La Energía y El Medio Ambiente

McCain Foods impulsa la sostenibilidad: apoya a los agricultores, reduce el impacto ambiental y crea comunidades más fuertes para un futuro mejor
Marzo 04, 2025

McCain Foods publica el informe de sostenibilidad global de 2024

With the release of the global 2024 Sustainability Report, McCain Foods continues to make progress towards its goal to provide products that are more sustainably sourced – delivering good food to consumers, while supporting the communities where it operates.
McCain Foods advances regenerative farming with innovative initiatives, ensuring a sustainable future for French fries.
Marzo 04, 2025

McCain Foods Launches Regen Fries. Campaign rewards Consumers for Exploring Regenerative Agriculture’s Impact on the Future of Fries

McCain Foods, the maker of 1 in 4 fries worldwide, is making big strides towards its regenerative agriculture commitment, digging in with the aim to help combat climate change over time and secure the future of everyone’s favorite food, the golden French fry.
The bio-based bag is said to be a proprietary blend formulated and tested to pass OCC (Old Corrugated Container) acceptance testing. (Courtesy: Lamb Weston)
Enero 18, 2025

Lamb Weston's US foodservice customers can now get their frozen French fries in a recyclable paper bag

Lamb Weston is now offering its US foodservice customers the option to get their frozen French fries in a recyclable paper bag. The new package is the result of several years’ work by its packaging engineers to develop a format with a more sustainable end-of-life solution than exists for the company’s polyethylene bags.
(LR) Richard Baker - CEO and Gerard Backx - Former CEO of Royal HZPC Group
Noviembre 10, 2024

HZPC says goodbye to Gerard Backx and calls for resilience revolution

Potato breeding company HZPC says goodbye to Gerard Backx and calls for resilience revolution This year's Potato Days of potato breeder Royal HZPC Group were marked by a farewell and a new beginning.
Genesis Fertilizers
Noviembre 07, 2024

Genesis Fertilizers expands partnerships with CARBONCO and Whitecap to develop a proposed low carbon-intensity fertilizer plant

Genesis Fertilizers Limited Partnership has solidified two strategic partnerships to further its vision of developing a low carbon-intensity fertilizer production facility.
Peter Dawe, Chief Growth & Strategy Officer of McCain Foods, delivering his address at the Digital Innovation Summit.
Junio 11, 2024

UNB’s McKenna Institute announces investment in digital agriculture led by potato processor McCain Foods

The McKenna Institute at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) announced a CAD 3.75 million (USD 2.7 million) investment from a partnership led by potato processor McCain Foods that will revolutionize digital agriculture, progress regenerative farming practices and minimize the impact of climate change on farmland.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Un cactus saguaro se ve durante una ola de calor de 27 días con temperaturas superiores a 110 grados Fahrenheit (43 grados Celsius) en el Desert Botanical Garden en Phoenix, Arizona, EE. UU., el 26 de julio de 2023. El 26 de julio a las 09:50 (GMT-7), una
Abril 15, 2024

La tierra se encuentra en el medio de una racha de diez meses récord en cuanto a temperatura

El servicio de monitoreo del cambio climático de la Unión Europea anunció el martes que el mundo acaba de experimentar su marzo más cálido registrado, culminando una racha de 10 meses en los que cada mes estableció un nuevo récord de temperatura.
El Indicador Combinado de Sequía
Marzo 18, 2024

Europa: la sequía se hace sentir en el Mediterráneo impactando la producción

Ahora, se anticipa el espectro de una primavera más cálida de lo normal en 2024, según lo predice el informe del Centro Común de Investigación (JRC) "Sequía en la Región Mediterránea - Enero de 2024."
Simplot's Portage la Prairie Plant
Febrero 13, 2024

Simplot Fertilizer and Potato Processing Plants Recognized for Energy Efficiency

A sustainable business. A healthy planet. A responsibility to all. Purposeful actions that benefit our world and the bottom line ensure successful operations at Simplot now and well into the future.
McCain Foods presenta su reporte de sustentabilidad global
Enero 29, 2024

McCain Foods presenta su informe global de sustentabilidad 2023

El progreso que McCain Foods está logrando hacia sus compromisos de sostenibilidad fue anunciado con la publicación del Informe Anual de Sostenibilidad Global de la compañía, que incluye resultados del último año fiscal.
Yulin Hu, left, and Nasim Mia, right, are experimenting with hydrogen production at UPEI using sources such as potatoes, sawdust, and UV light. Yulin Hu, left, and Nasim Mia, right, are experimenting with hydrogen production at UPEI using sources such as
Noviembre 30, 2023

Researchers at UPEI experimenting with making hydrogen from potato peels

Researchers at UPEI are experimenting on food scraps, wood and UV light to produce hydrogen gas.
Renaissance BioScience and Certis Belchim enter partnership for innovative biopesticide development
Noviembre 05, 2023

Renaissance BioScience and Certis Belchim enter partnership for innovative biopesticide development

Renaissance BioScience, a leader in bioengineering microbes for the global agriculture and food industries, has signed a joint development agreement (JDA) with Certis Belchim, a global leader in the development of crop-protecting biocontrol agents that combat agricultural pests.
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Syngenta announces partnership with the Potato Sustainability Alliance to enhance on-farm sustainability reporting for potato growers
Octubre 09, 2023

Syngenta announces partnership with the Potato Sustainability Alliance to enhance on-farm sustainability reporting for potato growers

Syngenta Canada announced a partnership with the Potato Sustainability Alliance (PSA) to bring on-farm sustainability insights on potato production using Syngenta’s Sustainable Outcomes for Agriculture (SOA) standard and Cropwise™ Sustainability mobile application.
McCain the Hot Potato Podcast
Septiembre 26, 2023

McCain Foods has launched a new podcast, the 'Hot Potato', stressing the importance of regenerative agriculture

Potato processor McCain Foods has launched a new podcast, 'Hot Potato'. This inspirational series explains what regenerative agriculture in and why it is important. You learn where the food industry is heading and why a transition to sustainable farming is required to prevent climate change. Collaboration is essential to get this done.
UM will host a new research chair in potato sustainability, which will advance the global potato industry in part through hands-on fieldwork.
Julio 23, 2023

Research Chair Potato Sustainability coming to University of Manitoba (UM) thanks to 19 industry partners

The potato is one of the most important food crops in the world, a staple in meals for more than a billion people worldwide, and University of Manitoba (UM) is leading the way globally in the future of potato production and processing.
Together, we can bring back anything.
Julio 16, 2023

McCain Foods brings back fan favourite TV character Barb to talk about sustainability on National French Fry Day.

Every year, the earth loses 12 million hectares of farmable land due to erosion. That’s roughly one soccer field every few seconds. Erosion ruins farmable soil, and a lack of farmable soil means that the future of potatoes, and fries, are at stake.
The patchwork quilt of farm fields near Breadalbane on Prince Edward Island
Mayo 22, 2023

PEI Potato Board: Acreage of cover crops before potatoes has doubled

New numbers from the P.E.I. Potato Board show that on Prince Edward Island the acreage of cover crops grown before potatoes has doubled.
AgriShield becomes the first risk management platform in North America to receive top marks from the International Farm Sustainability Assessment
Abril 06, 2023

AgriShield risk management platform receives top marks, meets Gold International Farm Sustainability Assessment standards

AgriShield®, a comprehensive risk assessment and planning tool created by Farm Management Canada, is the first and only Canadian risk management platform that meets the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) standards at the highest level – GOLD.


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