
Minister McConalogue opens the 11th World Potato Congress
Mayo 31, 2022

Minister McConalogue opens the 11th World Potato Congress in Ireland

The Irish Minister for Agriculture Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, officially opened the 11th World Potato Congress at the RDS in Dublin.
Agosto 17, 2012

Un estudio asegura que los snacks saludables mitigan el stress de los trabajadores

Si quiere trabajadores menos agobiados y, por tanto, más centrados para rendir mejor, ponga snacks saludables en las máquinas expendedoras de su empresa. Esa es la principal conclusión de un estudio llevado a cabo por la firma Herbalife, en estrecha co...
Febrero 19, 2009

Selenium enriched potato launched

Peter Keogh &Sons, the potato-growing and packing company owned by the north County Dublin Keogh family, has launched a selenium-enriched Rooster potato called Selena, which is currently available exclusively in Superquinn stores in Ireland.The Sel...
Febrero 19, 2008

Spuds' bad press is half baked, claims Irish campaign

A campaign to raise awareness about the humble spud couldn't have come at a better time for Ireland's beleaguered potato growers. A total of €300,000 has been invested in a national campaign by the Department of Agriculture, Bord Bia, Agri Award, Tea...
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