
Why the food industry needs to think about sustainability.
Agosto 16, 2022

Why the food industry needs to think about sustainability

When businesses behave with sustainability, it’s not only society that benefits – this can also help bring in new business. Stefaan Kennis, Director of Strategy, Market Intelligence and Sustainability at TOMRA Food.
Potato Europe visitors to see the latest handling innovations from Haith
Agosto 15, 2022

Potato Europe visitors can see the latest handling innovations from Haith

The UK's leading manufacturer of vegetable handling solutions will present its revolutionary new grading machine – the ProSort - to European farmers at Potato Europe 2022.
Newtec shares buyers guide for investing in food weighing and sorting machinery, including price and costs
Agosto 13, 2022

Newtec shares buyers guide for investing in food weighing and sorting machinery, including price and costs

The purchase of industrial weighing and sorting machinery for food packhouses is a high capital investment that needs to be carefully researched and considered.
España: El calor reduce la cosecha de la patata de Álava.
Agosto 12, 2022

España: El calor reduce la cosecha de la patata de Álava

Las intensas olas de calor que están teniendo lugar a lo largo de los últimos meses están ocasionando que en los cultivos alaveses de patata el número de tubérculos por planta sea menor de lo esperado.
Bavaria-Saat Ltd presents broad range of varieties at Potato Europe 2022
Agosto 11, 2022

Bavaria-Saat GbR presents broad range of varieties at Potato Europe 2022

Due to the war in the Ukraine and persistent drought, the international potato industry is expecting another challenging year. Nevertheless, numerous players from all major potato-growing countries will meet at Potato Europe early September.
Patatas Meléndez adquiere la compañía gallega Patatas Prado.
Agosto 10, 2022

Patatas Meléndez adquiere la compañía gallega Patatas Prado

Patatas Meléndez adquiere el 100% de Patatas Prado y mantiene su organización y su estructura. La compañía incluirá la patata gallega en su portfolio de productos y sigue apostando por aportar valor en la categoría de las patatas.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
PotatoEurope 2022: Focus on direct farm sales
Agosto 09, 2022

PotatoEurope 2022: Focus on direct farm sales

PotatoEurope 2022 will be taking place on 7 and 8 September 2022 at the Rittergut Bockerode estate in Springe-Mittelrode near Hanover, Germany.
FoodeQ presents CentreQ - A unique monitoring system for vibratory conveyors
Agosto 09, 2022

FoodeQ presents CentreQ - A unique monitoring system for vibratory conveyors

FoodeQ introduces a unique monitoring system for vibratory conveyors driven by unbalanced motors.
La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana.
Agosto 08, 2022

La FAO impulsará el mapeo de nutrientes del suelo en Centroamérica y África subsahariana

Una contribución de USD 20 millones de parte de los Estados Unidos de América catalizará un uso más eficiente de los fertilizantes. Los fondos se utilizarán principalmente para realizar mapas específicos de nutrientes del suelo para sistematizar y mejorar los mapas de suelos existentes.
A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS)
Agosto 08, 2022

A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS)

A novel approach to snapshot hyperspectral imaging based on computed tomography imaging spectrometer (CTIS) is the result of the interesting collaboration between Newtec Engineering A/S and Physics at the University of Southern Denmark.
Equipment manufacturer Sormac awarded top energy rating for its new production facility
Agosto 08, 2022

Equipment manufacturer Sormac achieves the top energy rating for its new production facility

Equipment manufacturer Sormac consistently made sustainable choices during the realization of its new production facility. It resulted in the highest achievable energy label (A +++++) by the Dutch Government
Agosto 05, 2022

El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO registró un descenso pronunciado en julio

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 140.9 points in July 2022, down 13.3 points (8.6 percent) from June, marking the fourth consecutive monthly decline.
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Recogida de patatas en Honcalada.
Agosto 01, 2022

Norte de Castilla: Las altas temperaturas castigan la producción de patatas, cuyos arranques son generalizados

Los arranques de patatas en las variedades tempranas ya se han generalizado en Castilla y León. Colombas, ágatas o algunas rojas son los pintorescos nombres de la mercancía que, a día de hoy, está en el mercado.
Castilla y León: La patata de media estación 'da la cara' en julio, mientras el consumo se anima.
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Castilla y León: La patata de media estación 'da la cara' en julio, mientras el consumo se anima

Castilla y León lleva ya varias semanas recogiendo patatas de media estación, como la variedad Colomba. Es patata con buena sanidad y con calidad, además de con buenos rendimientos por hectárea.
MP renews call for deal to get Scottish seed potato exports back.
Julio 27, 2022

MP renews call for deal to get Scottish seed potato exports back

Gordon MP Richard Thomson has again called on the UK Government to get a deal in place that would see the resumption of exports of Scottish seed potatoes to the EU and Northern Ireland.
Newtec answers the six questions every customer has about investing in fruit and vegetable weighing machines
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Newtec answers the six questions every customer has about investing in fruit and vegetable weighing machines

Fruit and vegetable producers have a lot to consider when it comes to delivering the most high-quality and profitable produce to supermarkets, with matters extending beyond the fields and into the packhouses.
Patatas fritas Pijo ficha a Bertín Osborne.
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Patatas fritas Pijo ficha a Bertín Osborne para lanzar su gama selección 'con más personalidad'

El popular presentador, cantante, actor y empresario se suma al proyecto de la firma de patatas fritas con un producto 'muy castizo y muy español'.
Estonian farmers start cereal, potato harvest
Julio 23, 2022

Farmers in Estonia have started cereal, potato harvest

Farmers in Central Estonia have started the cereal and potato harvest. Despite the cool spring and dry summer, this year's results are good. Potatoes from the Rebase Farm near Aravete have already reached the market, Friday's "Aktuaalne kaamera" reported.


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