Investigación y Desarrollo

US Potato Board team visits Egypt
Mayo 08, 2012

US Potato Board team visits Egypt

The United States Potato Board (USPB) led a trade mission of US seed potato growers and shippers to Egypt the first week of April.
NRA SHow 2012
Mayo 05, 2012

Chicago mayor opens NRA Show

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel officially opened the National Restaurant Association, Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show this morning. Emmanuel shared ribbon-cutting duties with NRA Chairman Rosalyn "Roz' Mallet (PhaseNext Hospitality) before touring the ...
 National University Colombia
Mayo 01, 2012

Tratamiento de males cardiacos con cáscara de papa

Reducir la hipertensión arterial y la agregación de plaquetas, a través de la corteza del tubérculo, es un hecho comprobado gracias a un estudio de la ciencia farmacéutica.
 Colorado potato beetle
Abril 30, 2012

Researchers barcode Colorado potato beetle for enhanced tracking and control

Barcodes may bring to mind the sales tags and scanners found in supermarkets and other stores. But U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists are using 'DNA barcodes'to monitor insects that damage crops as diverse as wheat, barley and potatoes, and to make pest management decisions.
Abril 29, 2012

Vietnam's chefs turn out for US potatoes at annual meeting

The United States Potato Board’s (USPB) Vietnam Representatives partnered with the Washington Apple Commission and the US Meat Export Federation at the 2012 Saigon Professional Chef Guild (SPG) Annual Meeting.
Mountain Rose in the White House kitchen garden
Abril 28, 2012

Colorado State University potatoes well represented in White House Garden

You say potato. I say Colorado. When First Lady Michelle Obama and a passel of schoolchildren recently planted vegetables in the White House kitchen garden, three of five potato varieties plunked into the soil were developed by Colorado State University.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Abril 27, 2012

Florida potato grower accused of labor trafficking

A Florida potato grower and its labor contractor have been accused of labor trafficking and taking advantage of drug-addicted workers
Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA.
Abril 26, 2012

Resultados de ensayos agronómicos de nuevas variedades de papa Puyehue-INIA y Patagonia-INIA

En esta primera temporada de evaluación, los mejores rendimientos en la variedad Puyehue-INIA se obtuvieron con una densidad de plantación de 53.000 plantas por hectárea
Abril 25, 2012

NRA Show exhibition space has completely sold out

The 2012 National Restaurant Association Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show has completely sold out its exhbit floor space.
 Planting potatoes
Abril 17, 2012

Will US Growers Plant Too Many Potatoes in 2012?

It looks like 2012 will be a very interesting and possibly quite challenging for fresh market growers in the United States. So what should fresh growers be aware of in 2012?
Abril 16, 2012

Michigan potato growers to vote on continuation Michigan Potato Industry Commission

Michigan potato growers have an opportunity to vote on whether to continue the Michigan Potato Industry Commission in a referendum conducted by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD). The referendum will begin Monday, Apr...
Abril 12, 2012

'Net Positive Attitudes Metric' introduced at 2012 USPB Annual Meeting

A new United States Potato Board (USPB) demand metric was introduced by President and CEO Tim O’Connor at the USPB’s 40th Annual Meeting.
Contenido Patrocinado

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 Heather Moyse promoting PEI potatoes
Abril 04, 2012

Prince Edward Island Potato Board launches marketing campaign with Olympic gold medalist Heather Moyse

In effort to raise awareness of the health benefits of potatoes, showcase recipes and boost consumption of the vegetable, the Prince Edward Island Potato Board launched a marketing campaign anchored around PEI-native and Olympic gold medalist Heather M...
 Idaho potatoes heart check mark
Abril 01, 2012

Idaho Potato Commission renewed Heart Check mark contract

An official with the American Heart Association believes Idaho potato shippers aren't fully tapping the right to use his organization's iconic heart check mark. For a registration fee of $5,000 per variety, the Idaho Potato Commission renewed a 12-mon...
 Potatoes from Idaho
Abril 01, 2012

Idaho Potato Commission launches new website

Hungry for more information on how to perfect your potato dishes? Consider your cravings satisfied with the Idaho Potato Commission’s (IPC) new website Potato 101, an all-you-can-eat buffet of knowledge on America’s Favorite Vegetable. Contents inclu...
Five Potato Varieties planted in White House Kitchen Garden
Marzo 30, 2012

Five Potato Varieties planted in White House Kitchen Garden

First Lady Michelle Obama welcomed children from five schools across the country to join her yesterday for the fourth annual spring planting of the White House Kitchen Garden. During the day, the kids planted five varieties of seed potatoes: Sangre, Pu...
 Native potatoes
Marzo 28, 2012

Investigación para evaluar el impacto de altas temperaturas sobre rendimiento, calidad y propiedades de papas nativas y comerciales

Evaluar el impacto de altas temperaturas sobre el rendimiento, calidad y propiedades saludables de papas nativas y comerciales, es uno de los focos centrales que guia el Fondecyt de iniciacion desarrollado por la
Dra. Carolina Lizana Campos de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la UACh.
United States Potato Board Elects New Leadership
Marzo 25, 2012

United States Potato Board Elects New Leadership

The United States Potato Board (USPB) grower membership elected new leadership during its Annual Meeting held in Colorado Springs, CO, March 15-16. The following sections list the leadership for the coming year. The USPB Executive Committee, front...


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