Noticias sobre Las Noticias de Montana

Seeding the future: Students gain summer experience working MSU seed potato program.
Julio 16, 2022

Students gain experience working in MSU's seed potato program

Students in tank tops with sunscreen-dotted noses walked down the rows of a potato field, frequently bending over to pluck leaves for sample boxes headed to the MSU potato lab.
Brent Ruby, director of the Montana Center for Work Physiology and Exercise Metabolism at the University of Montana
Abril 15, 2015

Study: Fast Food Just As Effective For Recovery as Sports Supplements

University of Montana researchers have good news for endurance athletes hankering for a burger and fries after an intense workout: Dig in.
New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance, Management
Septiembre 22, 2014

New ‘Focus on Potato’ Webcast Addresses Fungicide Resistance, Management

While weed resistance issues have been grabbing many headlines over the past few years, fungicide resistance has become an increasingly important issue this growing season—and likely for future growing seasons if sound resistance management practices are not adopted.
Febrero 14, 2012

MSU Potato Lab looks to new colorful spuds to boost seed potato industry

A potato that's purple on the outside and yellow on the inside is one of four new varieties coming to Montana to help attract new markets for the state's $40 million seed potato industry, says Nina Zidack, director of the Montana State University Potato Lab.
 Barry Jacobsen
Diciembre 29, 2010

New PMN webcast: Black Dot Root Rot of Potato

'Focus on Potato' has published its latest webcast, titled: “Black Dot Root Rot of Potato'
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