Noticias sobre La Energía y El Medio Ambiente de Los Países Bajos

Introducing the CORDA Invicta Fryer by Kiremko with Integrated EcoMiser by Reyco: A New Standard in Industrial Frying
Marzo 26, 2025

Introducing the CORDA Invicta Fryer with Integrated EcoMiser

Kiremko, in partnership with REYCO, presents the CORDA Invicta Fryer with integrated EcoMiser—combining superior efficiency, hygiene, and performance with advanced oil recovery and optimized energy use for reliable, state-of-the-art frying technology.
Martin Kropff is the former Managing Director for Resilient Agri-food Systems at CGIAR, an international agricultural research organization. He is also an emeritus Rector Magnificus at Wageningen University.
Diciembre 12, 2024

A brighter future begins with a resilience revolution

In a world where almost half of potential crop production is lost due to diseases, pests, and extreme weather, addressing the challenges of food security and sustainable agriculture has never been more urgent.
Avebe and ChainCraft Sign Heads of Agreement to Revolutionize Sustainability with Circular Solutions for Potato Waste in Groningen
Noviembre 10, 2024

Royal Avebe and ChainCraft enter strategic collaboration to convert residual potato juice into high value products

ChainCraft, a pioneer in the production of circular chemicals and Royal Avebe, a global leader in potato-based starch and protein innovations, are proud to announce a huge step towards a strategic collaboration by entering into a Heads of Agreement.
The new Duynie logo
Septiembre 30, 2024

One Duynie brand exceeds the sum of its parts

As of October 1, 2024 there will be one Duynie brand. To further support the company's co-product partners and customers in achieving ambitious sustainability goals, this unified brand exceeds the sum of its parts.
Peter Erik Ywema, director Sustainability, leaves Royal Avebe
Septiembre 27, 2024

Royal Avebe director Sustainability, Peter Erik Ywema, is leaving

Peter Erik Ywema, director of Sustainability, will leave Royal Avebe on 1 October 2024. This has been mutually agreed by Ywema and the board of directors.
Avebe Earns Gold EcoVadis Score, placing the company among the Top 5% in Sustainability
Junio 04, 2024

Gold EcoVadis score places Potato Starch manufacturer Avebe in the top 5% in sustainability

Royal Avebe has achieved another gold EcoVadis score. This recognition places Avebe among the top 5% of assessed companies in the industry sector.
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Contenido Patrocinado
Holanda: problemas de suministro para industria y precios históricos
Marzo 11, 2024

Holanda: problemas de suministro para industria y precios históricos

La temporada de cosecha relativamente mala hizo a una disminución en la oferta que se traduce en precios altos y falta de stock para cumplir con las necesidades del sector industrial.
The province and chain partners jointly reward Drenthe arable farmers for sustainable performance
Febrero 07, 2024

Dutch province Drenthe and potato chain partners push sustainability by rewarding farmers

De provincie Drenthe start sa men met de ketenpartners een pilot voor akkerbouwers rondom belonen voor duurzaamheid. In de pilot worden de Kritische Prestatie Indicatoren (KPI’s) uit de Biodiversiteitsmonitor Akkerbouw in de praktijk getest.
Holanda: situación climática adversa dificulta la cosecha (Cortesía: OAN Events)
Enero 28, 2024

Holanda: situación climática adversa dificultó la cosecha

En Holanda la situación climática afectó la cosecha de papa y genera muchas preguntas con respecto al futuro de la producción en el país.
Sustainable cooperation in Brabant's potato processing industry
Diciembre 27, 2023

Joint project by the potato processing industry in Brabant (the Netherlands) focused on sustainability

Agristo, Peka Kroef, Lamb Weston and Duynie have teamed up to create a groundbreaking partnership with a view to sustainability and ecological awareness.
Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC
Diciembre 11, 2023

Sostenibilidad: la nueva vanguardia entre los obtentores de variedades como HZPC

La sostenibilidad de las variedades de papa es el nuevo horizonte para los obtentores como HZPC.
E2E SteamClosure Clinches Rabobank SMART Award, Marking a Year of Triumph
Diciembre 11, 2023

Tummers E2E SteamClosure picks up Rabobank SMART Award

As E2E SteamClosure celebrates its one-year anniversary, Tummers has yet another reason to pop the champagne.
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Excessive rain delays potato harvest in North-western Europe, creating new uncertainties about the total production (Courtesy: Dewulf)
Noviembre 27, 2023

Excessive rain delays potato harvest in North-western Europe, creating new uncertainties about the total production

Due to abundant rainfall, a lot of potatoes in North-western Europe (Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France) have not yet been harvested. The lifting period was too short to get the potatoes to the stores in good conditions.
PLUS (Dutch Supermarket)
Septiembre 28, 2023

Potatoes from Dutch supermarket chain PLUS standard organic

PLUS's Dutch range of unprocessed potatoes will become completely organic. As of today, the unprocessed potatoes in 1 kilo bags are standard organic. And again without increasing the price.
Royal Avebe awarded with a Gold medal for Sustainability efforts
Agosto 03, 2023

Starch manufacturer Royal Avebe awarded with a Gold medal for its Sustainability efforts

Dutch Potato Starch cooperative Royal Avebe has been awarded a gold medal by Ecovadis, a global collaborative platform that helps companies assess sustainability performance throughout the supply chain.
Together for a greener future: Farm Frites Sustainability Report 2022
Julio 24, 2023

Potato Processor Farm Frites publishes its Sustainability Report for 2022

With the most disruptive phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in the past, Farm Frites team was able to place renewed focus on reaching their sustainability goals in 2022.
Smart use of energy and water at Aviko Rixona, a manufacturer of dehydrated potato products
Julio 16, 2023

Smart use of energy and water in the production of potato flakes at Aviko Rixona

Jeroen Zwietering, Process Engineer Energy at Aviko Rixona, a Dutch manufacturer of dehydrated potato products, gave an interview about Smart use of energy and water
Solynta Hybrid Potato Breeding
Junio 27, 2023

Solynta: Sowing a More Collaborative Seed Industry

You may think of a seed as tiny and insignificant. Don’t be fooled: its impact on global agriculture is immense. The seed industry is constantly balancing innovation with bringing value to growers.


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