Papas en el Menudeo

En Chile quieren diferenciar variedades y productos de papa de acuerdo a usos culinarios
Agosto 25, 2017

En Chile quieren diferenciar variedades y productos de papa de acuerdo a usos culinarios

Para facilitar la elección de los consumidores, la iniciativa contempla cuatro categorías con distintos colores: uso industrial, ensalada, fritura, puré o papas al horno.
Amazon and Whole Foods Market announce immediate changes as acquisition closes this Monday
Agosto 24, 2017

Amazon and Whole Foods Market announce immediate changes as acquisition closes this Monday

Amazon and Whole Foods Market today announced that Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods Market will close on Monday August 28, 2017 and a number of changes will be implemented right away.
Early maturing potato cultivars identified successfully using ground-penetrating radar by Texas A&M Agrilife
Agosto 17, 2017

Early maturing potato cultivars can be identified using ground-penetrating radar, finds Texas A&M Agrilife

Dirk Hays,Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant geneticist: “With Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), we can image the size of the tubers and get a correlation to the actual physical size of the potato without harvesting them. Potatoes are a dream for Ground Penetrating Radar.”
Dave Rhodes named Northeast retail promotion director Idaho Potato Commission
Agosto 17, 2017

Dave Rhodes named Northeast retail promotion director Idaho Potato Commission

The Idaho Potato Commission (IPC) announces that Produce industry veteran Dave Rhodes has joined their team as Retail Promotion Director-Northeast, based in Indianapolis, Indiana
RPE brings a new crop and a new life to Old Oak Farms® Party Potatoes®
Agosto 14, 2017

RPE brings a new crop and a new life to Old Oak Farms® Party Potatoes®

Old Oak Farms®, RPE’s core commodity brand, is bringing new life to the fingerling potato category with Party Potatoes®. In hopes to share the party nationwide, RPE has created multi-themed promotional campaign that will span over the next several months.
Innate® Second Generation Potato Receives Approval in Canada
Agosto 03, 2017

Second Generation Innate® Potatoes Receive Approval in Canada

Health Canada and Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have completed the food, feed, and environmental safety assessments of the J.R. Simplot Company’s second generation of Innate® potatoes. The authorizations enable the potatoes to be imported, planted, and sold in Canada.
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Contenido Patrocinado
The Little Potato Company Celebrates the Official Grand Opening of its New Processing Facility in DeForest Wisconsin
Agosto 03, 2017

The Little Potato Company Celebrates the Official Grand Opening of its New Processing Facility in DeForest Wisconsin

The Little Potato Company celebrated the official grand opening of its new U.S. processing facility in DeForest, near Madison, Wisconsin on July 27, 2017.
Washington Potato Industry Votes To Continue Marketing Order
Julio 25, 2017

Washington Potato Industry Votes To Continue Marketing Order

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced that potato producers in Washington voted to continue their federal marketing order program.
Colombia: Lanzan campaña para promover consumo de papa
Julio 17, 2017

Colombia: Lanzan campaña para promover consumo de papa

La Federación Colombiana de Productores de Papa, Fedepapa, y el Fondo Nacional de Fomento de la Papa, FNFP, presentaron su campaña de consumo "Una papa bien preparada te soluciona", con el objetivo de incentivar el consumo de papa en el país.
EU quiere apertura a sus exportaciones de papa a México
Julio 13, 2017

EU quiere apertura a sus exportaciones de papa a México

El valor de las exportaciones de papa estadounidense fue de 204 millones de dólares en el 2016; 37 millones correspondieron a México.
Side Delights adds Organic Russet Single Wrapped, Microwaveable Potato to its Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up
Julio 11, 2017

Side Delights adds Organic Russet Single Wrapped, Microwaveable Potato to its Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up

Fresh Solutions Network announces the launch of its Side Delights® Farmer’s Table® Organic Russet single wrapped, microwaveable potato – a line extension to the Farmer’s Table Organic potato line up.
Potato starch residue in stone tool proves potato use in Utah goes back over 10,000 years
Julio 04, 2017

Starch residue in ancient tool proves potato use in Utah goes back 10,000+ years

Researchers from the Natural History Museum of Utah and Red Butte Garden at the University of Utah have discovered potato starch residues in the crevices of a 10,900-year-old stone tool in Escalante, Utah — the earliest evidence of wild potato use in North America.
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Heavy rain damages potato crop in Ontario, Canada
Junio 29, 2017

Heavy rain damages potato crop in Ontario, Canada

After a month of good growing conditions and positive reports amid sporadic news on disease potential, word from one of Ontario’s potato-growing regions is that roughly 1,000 acres of potatoes have been lost due to flooding.
Chuño, el secreto milenario de los Andes para lograr que una papa dure 20 años
Junio 13, 2017

Chuño, el secreto milenario de los Andes para lograr que una papa dure 20 años

Hace miles de años que los habitantes de los Andes vienen "domesticando" naturalmente una papa amarga que de otra manera no sería comestible y que se conserva durante décadas.
Al rescate de la papa andina argentina (Entrevista)
Junio 11, 2017

Al rescate de la papa andina argentina (Entrevista)

El chef Gabriel Oggero explora la Puna jujeña en busca de distintas variedades del tubérculo. De la tierra al plato, respeto por las tradiciones e inspiración para crear nuevas texturas y sabores
Simplot postpones commercial introduction of Innate GMO potatoes in Canada
Mayo 30, 2017

Simplot postpones commercial introduction of Innate GMO potatoes in Canada

Simplot Plant Sciences will not commercially launch its Innate GMO potatoes in Canada this year, despite regulatory approval and interest among potato farmers to grow these new potatoes
Potandon Produce Now Shipping Potatoes From Arizona
Mayo 11, 2017

Potandon Produce Now Shipping Potatoes From Arizona

Potandon Produce L.L.C., the exclusive marketing agent for Pinto Creek Co., LLC in Eloy, Arizona, announced Monday that its fresh potato season has begun in Arizona.

Los productores chilenos ahora pueden comprar y vender papa por internet
Abril 26, 2017

Los productores chilenos ahora pueden comprar y vender papa por internet es un sitio abierto y gratuito, que busca apoyar y aumentar la competitividad del sector papa, y que lleva a productores sin distinciones, a formar parte de una comunidad seria y en contacto potencial no sólo con la cadena comercial nacional, sino también internacional.


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