Potato Enjoyment: Lamb Weston / Meijer’s progress report on 2030 Sustainability Agenda

Lamb Weston / Meijer released its Sustainability Report 2021-2022, based on its 2030 Sustainability Agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
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Patatas fritas belgas
Diciembre 24, 2022

En Bélgica la patata frita no es solo una patata, argumentan los dueños de las "friteries"

Pan, cerveza... y patatas fritas. Cuando sube el precio de cualquiera de estos tres alimentos, los belgas son de los primeros en notarlo en el bolsillo. Especialmente las famosas patatas fritas belgas.
EU wins in WTO appeal about Colombian anti-dumping duties on frozen fries
Diciembre 23, 2022

WTO rejects Colombian anti-dumping duties on frozen fries from Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands

Arbitrators have in substance ruled in favour of the EU in the first WTO appeal dealt with under the ‘Multi-party interim appeal arbitration arrangement', known as the ‘MPIA'.
Diciembre 21, 2022

Steven De Cuyper, Agristo: La demanda mundial de productos de patata congelados sigue siendo alta

'Después de unos años tensos, estamos, una vez más, en condiciones de colocar nuestros productos en el mapa mundial. La necesidad de productos de conveniencia sigue aumentando.'
How the best steam peelers can significantly reduce food waste on vegetable processing lines
Diciembre 11, 2022

How the best steam peelers can significantly reduce food waste on vegetable processing lines

Food waste is financial waste, yet when processing lines peel vegetables, they often let huge amounts of raw material get thrown away. Food losses can be as high as 30% during mechanical peeling and 20% with low-tech steam peelers.
Diciembre 02, 2022

El sector de la papa se reúne en masa para la edición récord de Interpom que atrae a 20,254 visitantes

Durante los últimos días, un gran número de personas relacionadas con el sector de la patata asistieron a esta edición récord de Interpom celebrada en Kortrijk Xpo (B).
McCain invests GBP 2.5m (USD 3m) in optical sorter
Diciembre 02, 2022

McCain Foods invests GBP 2.5m (USD 3m) in an optical sorter for seed potato grading

Frozen potato giant McCain is investing GBP 2.5 million in its site in Montrose, Scotland, to install a new optical sorting seed potato grading system.


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