Papas en el Menudeo

Russian retail may offer economy-class potatoes and cucumbers for sale
Febrero 04, 2021

Russian retail may offer economy-class potatoes and cucumbers for sale

The Potato Union of Russia sent a letter to the Association of Retail Companies (AKORT) and the Union of Independent Networks (SNS), in which it proposed introducing “economy-class” tubers into the assortment.
Packed Lunch campaign in the UK to champion the jacket spud (baked potato)
Febrero 01, 2021

The New Packed Lunch campaign to champion the jacket spud

AHDB is launching a new marketing campaign this February, with the amazing jacket potato (baked potato) at its heart.
MountainKing increases fresh potato sales significantly with the use of high-graphic display bins
Enero 29, 2021

MountainKing increases fresh potato sales significantly with the use of high-graphic display bins

Just as QSR-chains use enticing menu board images to drive sales of combo meals, jumbo-sized slushies and other selections, retail grocers are using the same concept to capture the attention of shoppers looking for a side dish for their next prepared, at-home meal.
Grow Your Own Potatoes Programme to continue in 2021
Enero 24, 2021

'Grow Your Own Potatoes', a popular education programme in the United Kingdom will continue in 2021

The Grow Your Own Potatoes (GYOP) Programme will go ahead as planned in 2021 with the support of the potato industry.
PEI Potatoes 'Made To Enjoy'
Enero 20, 2021

PEI Potatoes 'Made To Enjoy'

PEI Potatoes will be on the small screen once again this year, with a brand new message and commercial. 'Made to Enjoy' is a new approach for PEI Potatoes, aimed more at the end consumer than our previous campaigns.
October – December retail potato sales in the US show continued growth
Enero 10, 2021

Record Retail Potato Sales in the United States continues in Q4

Record potato retail sales continued from October to December 2020, the second quarter of Potatoes USA’s marketing year 2021. All three months saw an increase in both dollar and volume sales, with the largest growth in December.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Following an unprecedented year, Tasteful Selections takes the time to enjoy the little things
Enero 08, 2021

Following an unprecedented year, Tasteful Selections takes the time to enjoy the little things

Tasteful Selections begins new campaign to celebrate the little joys in the New Year.
The potato company Scotty Brand saves 27 tons of plastic from its packaging
Enero 06, 2021

The potato company Scotty Brand saves 27 tons of plastic from its packaging

In one year, a Scottish potato company removed almost 27 tons of plastic from its packaging.
Las patatas italianas dan el salto de calidad tanto en envasado como en oferta
Diciembre 28, 2020

Las patatas italianas dan el salto de calidad tanto en envasado como en oferta

Queremos tratar las patatas como si fueran galletas, en cajas de cartón atractivas y con un contenido particular y de gran calidad.
Llega al mercado la patata Beltza, obtenida por Neiker
Diciembre 18, 2020

Llega al mercado la patata Beltza, obtenida por Neiker

Es una variedad registrada por Neiker para ayudar al sector agrario con productos novedosos con los que diversificarse y adaptarse a las demandas de los consumidores.
Working together on sustainable potato production in Kenya
Diciembre 08, 2020

Working together on sustainable potato production in Kenya

Viazi (potatoes in Kiswahili) are grown in Kenya since the 19th century. The production and consumption of the potato have grown steadily since.
Baked potato campaign will be right on target
Diciembre 08, 2020

UK Baked potato campaign will use consumer specific targeted messages

A new marketing campaign to promote the benefits of the baked potato in the United Kindom by the AHDB will use in-depth consumer analysis to pick the right spud selling point for each segment of the market.
Contenido Patrocinado

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Inmovilizan en Vigo, España 1.500 kilos de patatas falsas de Xinzo da Limia
Diciembre 07, 2020

Inmovilizan en Vigo, España 1.500 kilos de patatas falsas de Xinzo da Limia

Se ofrecían como tal pero no cumplían la normativa de Indicación Geográfica Protegida
Spar Gran Canaria fomenta la papa local con el reparto de 100.000 kilos de semillas
Diciembre 07, 2020

Spar Gran Canaria fomenta la papa local con el reparto de 100.000 kilos de semillas

Spar Gran Canaria renovó ayer su convenio para el Fomento de la Producción y la Comercialización de la Papa Local de Calidad en la Isla de Gran Canaria.
P.E.I. Potato Board elects new executive team
Diciembre 01, 2020

P.E.I. Potato Board elects new executive team

Wayne Townshend has been named chairman. Townshend has been on the board for five years serving as a seed director.
Gobierno de Perú promueve mayor consumo de papa
Noviembre 30, 2020

Gobierno de Perú promueve mayor consumo de papa

Desde el Programa Agroideas del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (Minagri), se busca promover el consumo de la papa peruana y destacar el trabajo de los agricultores que han mantenido una producción constante de este alimento, pese a la pandemia.
Los 10 errores que cometes al elegir patatas
Noviembre 30, 2020

Los 10 errores que cometes al elegir patatas

Preguntamos a expertos para saber qué errores comentemos cuando las escogemos. ¿Por qué nos quedan demasiado duras o demasiados blandas? ¿Qué variedad es mejor para freír? ¿Y para hacer tortilla de patatas?
UK potato packer Branston plans expansion
Noviembre 23, 2020

UK potato packer Branston plans expansion

UK potato packing business Branston has submitted plans for a new facility.


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