Alsum Farms & Produce Celebrates 45 Years Of Continued Growth With Farm Field Days
Potato Grower, Packer and Shipper Alsum Farms celebrates its 45 years anniversary with Farm Field Days
Agosto 21, 2018
Idaho Potato Commission website redesigned
The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) is thrilled to announce the launch of its redesigned website with more mobile-friendly formats, scroll features, modified layouts and a load-on-demand feature.
Agosto 05, 2018
Potato Company Tasteful Selections continues to expand
Tasteful Selections, a pioneer in the growing bite-size potato category, announces another facility expansion to accommodate growing customer and consumer demand.
Agosto 05, 2018
Retail Potato Sales United States in June: Volume Down, Value Up
According to the latest numbers provided by potatoes USA, the total volume of potatoes sold at retail in the United States was down 3.2% in June 2018 compared to June 2017, though the value did increase 1.1%.
Julio 30, 2018
Cavendish Farms closes Fresh Pack Facility on PEI: not enough potatoes on the island
Cavendish Farms announced today that they will close their fresh pack facility in O’Leary, Prince Edward Island due to the limited availability of potatoes on Prince Edward Island
Junio 29, 2018
Crearían un museo de la papa en Argentina
Estaría en Balcarce, municipio de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, donde se cultivan más de 30.000 hectáreas de papa. El museo incorporaría los eslabones de la cadena papera y todo el cluster turístico.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Junio 24, 2018
¿De dónde viene la costumbre de comer ñoquis los 29?
En Argentina existe la costumbre de consumir ñoquis de papa los días 29 de cada mes. Además, se coloca dinero debajo del plato. Conozca desde cuándo y por qué acostumbran sus pobladores a comer este tipo de pasta.
Mayo 30, 2018
Idaho Potato Commission appoints Ross Johnson as international marketing director
Industry veteran Ross Johnson was appointed as the new Idaho Potato Commission International Marketing Director.
Mayo 30, 2018
Pinto Gold: a new Gourmet Potato Variety released by UMaine
The University of Maine has released a new gourmet potato variety, Pinto Gold.
Mayo 26, 2018
El origen del locro, comida patria argentina
Cristina Pérez, periodista, escritora y comunicadora, entrevista a Alejandro Maglione, considerado el mejor periodista enogastronómico de Argentina.
Mayo 03, 2018
Arizona Red Potatoes available from May 10th from Pinto Creek
Potandon Produce L.L.C., the exclusive marketing agent for Pinto Creek Co., LLC in Eloy, Arizona, has announced that its fresh potato season will begin on Thursday, May 10th, 2018.
Abril 24, 2018
MountainKing Potatoes has started the harvest of its Texas New Crop Reds
MountainKing Potatoes, a leading grower of table potatoes in the United States, has started the harvest of its Texas New Crop Reds, one of the company’s top sellers now available for retail grocers.
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Abril 21, 2018
Las montañas del Perú: el reino de la papa
En la tierra de los antiguos incas, las papas se dan en una gran variedad de texturas y colores: rojas, azules, moradas, amarillas y rosas; esta diversidad se refleja en las distintas maneras de prepararlas que dan forma a su gastronomía.
Marzo 29, 2018
Potato Growers South Florida enjoy a good start of the season
The South Florida potato harvest season has started well, with a good healthy crop taking shape. It has been underway for just over a month and despite cooler weather at the start of the year, South Florida crops escaped any major frost damage.
Marzo 28, 2018
Tasteful Selections bite-sized potatoes help consumers Keep Their Menus Fresh
Tasteful Selections™, a specialty potato brand from RPE Inc., will launch the second quarter of its yearlong Fresh campaign on April 1
Marzo 21, 2018
Gastronomía Peruana ¿Cuál es la mejor papa para cada plato?
Qué variedades de papa hay en el país para freír y sancochar? Nos lo cuenta la revista 15 Minutos.
Febrero 27, 2018
CSS Farms select RPE as marketing partner for its subsidiary Agri-Pack
CSS Farms, a producer of specialty potatoes and potatoes for the production of potato chips, has selected RPE as exclusive marketing partmner for its Washington subsidiary Agri-Pack.
Febrero 21, 2018
Potatoes gain credibility for performance in PyeongChang Olympic athlete’s village kitchen
Potatoes as a performance food are gaining notoriety during the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, with the newly released Olympian Menu and announcement that performance nutrition is now a critical part of athletes’ strategy to win