
Las patatas fritas de Mercadona suman un nuevo componente: sabor pollo y limón
Marzo 22, 2021

Las patatas fritas de Mercadona suman un nuevo componente: sabor pollo y limón

Mercadona sorprende con una nueva variedad de patatas fritas de bolsa: las de sabor pollo y limón, por 1,05 euros y de su marca blanca, Hacendado.
Lidl Ireland and Meade Farm introduce limited edition Irish Gold Potatoes
Marzo 22, 2021

Lidl Ireland and Meade Farm introduce limited edition Irish Gold Potatoes

Lidl Ireland and its supplier, Meade Farm, have introduced an exclusive limited edition range of Irish Gold Potatoes
AHDB January trade round-up: Potatoes
Marzo 20, 2021

AHDB: UK Processed Potato Exports in January at a historic low

As the first month of import and export data of potatoes and potato products after Brexit is in, the AHDB takes a closer look at the data and what they could mean. Across all potato product categories recorded, UK imports and exports have fallen from December with figures at the lowest reported this marketing season.
Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors
Marzo 20, 2021

Potato sales going well, but purchasers reluctant due to ban on sprout inhibitors

The sale of potatoes is not entirely disappointing at the moment, observes Felix Molenaar of potato and vegetable wholesaler Molenaar from Haarlem.
Kent Crisps comments on their newest flavour partnership
Marzo 19, 2021

Kent Crisps announces a new local flavour partnership

UK Potato chips manufacturer Kent Crisps is staying true to their signature approach of working with Kent producers to create classic flavours with a local twist: their latest flavour - Lamb and Rosemary - is made using grass fed Romney lamb from Kent Shepherd.
Street Food Party with the Perfect Indulgent Partnership – German Sausage and British chips!
Marzo 18, 2021

Fish and Chips? Lamb Weston suggests Sausage and Chips for the next Street Food Party!

Lamb Weston teams up with The Sausage Man to inspire operators with innovative, celebratory dishes for the coming summer months. And Chef Philli Armitage-Mattin has joined the two companies to help kick-off the collaboration in style!
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Contenido Patrocinado
Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season
Marzo 18, 2021

Nicola from Morocco kicks off Dutch import potato season

VerDi Import in the Netherlands has received their first Nicola potatoes. These arrived from Morocco at the beginning of the month.
Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera
Marzo 16, 2021

Consejos para plantar las cosechas de primavera

Explican en SatAgro que un tercio de los agricultores españoles aprovecha los meses previos a la primavera para realizar la siembre. Maíz o patata son los cultivos preferentes del mes de febrero, aunque también las gramíneas como el trigo, la avena, la cebada o el centeno.
Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel
Marzo 16, 2021

Esto es lo que esconden las patatas que tienen manchitas verdes en la piel

La patata es un alimento delicado, que, pese a sus bondades, puede tornarse tóxico si no tenemos algunas precauciones. El motivo no es otro que los glicoalcaloides, unas sustancias que contiene este tubérculo de forma natural y que si se ingieren, pueden provocar distintos problemas para la salud.
Waste-free potato processing facility to be built in the Lviv region of Ukraine
Marzo 16, 2021

Waste-free potato processing facility to be built in the Lviv region of Ukraine

The Central Plains Group Ukraine company along with investors from Great Britain and Finland plan to build a facility for the waste-free processing of potatoes, particularly potato starch, in the village of Glynyany of the Zolochevsky district in the Lviv region of Ukraine.
Scottish Government working group presents plan to combat Potato Cyst Nematodes
Marzo 12, 2021

Scottish Government working group presents plan to combat Potato Cyst Nematodes

New research to tackle the growing scourge of Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) has been identified by a specialist Scottish Government working group.
Good demand for first Jersey Royals
Marzo 11, 2021

Good demand for first Jersey Royals

The harvest of the famous Jersey Royal potato has started on the island, the initial volumes are small and are sold via wholesale markets in London and Southampton, before moving across the rest of the United Kingdom.
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Tesco to sell unwashed potatoes in order to reduce foods waste
Marzo 11, 2021

Tesco to sell unwashed potatoes in order to reduce food waste

A move to cut down on food waste by selling unwashed potatoes – and in doing so potentially double their shelf-life - is being launched by Tesco.
España: Princesa Amandine prevé duplicar este año su producción de patatas
Marzo 08, 2021

España: Princesa Amandine prevé duplicar este año su producción de patatas

El crecimiento en la demanda de patatas para esta campaña y más concretamente de la variedad de Princesa Amandine augura un incremento importante de la comercialización prevista para 2021.
Marzo 08, 2021

La UE aclara la aplicación del LMR al CIPC

Una buena noticia para el sector de la patata: la Comisión Europea acaba de fijar oficialmente el valor de 0,4 ppm como límite máximo de residuos temporal (LMRt) en (productos de) la patata.
Longest ever starch potato processing campaign: AGRANA processed a record quantity of 322,000 metric tons of starch potatoes in 189 days
Marzo 06, 2021

AGRANA processed a record quantity of starch potatoes in its longest campaign ever

At the end of February, AGRANA successfully ended its processing of the 2020/2021 potato harvest at its potato starch mill in Gmünd (Lower Austria). With a processing period of 189 days, this was AGRANA's longest ever campaign in Austria.
Bühler and Vyncke form strategic partnership to offer low-carbon-emissions food plants
Marzo 06, 2021

Bühler and Vyncke form strategic partnership to offer low-carbon-emissions food plants

Bühler Group and Vyncke form a strategic partnership to offer integrated solutions with which biomass side stream products are transformed into clean process energy while reducing the customers’ carbon footprint.
Marzo 04, 2021

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO aumenta por noveno mes consecutivo

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO se situó en un promedio de 116,0 puntos en febrero de 2021, es decir, 2,8 puntos (un 2,4 %) más que en enero, lo cual hizo de este el noveno mes consecutivo de subidas y constituye el nivel más elevado registrado desde julio de 2014.


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